الموضوع: To a community of people among the Muslims whom Allah loves them and they love Him


..To a community of people among the Muslims whom Allah loves them and they love Him

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Imam Mahdi Nasser Mohammad Al-Yemeni

12 - Dhul Hijjah - 1442 AH
22 - 7 - 2021 AD
10:05 pm
(According to the official time of [Mecca] mother of towns)

..To a community of people among the Muslims whom Allah loves them and they love Him

..Allah’s peace, mercy, His blessings and the Bliss of His goodly-pleasure be upon you, then after this

So whoever believes in Allah the Great, let him believe in the cosmic sign of ratification for Allah’s khalifa Al-Mahdi Nasser Mohammad Al-Yemeni that the sun truly overtook the moon, so the crescent been born before the eclipse and the sun met with while it’s a newly crescent as what happened to crescent of Dhul Hijjah for year 1942 of yours before the pairing and sat down before sunset on Friday which is the night of Saturday; First crescent of the month (Dhul Hijjah), while it is in the state of overtaking, then the sun met with it while it’s a newly crescent. That’s the scientific reason for explaining the outstanding miracle of the ratification sign from Allah to His khalifa in order for you to believe that the sun overtook the moon before the night precedes the daylight.

O community of supporters and the entire Muslims; each of whoever loves Allah, roll up (your sleeves) and spread the explanatory-statement which is by the title
..Whoever alters Allah’s words from its intended places he surely wronged himself

:And make the hashtag as follows

To the Arabic Trend and the international to publicise the full-moon completion of Dhul Hijjah on evening of Friday which is the night of Saturday before its appointed time, a cosmic sign for the humans to who among them pleases to get ahead or remain behind, before the night precedes the daylight.
O our Allah, I delivered the message.. O our Allah, bear witness. So from my conscience-responsibility to the conscience-responsibility of supporters; the witnesses to deliver the True explanatory-statement for the grand Quran to Arabs and non Arabas.

..And peace be upon the messengers, and praise be to Allah Lord of the worlds
.Allah’s khalifa over the worlds; the Imam Mahdi Nasser Mohammad Al-Yemeni

اقتباس: اضغط للقراءة
Last updated: 23-07-2021 07:02 PM

..Reminder, sign of Imam Mahdi; the global full-moon after sunset of Friday this day of ours

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Imam Mahdi Nasser Mohammad Al-Yemeni

13 - Dhul Hijjah - 1442 AH
23 - 07 - 2021 AD
10:45 am
(According to the official time of [Mecca] mother of towns)

..Reminder, sign of Imam Mahdi; the global full-moon after sunset of Friday this day of ours

Allah’s peace, mercy, His blessings and the bliss of His goodly-pleasure be upon you..

O community of the best foremost supporters, and the entire truth seekers among the worlds, preceded that we taught you about the astronomical rules, as for the full-moon with has increments (to complete its glow) I did not chose it for the overtaking of Dhul Hijjah month, in fact I chose the full-moon that will rise a hundred percent full-moon since the beginning of its rise in the entire easts of the human’s populations in spite of their noses altogether (against their arrogance). That is the full-moon after sunset of Friday which is the night of Saturday by the local-time of the entire himan’s populations (each according to their sunset of Friday; night of Saturday). So do not this sign from Allah to pass for the fact it is at the rise of the moon. Because the international fore-beginning of Dhul Hijjah month according to the calculator of overtaking it is on Friday evening which is the night of Saturday. So, do not let the major global overtaking sign to pass, to the fact the entire astronomers among the humans can not and they would never be able to say that the astronomical fore-beginning of Dhul Hijjah month is after sunset of Friday - night of Saturday - in the entire countries of the humans because they know that the central pairing for the end of Dhul Qadah month could have never occurred except at the hour four and seventeen minutes on Saturday dawn by the honored Mecca time. But I am the Imam Mahdi, I know the most sure knowledge that the global fore-beginning of Dhul Hijjah month according to the overtaking it is on Friday evening which is night of Saturday in spite of (the arrogant) noses of the entire noses of humans and the witness is the rise of the hundred percent full-moon after sunset of Friday which is the night of Saturday. As for the astronomical fore-beginning with the entire astronomers is after sunset of Saturday which is the night of Sunday, so that is the full-moon of Dhul Hijjah month with the entire astronomers, surely they are witnesses over this. But the full-moon; sign of the Imam Mahdi Nasser Mohammad Al-Yemeni, it is Friday evening which is night of Saturday. Indeed, the announcement of this event preceded before the event, so do not let this global major sign to pass, and strive against the astronomers among the humans a mighty strive by the full-moon of Friday evening which is night of Saturday, and say to them a brief word to teach you: What is the cause of completion of the full-moon on evening of Friday which night of Saturday?! Indeed, by no means and they could never be able to find a scientific explanation for this cosmic event except one answer as there no one except Allah: It’s a must that crescent of Dhul Hijjah for year 1442 was truly been born before the central pairing for the sun and the moon, so the sun met with it on dawn of Saturday while it’s just a newly crescent without doubt nor suspicion. Surely, Allah’s curse is upon the liars, although, by no means and can never be able to belie the full-moon on Friday evening which is the night of Saturday; the entire astronomers among the humans of the world nor the entire human’s populations the Muslims of them and the disbeliever. So whoever belie this time surely they do not have after it except an exemplary chastisement from Allah and a wide far spread evil, and Allah knows best of what they hide that is the truth from their Lord, so announce the painful chastisement, indeed Allah doe not wrong anyone.

:Verily, deliver this explanatory-statement before the event


and this issued explanatory-statement for reminding on the day of the event to make he who lived by clear argument may live and he who perished by clear argument may parish after that (sign) when Allah pleases, and all matters return to Allah.

O our Allah, verily guide from Your servants whom if they know the truth from their Lord they would follow it. O our Allah, make parish what besides that from Your guilty-criminal servants whom if they know the way of guidance they would not take it for a way to the fact they know it is the truth way to their Lord while they hate the truth. O our Allah, do not leave any of them dwellers on earth, for if You leave them, they will lead Your servants astray, and will not beget any but immoral, ungrateful ones. And purify the earth from them an utmost purification. And make the wicked upon one another and heap it altogether in hellfire. My chest got constricted and patience is exhausted and I entrust my affair to Allah, surely Allah sees (what in the hearts) of the servants. Allah is sufficient to me, there is no God except He, I rely on Him and He is Lord of the enormous Throne.

..And peace be upon the messengers, and praise be to Allah Lord of the worlds
.Khalifa of Allah over the worlds and His servant; the Imam Mahdi Nasser Mohammad Al-Yemeni

اقتباس: اضغط للقراءة
Last updated: 24-07-2021 06:10 AM