الموضوع: O My Beloved Supporters Make Up for this Day of Yours Ramadan 30 and Sufficient is Allaah for us Against the Arrogant Ones


O My Beloved Supporters, Make Up for this Day of Yours, Ramadan 30, and Sufficient is Allaah for us Against the Arrogant Ones

Imam Nasser Mohammed Al-Yamani

02-May-2022 AD
05:24 AM
(According to the official time of Mecca Mother of Towns)

O My Beloved Supporters, Make Up for this Day of Yours, Ramadan 30, and Sufficient is Allaah for us Against the Arrogant Ones

In the name of Allaah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. Prayers of forgiveness and peace be upon all the prophets, messengers, the earlier and later believers and upon the upper assembly till the Day of Judgment

O my beloved righteous forerunner supporters, I have delayed writing this statement so that I would not ruin the happiness of your families with Eid Al-Fitr and for you to celebrate with them and Muslims because it will be hard for you to fast on today, Monday, due to the visits of your families and friends and surely Allaah wants ease for you not hardship

So make up for this day of yours, Monday, Ramadan 30 on another day because you are obliged to not fast today. Pretend that you are going to break your fast because you are on a journey, then make up for this day on another day and perform Eid prayers with your brothers as I do not want to make you establish Eid prayers on another day, and take it easy because there is no sin on you here as indeed Allaah intends ease for you and not hardship

It is permitted to break your fast during the month of Ramadan in case of necessity, so how about the necessity of (Eid) visits paid to you by your families, relatives, and in-laws? So do not ruin their happiness and fast on another day to make it up for today and Allaah shall reward you because the burden of this shall be carried by Muslim scholars and their leaders who made Muslims fast without witnessing the Cresent of Ramadan and broke their fast without witnessing the Cresent of Shawwal. Certainly, all of them knew that after they had completed the 30 days of Ramadan, they did not witness with the naked eye the Crescent of Shawwal on Sunday evening which is the night of Monday (the night of 31 of Ramadan according to fasting on Saturday) while they knew that those who completed the 30 days of Sha'baan were supposed to see the Crescent as simply as they saw the Cresent of Ramadan. Consequently, does it make any sense that they use telescopes and satellites to search for it despite the fact that they did fast for 30 days? But they fasted on Sha'baan and intermingled it with Ramadan

The fasting of those who started on Sunday is correct, but unfortunately despite the fact that they started Ramadan according to the physical sighting of the crescent in the Book of Allaah; their masters and chiefs made them announce the beginning of Al-Eid on the last day of Ramadan despite not witnessing it (Crescent) physically, due to their arrogance. So let them not mock those who announced Eid al-Fitr on Sunday because they are alike in announcing it without physically seeing it and both of them have no true basis, and Eid al-Fitr has celebrations to be performed so no sin is on you but on the arrogant ones

But, I am giving you a ruling to make up for this day of yours, Ramadan 30, on another day, so celebrate Al-Eid with your families, relatives, and friends. Another statement will be issued later for the masters of Muslims and scholars who will bear the burden of the early breaking of the fast of a whole nation despite my hopelessness in the guidance of the arrogant ones among them as indeed Allaah does not guide the arrogant, but I shall write the statement to be free from Allaah's blame after the end of the sign of the sun catching up with the Moon for a time

Have a blessed Eid and may you always be firm in following the truth.

Peace be upon the messengers and all praise is due to Allaah Lord of the worlds

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Your brother, Allaah's caliph Al-Mahdi Nasser Mohammed Al-Yamani
Last updated: 02-05-2022 07:21 PM