الموضوع: I bear witness for Allah the testimony of the certain Truth in the worldly life and in the hereafter that Allahs pleasure upon his servants is the greater bliss than the bliss of His p


I bear witness for Allah the testimony of the certain Truth in the worldly life and in the hereafter that Allah's pleasure upon his servants is the greater bliss than the bliss of His p

Imam Nasser Mohammad Al-Yemeni

20 - 10 - 1435 AH
16 - 08 - 2014 AD
11:08 am

I bear witness for Allah the testimony of the certain Truth in the worldly life and in the hereafter that Allah's pleasure upon his servants is the greater bliss than the bliss of His paradise..

In the name of Allah the All Merciful, the Most Merciful, forgiveness and peace be upon the seal of the prophets and the messengers the trusted illiterate prophet and his pure righteous family and the followers of the Truth til the day of judgement.

I seek refuge in Allah from the anger of Allah by Allah's pleasure upon His servants for the fact of Allah's pleasure upon His servants is the greater bliss than the bliss of His paradise, and not the Imam Mahdi who declared in that Allah's pleasure upon His servants is the greater bliss than the bliss of His paradise; but Allah who declared to you in that, in confirming to the saying of Allah the Most High: {Allah has promised to the believers, men and women, Gardens, wherein flow rivers, to abide therein, and goodly dwellings in Gardens of perpetual abode. And Allah's pleasure is greater, that is the greatest triumph.}Truthful Allah the Great [Al-Tawba] 9:72

But you and people like you disbelieved in Allah's declaration in His decisive Book that Allah's pleasure upon His servants is the greater bliss than the bliss of His paradise despite that this declaration is the most decisive and clearer than the clear decisive verses of the Book, it is then we repeat it, despite your hate for what came in it. And Allah the Most High said: {Allah has promised to the believers, men and women, Gardens, wherein flow rivers, to abide therein, and goodly dwellings in Gardens of perpetual abode. And Allah's pleasure is greater, that is the greatest triumph.}Truthful Allah the Great [Al-Tawba] 9:72

And you came to us as if it is the first time you argue with us, but in new name and you are included from among those who hated the pleasure of Allah so He discredit their deeds, in fact from who Allah said about them: {But how will it be when the angels cause them to die, smiting their faces and their backs?(27) That is because they follow that which displeases Allah and are averse to His pleasure, so He makes their deeds fruitless.(28) Or do those in whose hearts is a disease think that Allah will not bring forth their spite?(29)}Truthful Allah the Great [Mohammad] 47:27

And you are still hindering off the fulfillment of Allah's pleasure in every trick and means for it is the exact opposite goal to the jinn and human's satans' goal and for the fact that the Imam Mahdi Nasser Mohammad and his supportive helpers are thriving day and night to make the people a one nation on the right path to fulfill the pleasure in Allah's Self upon His servants for that is the Greatest Bliss for us, and the servants of the Greatest Bliss know it a certain knowledge and they are upon that of who are witnessing, and they felt it now, and the souls of the people whom Allah loves and they love Him being convinced by it and they are still in the worldly life so they knew that they truly would never accept with the kingdom of their Lord until He is pleased because the pleasure of their Lord's Self is the Greatest Bliss to them, it is then they saw the reality of Allah's declaration in His decisive Book: {Allah has promised to the believers, men and women, Gardens, wherein flow rivers, to abide therein, and goodly dwellings in Gardens of perpetual abode. And greatest of all is Allah’s goodly pleasure. That is the grand achievement..}Truthful Allah the Great [Al-Tawba] 9:72

And for that they would never accept in the kingdom of paradise which its width is the heavens and the earth until their Lord the love of their hear is pleased, isn't it that Allah just made it a proof in themselves that the pleasure of their Lord's Self upon His servants is truly the greater bliss than the bliss of His paradise? And they are upon that of whom are witnessing, and you would never be able to tempt them ever ever ever for the fact of the reality became firmly rooted in their hearts as firmly rooted their belief in Allah the Lord of the worlds, and Allah affirmed their hearts in that.

For what is less than that we do not guarantee your temptation for them, and non be firm with the Imam Mahdi Nasser Mohammad until the fulfillment of the great noble goal except the servants of the Greatest Bliss people whom Allah loves and they love Him the top sincere of humans and the best of creatures, and for what bellow that they are being exposed to your tempting and your hindering off fulfilling Allah's pleasure with every trick and means, and the proof for that is your escaping from the earnest prayer, and if I call you for the earnest prayer you would run away like your companion if you are not him, but surely you are from his party if you were not him.
In any case you do not fear the transformation into pigs perhaps Allah postpone that until He wills to transform who He wills to pigs and a miserable destination, and the most important is that we earnestly pray to Allah and make the curse of Allah upon the wrongdoers so he taste the evil consequences of his conduct every rebellious satan, but I hope from my Lord if the earnest prayer happened that He dose not curse except the satans of the jinn and humans whom they show faith and they hide the disbelief and the cunning to hinder off the fulfillment of the All Merciful's pleasure for they hated Allah's pleasure and Allah will allow nothing except the perfection of His light even though the criminals hated (it) who they followed what that which displeases Allah and hated His pleasure. Whatever the case it would be clarified from your oncoming replies that how much you spite and hate the Imam Mahdi great great hatefulness, and you will die of you rage and you would never get good.

And in-respect to the three questions which you want the decision in it we will answer you upon it so you do not accuse us that we evade answering your questions which many of it is a waist of time and make the Imam Mahdi busy off His global call, but your questions is with importance and for that we will respond to it with the bridling authority of knowledge from the decisive Great Quran and we quote from you statement what follows:

My honorable brother Nasser so as not to prolong upon you and so you do not choose from my words what suites you then you reply to it and leave some of it, I will limit to you three abbreviated questions only and I ask you to answer with the Decisive and not go about in any other topic ....
The first...Allah the Most High said:
They would desire to come forth from the Fire, and they will not come forth from it, and theirs is a lasting chastisement.
reply to this verse and do not go about out of it...
The second...Allah the Most High said:
Till, when drowning overtook him, he said: I believe that there is no god but He in Whom the Children of Israel believe, and I am of those who submit. What! Now! And indeed before (this) you did disobey and thou wast of the mischief-makers!
And on the day when the Hour comes to pass: Make Pharaoh’s people enter the severest chastisement.
pharaoh had regret and was sorrow before he dies and had bear witness that there is no god but Allah at the time of his drowning.. so why Allah had no sorrow upon him when the regret and sorrow fell in pharaoh's self and on top of this his soul was still in this world? With that Allah says: And on the day when the Hour comes to pass: Make Pharaoh’s people enter the severest chastisement.
The third..Allah the Most High said:
It was not but a single cry, and lo! they were still. O sorrow upon the servants! Never does a messenger come to them but they mock him.
If we suppose that Allah he is the grieving, here the sorrow came after the single cry and the death of the mockers and not when they entered the fire then they grieved and regret then Allah grieves upon their grieve and their regret
you do not have except this verse, which its interpretation on the posit of what you say isn't it that?
If we suppose that Allah was sorrow where is the evidence that He will get out the mockers and the disbelievers from the fire?

End of quote

We begin with the bridling reply from the decisive Great Quran upon the first question as follows: {They would desire to come forth from the Fire, and they will not come forth from it, and theirs is a lasting chastisement.}Truthful Allah the Great [Al-Ma-eda] 5:37

Then we say that is Allah's judgement upon them by the eternal abode in hell fire, and they change it by the supplication and imploring to their lord and not associating with Him a thing, so here Allah changes the judgement in application for the Lord's willingness for the fact that Allah has power over all things for He is capable onto getting them out from the fire. In confirming to the saying of Allah the Most High: {On the day when it comes, no soul will speak except by His permission; so (some) of them will be unhappy and (others) happy.(105) Then as for those who are unhappy, they will be in the Fire; for them therein will be sighing and groaning (106) Abiding therein so long as the heavens and the earth endure, except as what your Lord willed. Surely your Lord is Doer of what He intends.(107)}Truthful Allah the Great [Hood] 11:105-107

And in confirming to the saying of Allah the Most High: {And on the day when He will gather them all together: O assembly of jinn, you took away a great part of men. And their friends from among men will say: Our Lord, some of us profited by others and we have reached our appointed term which You did appoint for us. He will say: The Fire is your abode — you shall abide therein, except as Allah please. Surely your Lord is Wise, Knowing.}Truthful Allah the Great [Al-Anam] 6:128

The reason for the exception in changing the judgement of the abode is for the denying the limitation of Allah's capability, His generosity, His mercy, and His response to His servants' supplications, who ever despair from the mercy of his Lord he just wronged himself great wrongful and he will stay in hell fire as long he stay despaired from his Lord's mercy, like the desperation of pharaoh from Allah's mercy and the despair of those who followed him.

We come to the answer for your second question, and we quote from your statement as follows:

The second...Allah the Most High said:
Till, when drowning overtook him, he said: I believe that there is no god but He in Whom the Children of Israel believe, and I am of those who submit. What! Now! And indeed before (this) you did disobey and thou wast of the mischief-makers!
And on the day when the Hour comes to pass: Make Pharaoh’s people enter the severest chastisement.

End of quote

Then we come with the bridling answer with the Truth that it is not benefiting their confession in wronging them selves so they would believe in Allah alone as long it did not accompany that the supplication and the pleading to the Lord wishing His mercy, but pharaoh and his assembly and whoever was upon his likeness were giving up in despair from the mercy of Allah, so look at their desperation from Allah's mercy after the issuance of Allah's judgement for them (being in hell fire) for eternity, and Allah the Most High said: {And they will all come forth to Allah, then the weak will say to those who were proud: We were your followers, can you then avert from us some of Allah's chastisement? They will say: If Allah had guided us, we would have guided you. It is the same to us whether we cry or bear patiently; there is no escape for us.}Truthful Allah the Great [Ibraheem] 14:21

You never can say that Allah is not capable upon getting them out with His mercy if they implore with humility to their Lord and knew that Allah is powerful over every thing and that the mercy of Allah compass all things. In confirming to the saying of Allah the Most High: {Then as for those who are unhappy, they will be in the Fire; for them therein will be sighing and groaning (106) Abiding therein so long as the heavens and the earth endure, except as your Lord please. Surely your Lord is Doer of what He intends.(107)} Truthful Allah the Great [Hood]11:106-107

And in confirming to the saying of Allah the Most High: {And on the day when He will gather them all together: O assembly of jinn, you took away a great part of men. And their friends from among men will say: Our Lord, some of us profited by others and we have reached our appointed term which You did appoint for us. He will say: The Fire is your abode — you shall abide therein, except as Allah please. Surely thy Lord is Wise, Knowing.}Truthful Allah the Great [Al-Anam] 6:128

Then we come to the answer for your third question, and we quote from your statement as follows:

The third..Allah the Most High said:
It was not but a single cry, and lo! they were still. O sorrow upon the servants! Never does a messenger come to them but they mock him.
If we suppose that Allah he is the grieving, here the sorrow came after the single cry and the death of the mockers and not when they entered the fire then they grieved and regret then Allah grieves upon their grieve and their regret
you do not have except this verse, which its interpretation on the posit of what you say isn't it that?
If we suppose that Allah was sorrow where is the evidence that He will get out the mockers and the disbelievers from the fire?

End of quote

It is then we leave the reply upon you directly from Allah the most Merciful of the merciful ones: {Then as for those who are unhappy, they will be in the Fire; for them therein will be sighing and groaning (106) Abiding therein so long as the heavens and the earth endure, except as your Lord please. Surely your Lord is Doer of what He intends.(107)}Truthful Allah the Great [Hood] 11:106-107

Indeed that the Imam Mahdi seeks to define the value of Allah, His true value so never hinder us off that whether you were from human satans who they show faith and conceal disbelief or from the ignorant who did not value their Lord as He should be valued, indeed there are other issues so why the focus on arguing about the basic for the call of the Imam Mahdi Nasser Mohammad? To take his attention away and from his supportive helpers off the call for fulfilling the pleasure of Allah's Self upon His servants. So then how we are upon clear falsehood! But the judgement is for Allah and it is not up to you the matter in a thing who you name yourself (judgement of Allah).

And peace be upon the messengers, and praise be to Allah Lord of the worlds.
Allah's khalifa and His servant the Imam Mahdi Nasser Mohammad Al-Yemeni



اقتباس: اضغط للقراءة
Last updated: 30-09-2015 03:11 PM

More of the bridling knowledge onto the disbelievers' mistaken request to their Lord to return them to the worldly life for the fact is their belief that they would never inter paradise

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Imam Nasser Mohammad Al-Yemeni

21 - 10 - 1435 AH
17 - 08 - 2014 AD
08:59 am

More of the bridling knowledge onto the disbelievers' mistaken request to their Lord to return them to the worldly life for the fact is their belief that they would never inter paradise except by their knowledge and not by their Lord's mercy..

In the name of Allah the All Merciful, the Most Merciful, forgiveness and peace be upon the seal of the prophets and the messengers the trusted illiterate prophet and his pure righteous family and the followers of the Truth til the day of judgement.

O you who names himself (obeyed to Allah's judgement) be of the truthful and respond to Allah's judgement in the Truth, and really I do not say upon Allah except the truth, and previously we wrote a detailed statement about the disbelievers' supplication to their Lord and we proved with a clear proof in all the verses that they ask their Lord to get them out from the fire so He returns them to the world to give them an other chance, so they promised Him that they will never associate with him once again and they will do other than they were doing. and the proof upon this call of theirs you find it in the saying Allah the Most High: {And they will scream therein: Our Lord, take us out! we will do good deeds other than those which we used to do! Did We not give you a life long enough, for him to be mindful who would mind? And there came to you the warner. So taste; because for the iniquitous there is no helper.}Truthful Allah the Great [Fater] 35:37 So look at the reply of Allah upon them by bringing the argument against them with the Truth, and Allah the Most High said: {Did We not give you a life long enough, for him to be mindful who would mind? And there came to you the warner. So taste; because for the iniquitous there is no helper.}

But look at the call of the disbelievers people of Aaraf, they did not call their Lord to return them to the world so he send to them a messenger then they believe him and they follow the Truth from their Lord; But Allah spoke to them by the understanding revelations to the hearts of the disbelievers who died before the messengers being sent to their people, and Allah the Most High said: {And the owners of the Garden call out to the companions of the Fire: We have found that which our Lord promised us to be true; have you, too, found that which your Lord promised to be true? They will say: Yes. Then a crier will cry out among them: The curse of Allah is on the wrongdoers,(44) Who hinder (men) from Allah’s way and seek to make it crooked, and they are disbelievers in the Hereafter.(45) And between them is a veil. And on the Elevated Places are men who know all by their marks. And they call out to the owners of the Garden: Peace be to you! They have not yet entered it, though they hope.(46) And when their eyes are turned towards the companions of the Fire, they say: Our Lord, place us not with the unjust people.(47) And the owners of the Elevated Places call out to men whom they recognize by their marks, saying: Of no avail were to you your amassing and your arrogance.(48) Are these they about whom you swore that Allah would not bestow mercy on them? Enter the Garden; you have no fear, nor shall you grieve.(49)}Truthful Allah the Great [Al-Araf] 7:44-49

Then look first to the call of the disbelievers the people of Aaraf they are the ones who cursed the ones who disbelieved in the messengers of their Lord, and Allah the Most High said: {And the owners of the Garden call out to the companions of the Fire: We have found that which our Lord promised us to be true; have you, too, found that which your Lord promised to be true? They will say: Yes. Then a crier will cry out among them: The curse of Allah is on the wrongdoers,(44) Who hinder (men) from Allah’s way and seek to make it crooked, and they are disbelievers in the Hereafter.(45) And between them is a veil. And on the Elevated Places are men who know all by their marks.}Truthful Allah the Great

Then it is clearing to you that the disbelievers who are between paradise and hell fire are the ones who cursed the ones who disbelieved in the messengers of their Lord, and for that Allah said among them twice, the first time is in the first section of the verse, Allah the Most High said: {And the owners of the Garden call out to the companions of the Fire: We have found that which our Lord promised us to be true; have you, too, found that which your Lord promised to be true? They will say: Yes. Then a crier will cry out among them: The curse of Allah is on the wrongdoers,(44)}Truthful Allah the Great

Then who the ones that cursed the disbelievers by their disbelief? those are the people of Aaraf who they are between paradise and hell fire. And Allah the Most High said: {And between them is a veil. And on the Elevated Places are men who know all by their marks. And they call out to the owners of the Garden: Peace be to you! They have not yet entered it, though they hope.(46) And when their eyes are turned towards the companions of the Fire, they say: Our Lord, place us not with the unjust people.(47) And the owners of the Elevated Places call out to men whom they recognize by their marks, saying: Of no avail were to you your amassing and your arrogance.(48) Are these they about whom you swore that Allah would not bestow mercy on them? Enter the Garden; you have no fear, nor shall you grieve.(49)}Truthful Allah the Great 7:46-49

Look at their call to their Lord asking Him His mercy which he wrote upon Himself and they are certain that there is nothing for them except that Allah covers them with His mercy, so their Lord answered them that Allah does not violate His promise, so look first at their call. And Allah the Most High said: {And between them is a veil. And on the Elevated Places are men who know all by their marks. And they call out to the owners of the Garden: Peace be to you! They have not yet entered it, though they hope.(46) And when their eyes are turned towards the companions of the Fire, they say: Our Lord, place us not with the unjust people.(47)}Truthful Allah the Great 7:46-47

Then look at their belief in Allah's mercy the most Merciful of the merciful ones, and the disbelievers people of the elevated places between hell and paradise, they knew that Allah made the companions of paradise to enter in paradise only by His mercy and not by their knowledge, and for that they said: {Are these they about whom you swore that Allah would not bestow mercy on them? }

It is then, look at Allah's acceptance to their call for they knew that Allah He Who protect us from His fire with His mercy and make us inter His paradise, and for that Allah replied immediately when they mentioned Allah's mercy the most Merciful of the merciful ones. And Allah the Most High said: {Are these they about whom you swore that Allah would not bestow mercy on them? Enter the Garden; you have no fear, nor shall you grieve.(49)}Truthful Allah the Great, look at the saying of Allah to the people of Aaraf: {Enter the Garden; you have no fear, nor shall you grieve.(49)}Truthful Allah the Great

But the disbelievers who the argument was brought against them by sending the messengers (to them) asking from their Lord to return them to the world to do other waht they used to do. And Allah the Most High said: {And therein they cry: Our Lord, take us out! we will do good deeds other than those which we used to do! Did We not give you a life long enough, for him to be mindful who would mind? And there came to you the warner. So taste; because for the iniquitous there is no helper.}Truthful Allah the Great

Look to the reply of Allah upon them by bringing up the argument against them with the Truth. And Allah the Most High said: {Did We not give you a life long enough, for him to be mindful who would mind? And there came to you the warner. So taste; because for the iniquitous there is no helper.}Truthful Allah the Great. It is no longer for them the argument upon their Lord until He answer their call and returns them to do other what they used to do, for they just had messengers sent to them from their Lord and the argument was brought up against them so there is no argument for them in front their Lord after sending the messengers. In confirming to the saying of Allah the Most High: {Messengers, bearers of good news and warners, so that the people may have no plea against Allah after the (coming of) messengers. And Allah is ever Mighty, Wise.}Truthful Allah the Great [Al-Nisa] 4:165, and the argument has been brought against you by the Truth.

So be of the thankful if you were not from the human satans whom they show faith and conceal disbelief and evil planning to hinder off the Reminder, and we strive against you by the decisive Great Quran a great strive, O our Allah I just delivered, O our Allah Be witness

And peace be upon the messengers, and praise be to Allah Lord of the worlds.
Brother of the humans from their mother and father the Awaited Mahdi Nasser Mohammad Al-Yemeni



اقتباس: اضغط للقراءة

Aaraf = An area between heaven and hell for those who no messenger had been sent to them and waiting for a decision in their matter.
Last updated: 30-09-2015 03:13 PM

The reply of the Imam Mahdi Nasser Mohammad Al-Yemeni with the authority of the bridling knowledge from the decisive Great Quran to who wants to remember or wants to be thankful..

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Imam Nasser Mohammad Al-Yemeni

22 - 10 - 1435 AH
18 - 08 - 2014 AD
06:06 am

The reply of the Imam Mahdi Nasser Mohammad Al-Yemeni with the authority of the bridling knowledge from the decisive Great Quran to who wants to remember or wants to be thankful..

In the name of Allah the All Merciful, the Most Merciful, and peace be upon the messengers, and praise be to Allah Lord of the worlds.
I see your declaration matches the declaration of those who do no know that the people of Aaraf are the Muslims who their good deeds equaled with their bad deeds and this deny the turning to Allah in repentance, in the meaning of that the Muslim commits evil and good and the turning to Allah in repentance does not require him and his deed is scaled which of it weighed heaver over the other is likely to have won it, O praise be to Allah! What do you think of who did evil for seventy years and before he dies in one week he turned to Allah with repentance so what he good deeds for one week equals against the evil deeds of seventy years?

O man, by Allah if you did the work of the heaven people for a million year against that before you die by on day you turned above your heels and did the work of the hell people and the ordained death got you while you are doing the work of the hell people you would have entered hell fire after your death, and as that if you did the work of the people of hell a million year and only one day before your death you turned to your Lord in repentance and you do not know that you are going to die on that day then you did what the work of the people of heaven and the ordained death passed you while you are doing with the work of the people of heaven you would have entered heaven, so be of the thankful and do not be of the disbelievers.

And O man, the mixing of the good and evil deeds of it should who does the evil to repent and confess with his guilt turning to his Lord in repentance to forgive him, then Allah forgives for him and accepts his good deeds. Confirming with the word of Allah the Most High: {And others have acknowledged their faults — they mixed a good deed with another that was evil. It may be that Allah will turn to them (mercifully). Surely Allah is Forgiving, Merciful.}Truthful Allah the Great [Al-Tawba] 9:102

And we promise you to bridle you with the Truth bridling for you deny the turning to Allah in repentance in your declaration which is "the people of Aaraf their good deeds equalized with the evil deeds", in fact the repentance cuts off all the sins so be of the grateful and do not be of the disbelieving.

With respect to the people of Aaraf what is your opinion of those who died before that Allah sends messengers to their towns like the father of Mohammad the messenger of Allah forgiveness of Allah and peace be upon him and his father and I salute them the best salutation, is he in hell fire or in heaven? And we will be judged the decisive Great Quran in this case, and Allah the Most High said: {Y.S.,(1) By the Quran, full of wisdom.(2) You are of the messengers.(3) On a straight path.(4) Revelation from the All Mighty, All Merciful.(5) To warn people whose parents were never warned, and therefore, they are unaware.(6)}Truthful Allah the Great [Y.S.] 36:1-6

Look at the declaration of Allah the Most High after the warning before the sending the prophet, Allah the Most High said: {Y.S.,(1) By the Quran, full of wisdom.(2) You are of the messengers.(3) On a straight path.(4) Revelation from the All Mighty, All Merciful.(5) To warn people whose parents were never warned, and therefore, they are unaware.(6)}Truthful Allah the Great. And the question that arise is their fathers before the sending of Mohammad the messenger of Allah -forgiveness of Allah and peace be upon him and his family- and of them his father Abd Allah Bin Abd Al-Muttalib from who died before the sending of Mohammad the messenger of Allah -forgiveness of Allah and peace be upon him and his family- so are they from the chastised? and the answer to you we leave directly from the Lord. Allah the Most High said: {We were not punishing until we send a messenger.}Truthful Allah the Great [Al-Esra] 17:15

Since they are not from the chastised where would their location be after the finalization of the accountability what is between the believers in the messengers of their Lord and the disbelievers who are rejecting off following their Lord's messengers? So where the people who the argument was not brought against them by sending the messengers? Definitely those are the people of Aaraf. But you are arguing in the verses of Allah without knowledge neither guidance and nor in-lighting Book till the supportive helpers hate you, and Allah's hatred is greater. Confirming with the word of Allah the Most High: {They argue against Allah's revelations, without authority came to them. It is greatly hated by Allah and by those who believe.}Truthful Allah the Great [Gafer] 40:35

And peace be upon the messengers, and praise be to Allah Lord of the worlds.
Your brother Imam Mahdi Nasser Mohammad Al-Yemeni


Aaraf = An area between heaven and hell for those who no messenger had been sent to them and waiting for a decision in their matter.


اقتباس: اضغط للقراءة
Last updated: 30-09-2015 03:14 PM