الموضوع: A Response To Some Questioner


A Response To Some Questioner

Imam Mahdi Nasser Mohammed Al-Yamani

09- Rabi' Awwal -1443 AH
15-October-2021 AD
09:16 PM
(According to the official time of Mecca Mother of Towns)

A Response To Some Questioner

The Question:
"May Allah's peace, mercy, and blessings be upon you. Someone asked me about the interpretation of this verse and I have searched this website that perhaps I may find its interpretation by Al-Imam A.S but I did not. May you please help me?"

Then Al-Imam Al-Mahdi Nasser Mohammed Al-Yamani replies to the questioners and says: " Certainly, the true clarification of the Word of Allah the Exalted in the Quran:
{O you who have believed, prescribed for you is legal retribution for those murdered - the free for the free, the slave for the slave, and the female for the female. But whoever overlooks from his brother anything, then there should be a suitable follow-up and payment to him with good conduct. This is an alleviation from your Lord and a mercy. But whoever transgresses after that will have a painful punishment.} (178)

Is that a life for a life in general, whether it was free for a free, a servant for a servant, a female for a female, a free for a servant, or a servant for a free, and this applies to him who has someone who was unjustly killed, but let him not exceed limits in [the matter of] unjustly taking the life of someone other than the murderer; whether he was free or a slave as life is for a life on the condition that the victim was unjustly murdered and not a wrongdoer who forced the murderer to defend himself from being murdered by murdering the victim; whether the murderer is free, slave, female, or male as life is for life in general, and that is the judgment of Allah on the wrongdoing transgressors, and whoever forgives and corrects himself and accepts the diyah (blood money), Allah shall Reward him. And one should not murder the murderer after taking the diyah from his guardian; for instance, the father of the unjustly murdered person takes the diyah , and the murdered one has a little son who later kills the murderer of his father when he grows up after the diyah had been given to his guardian when he was little, as this is a sinful transgression

As a result, Allah's judgment on the transgressing wrongdoers shall be applied to him and for him is painful torment, in line with the Word of Allah the Exalted:
{But if the offender is pardoned by the victim’s guardian, then blood-money should be decided fairly and payment should be made courteously. This is a concession and a mercy from your Lord. But whoever transgresses after that will suffer a painful punishment.(178)} Al-Baqarah-Chapter:2 -Verse: 178

As for wounds, there is legal retribution provided that they are not dangerous or lead to death but just wounds. Allah has made for limbs a diyah that should be handed to the victim's family, and I shall explain it in detail and apply it after the empowerment (of Al-Imam over the worlds) to end man's inequity to his fellow man

Peace be upon the messengers and praise to Allah Lord of the worlds, your brother, Allah's caliph Al-Mahdi Nasser Mohammed Al-Yamani

Translated by: Deena ADEL