المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : English

الصفحات : 1 2 [3] 4

  1. Briefed reply of AlMahdi in manifesting the fact of the Greatest Bliss
  2. The everlasting righteous deeds
  3. Cry sniffling between the hands of your Lord until you weep and turn to Him
  4. Last supplicationprayer after entering the heavenlygarden directly
  5. Interpretation of your vision if the Planet was radiating light and not fire
  6. Beware from satan’s whispers surely there is no prophet after Mohammad prayer of Allah’s forgiveness and peace be upon him and his family
  7. What is the meaning of Zubour
  8. The Awaited Mahdi addresses the Arabs with clear Arabic speaking tongue
  9. Response of the Imam Mahdi to Ali Bin Ali and again for the second time I would never contend with you except with your quadruple name and your true picture
  10. My grandfather Mohammad prayer of Allah’s forgiveness and peace be upon him and his family said me in a True vision
  11. Friday prayer is sunna and it should not be for the sunna to replace the obligatory prayer Our fatwa has preceded that it is in the time of Zuhr early afternoon prayer
  12. Allah did not command us the constant retreat in seclusion in Allah’s houses of worship
  13. Imam Mahdi announces to the Muslims the night of AlQadr for the Month of Ramadan 1433 AH
  14. This is Our record that speaks against you with Truth Surely We wrote what you did
  15. A reply from the Imam Mahdi Nasser Mohammad AlYemeni over the address of the Leader Ali Abdullah Saleh in which he calls for nullification of sectarianism in Yemen and following Allah
  16. Recording the news follow up and an explanatorystatement from the Awaited Mahdi to entire best foremost supporters in various regions
  17. O Imam of guidance what is your say is there Zakat for a loan debt money
  18. Entering the heavenlygarden or hellfire only depends on repentance even if his sins are by the number the particles’ weights of the enormous universe
  19. Testing of Allah to His prophet Ayyub peace be upon him
  20. And he will speak to the people when in the cradle and when of middleage and he will be one of the righteous ones
  21. The answer from the Book to the questioner brother and to those of understandingminds put in mind
  22. And the two seas are not alike the one sweet very sweet pleasant to drink and the other salt bitter
  23. Announcing the fact of the astronomical overtaking for the sun and the moon at the beginning of Shawwal just before sunset of Friday the night of Saturday for this year of yours 1438 AH
  24. The True explanatorystatement for His word the Most High And I shed on you love from Me and that you would be brought up before My eyes
  25. My beloved supporters take your precautions from encountering the ignorant ones
  26. From the hidden secrets of the Book for the initiation of the Universe
  27. An explanatorystatement as a Reminder from Imam Mahdi surely the reminder benefits the believers and praise be to Allah the Most Merciful more so than all who have mercy
  28. The Awaited Mahdi calls Leaders of the Muslim Arabs and non Arab to declare deployment to defend Allah’s House AlAqsa Mosqueand if you incline heavily to earth I announce to you the ch
  29. Allah is He Who raised the heavens without any pillars that you can see
  30. My honorable Imam give us fatwa about the word of Allah the Most High only with rope from Allah and rope from people
  31. Reminding with an explanatorystatement of the call to the readiness for deployment to defend Masjed AlAqsa before the event and that we wrote it upon knowledge from Allah before more
  32. Is it a wonder to the people that We have revealed to a man from among themselves Warn the people and give good news to those who believe
  33. And whoever trusts in Allah He is sufficient for him Or He would afflict them with diseases until they prohibit for themselves what Allah made it lawful
  34. Urgent from the Imam Mahdi to the Palestinian people Be patient steadfast and remain cautiousguarding the frontiers And keep your duty to Allah that you may be successful
  35. To be free from blame before your Lord and that haply they may guard against evil
  36. Cautioning of the announcer of good news and the warner the Awaited Mahdi from fulfilling the interpretation upon the actual reality for the word of Allah the Most High If We please
  37. Mohammad peace be upon him has told the disbelievers about Allah’s garden on the heaven and the earth We will increase knowledge to you from Allah’s Book with Allah’s permission
  38. The response to Ahmed Shaban That’s what always being mentioned openly “Allah is Greater” the voice echoes with it in Allah’s houses of worship
  39. What is the meaning of innovation
  40. O AlNasrani the Christian worship Allah your Lord and Lord of the Messiah Jesus son of Mary and Lord of Mohammad messenger of Allah and Lord of the Awaited Mahdi
  41. Urgent to the fasting ones on the day of Arafat from the best foremost supporters in era of dialogue before appearing
  42. The sun overtook the moon a major overtaking in the crescent of Dhul Hijja for this year of yours 1438 so the crescent is born before eclipse then the sun met with it while it’s just a
  43. Explanatorystatement about the sedition of the global Masonic vanguard of antichrist satan the liar messiah
  44. Here is the secret it is in the aright speech and not in requesting the intercession for the servants between the hands of the worshiped Lord This is a Book that We have revealed
  45. News from Quran the decisive Reminder by the pen of the Awaited Imam Mahdi Nasser Mohammad AlYemeni
  46. Response of the knowledge possessor of the Book to Abu Shuaib Meaning of the word So go about in the Quran
  47. Imam’s answer to our brother Ahmad from the supporters about the most loved deeds to Allah
  48. Imam Nasser Mohammad AlYemeni commands the supporters by not writing the vision from him in small booklets separated from the explanatorystatement and he commands them to ponder over
  49. A team of the drawn near do not enter the heavenlygarden after their death and they do not have interval life nor they feel it
  50. The answer with Truth from the Book about the way of survival from Allah’s chastisement And the reason of survival from chastisement to the people of Allah’s prophet Yunus Jonah
  51. No difference between the name Allah and the the Bliss name
  52. The True explanatorystatement for the word of Allah the Most High And your Lord is the Selfsufficient One the Lord of mercy If He please He may remove you and make whom He plea
  53. Amount of Allah’s right in crops
  54. Response of Imam Mahdi Nasser Mohammad AlYemeni to Omar AlSaadi
  55. Keep your duty to Allah the Severe in punishment and follow the True explanatorystatement for Allah’s Book the grand Quran and those who turn away we announce to them a painful chasti
  56. In fact the rosary is desired and good while it is not an innovation as they claim those who do not know
  57. Response of Imam Mahdi Nasser Mohammad AlYemeni to the two virtuous shiekhs Sadiq AlBaidani and his host Abraham AlWahabi
  58. Fatwa of the Imam Mahdi about day of pilgrimage and pilgrimage is Arafat
  59. Some of the sinceredevoted supporters whose eyes overflow with tears of grief
  60. The short reply of the Awaited Mahdi to the Algerian Yasir
  61. The believers’ survival from planet of chastisement by His mercy due to the word of Allah the Most High it is binding on Us to rescue the believers
  62. Striving is searching for the Truth and keeping away from fatwa without decisive knowledge from Allah’s Book and the True sunna of His messenger
  63. O Amata servant of Allah who gave you fatwa that Ahmadinejad and Hasan Nasrallah are facilitators for the Awaited Mahdi I have no need for their support! O Amata servant of All
  64. And He made you heirs to their land and their dwellings and their property and to a land which you have not yet trodden And Allah is ever Possessor of power over
  65. Which favor other than this they want while Allah has facilitated it much easy
  66. Response of the Imam Mahdi to whom they alter Allah’s words from its places
  67. My honorable Imam give me fatwa about the burden that Allah lifted it off His prophet and it almost weighed down his back
  68. Man of Pakistani says that he is the Imam so what is your response to him
  69. Imam Mahdi reminds the believers with the word of Allah the Most HighQuran is a Book that We have revealed to you abounding in good that they may ponder over its verses and that
  70. The True fulfillment for the vision of Yusuf Joseph man of Truth
  71. Leave the demonstrations and nonsense that do not make any difference
  72. The All Merciful1 Taught the Quran2 He created the man3 Taught him the explanatorystatement4 That is the man whom Allah taught him the explanatorystatement for the Quran
  73. Response to the so called Munkir Leemamatika denying your Imamship You have to acknowledge your mistake by your rushing on the judgement with denial to the Imamship of Nasser
  74. Imam’s answer to the questioner sister Knowledge of the Hour none knows it except Allah
  75. O Lord we beseech Your mercy
  76. Whoever loves from Allah to forgive his sins let him forgive His servants now to the True explanatorystatement for the verses of the Book a remembrance to possessors of understanding
  77. No — O Emran the Kaaba has a Lord protecting it
  78. A basicrule in the grand Quran with Truth gives fatwa that for each action there is a doer
  79. One of the greatest hospitality is to honor guests you do not know them so you would feed them before you ask them who are they to the fact honoring them is for Allah’s pleasure
  80. Response of the Imam Mahdi from the decisive Book to the atheists disbelievers in Allahs existence
  81. My explanatorystatement even if it is long surely there is in it a far reaching wisdom and the matter is not easy To AlRajul Almomin from the honored truthful ones
  82. Allah commanded you in pondering and reflecting in the argument of the caller to you Response with the just word to the arguing Amatullah
  83. Slowly my beloved supporters surely suspicion in some cases is sin so do not think of each other except good
  84. Is there after the Truth except misguidance I give you fatwa about the secret of awe and escape of whoever among you took a look at them while he did not compass knowledge about t
  85. Reply of Imam Mahdi the Hashemite Qarshi
  86. Every share of drinkingwater shall be Muhtadhar to others
  87. Fatwa about the knot of tongue of Moses prophet of Allah prayer of forgiveness and peace be upon him
  88. Imam Mahdi begins the dialogue with who he called himself Kalemat Haq
  89. Admonishment to our supporters in Yemen in particular to not seduce the supporters in various regions with what we did not issue fatwa with Truth
  90. Allah’s words are Allah’s powers
  91. From the Imam Mahdi to the royal highness the prince king Mohammed son of Salman son of Abd AlAziz family of Saud
  92. O you the questioner about the straight path it is the equitable path not crooked and it is the True path
  93. Allah’s mercy be upon the dead Muslims as well we hope from Allah to have mercy for the regretting dead disbelievers after they tasted the painful chastisement
  94. To the member Muwahid and the honorable guests and everyone who has a heart
  95. Response of Imam Mahdi to AlArhabi
  96. Yusuf Abu AlNoor is considered of the Best foremost supporters
  97. Allah cursed who kills the Muslims with the excuse of his Islam and Allah brought down the wrath upon him and Allahs curse be upon who kills a disbeliever with the excuse of his disb
  98. Cautioning of the Imam Mahdi to Aflatoon who calls for sectarianism in religion and splitting the believers
  99. O you who believe if you keep your duty to Allah He will grant you a distinction
  100. Reminding in Allahs command to the leader Ali Abdullah Saleh thus AlSayed Abd AlMalik AlHouthi and the entire doctrinal parties in the entire Arabian countries
  101. Imam Mahdi’s response to Abu Saleh AlMadani who insulted me unjustly
  102. How often we advised who postpone their pledge of allegiance till handing over the leadership from Ali Abdullah Saleh and they discarded behind their backs the authority of knowledge of
  103. Do placing perfume on clothing invalidates the prayer
  104. Allah’s khalifa and His servant Nasser Mohammad AlYemeni declares AlQuds the ever capital of the Muslims
  105. Reply of Imam Mahdi Nasser Mohammad AlYemeni about the vision of the Supporter Ali Hasan AlDaboush that he sent it in privet
  106. Imam Mahdi increase us definition about the explanatorystatement of the holy verse Surely it is one of the major signs35 A warning to mortals36 To him among you who will go
  107. The Awaited Imam Mahdi brings to you the news from the decisive Reminder from the Book of the Knower of the unseen
  108. More explanatorystatement of the holy verse And indeed He — exalted most High Jeddu of our Lord! — has not taken a femalemate nor a son
  109. Declaration by the announcement of chastisement from the decisive Book to the most evil of creatures Donald Trump and whoever is according to his ilk and indeed Allah encompasses the d
  110. The honorable Imam reminds the supporters with their noblest goal which is "Guiding the whole nation" until Allah is pleased in HimSelf
  111. Deliverer of good news and warner from grievous misfortune from Allah the One the Supreme against who refused and got arrogant about the call to resort for judgement to the Reminder t
  112. The wicked scheme that is most dangerous than smiting the Muslims’ necks with the sharpedge of the sword! A call from the Awaited Mahdi the supporter Nasser Mohammad AlYemeni
  113. Blessed Friday to us and you my beloved supporters and to all Muslims
  114. May Allah bless you — O Mushabib who debates the people with the decisive Book
  115. Why Allah’s prophet Jacob said I will ask forgiveness and did not supplicate then immediately
  116. AlBayyinah is only The witnesses who witnessed the writing of the document and they were witnesses over it verily they are AlBayyinah
  117. Advice to the entire Truth seekers among the worlds and entire confused hesitant Muslims that they should reflect then decide about themselves and I hope from Allah that their act
  118. They forbade not one another the hateful things they did Evil indeed was what they did
  119. More of the True explanatorystatement to verses in the grand Quran
  120. Allah informed you about width line of the heavenlygarden
  121. Only satan can not appear in the righteous vision resembling the messenger prayer of forgiveness and peace be upon him and it concerns its owner and legitimate judgement should not b
  122. Imam Mahdi announces to the entire parties who turn away from Allah’s Book about the chastisement of rain without clouds it comes to them from the North West
  123. My honorable sister in Allah’s pleasure in regard to the supplication verily do not set a mediator between you and your Lord And your Lord says supplicate to Me I will answer
  124. I do not answer except for a question that the least people of comprehending understand it Allah is sufficient for me and an Excellent Guardian
  125. An explanatorystatement in regard to the soul and Allah’s words Be and it is
  126. What is the meaning of Allahs name AlSamad
  127. Reply to Yusuf Most people do not know that satans of mankind and jinn are the mischief makers and behind many of the terrorist bombings
  128. Reminder and admonishment from the Awaited Mahdi to leaders of the Muslims the Arab of them and foreign and entire leaders of humans
  129. This is a reminder and admonishment for the dutiful of whom they got certain in the clear authority of knowledge verily pride would never carry them off to sin
  130. Imams reply to the member Aber But Allah made for each prophet enemy of satans jinn and mankind they misguide them after that by falsification against Allah and His messengers from f
  131. Way of thanking Allah for sending AlMahdi peace be upon him is that you say as the what followers of the illiterate prophet said And they say We hear and obey our Lord Your forg
  132. So when the prayer is ended disperse abroad in the land and seek of Allah’s grace and remember Allah much that you may be successfulTruthful Allah the Great
  133. Bequest of Imam Mahdi to the best foremost supporters in era of dialogue before appearing the callers to Allah upon most sure knowledge from their Lord
  134. Such as are niggardly and enjoin niggardliness on people And whoever turns back then surely Allah is the SelfSufficient the PraisedTruthful Allah the Great
  135. Can you bear patience with me to be from the brought near servants of the All Merciful Imam Mahdis statement about the general pardon amnesty
  136. Most of them hate the Truth and deny it
  137. Reason of Shiites’ lack of wrapping around me and believing in me
  138. The reply to Habeeb AlHabeeb From among signs of ratification about the sincerity of Nasser Mohammad AlYemeni in the horizons is that the sighting of the moon happens
  139. Thus the martyrs Allah increased them abundantly in the physicalbody as honoring to their bodies
  140. Verily know the sure knowledge that they did not come from any other planet
  141. O community of humans would the moon’s disk be less on the night of middle of the month as you see it now in this night of yours don’t you guard against evil
  142. Inquiry about holy verse And whatever good they do they will not be denied it
  143. Ask your mind it will give you fatwa and you will find it denies that so don’t follow the forgers!
  144. Imam’s reply to the so called AlHaqiqa Allah sent His servant and His khalifa the Imam Mahdi Nasser Mohammad AlYemeni to unite your separation and get you out of alleyways of loss
  145. The great news O people your world has ended and your hereafter came and your reckoning drew near while you turn away
  146. The apparent explanatorystatement and the inner knowledge in verses of the holy Quran
  147. The fastest replenishment for blood is the fresh ripe dates
  148. And of His signs is this that He created mates for you from yourselvesTruthful Allah the Great
  149. I see that you want to say Since the name Nasser came in chapter Mohammad
  150. O my honorable brother do you think the Imam Mahdi a Quranic Allah save us
  151. Has not time yet come for you that your hearts humble to the True call from your Lord
  152. Fatwas of Imam Mahdi about people whom Allah loves them and they love Him
  153. Authority of knowledge for the caller is not in the image and the ringtone of the voice in fact in the knowledge and the nullifying argument that it is from the authority of knowledge
  154. Allah’s prophet Lût prayer of forgiveness and peace be upon him to ransom his daughters for his guests
  155. Explanatorystatement of the Imam Mahdi about the True narration Whoever said I do not know he just gave fatwa
  156. May Allah be pleased with you O Mahmoud the man of Truth and that he is pleased with you and to increase you with His love His nearness and the Bliss of the goodlypleasure of HimSelf
  157. Announcement of a major surprise to the entire humans to him among you who will go forward or will remain behind and the command belongs to Allah the One the Supreme
  158. Reply of Imam Mahdi Nasser Mohammad AlYemeni to brother Abduh If you followed Imam Nasser Mohammad AlYemeni surely you did not follow him except because it cleared to you that he c
  159. Imam’s reply to “Abdul Mumin” the blind about the clear proof
  160. Apology from the Awaited Mahdi to the entire supporters and visitors of the dialogue table
  161. The sun will overtake the moon greater and yet greater in the crescent of Ramadan for this year 1439 of you yours as a fulfillment to a condition from the major conditions of the Hour
  162. To the respected AlNafs AlZakiyya who pledge allegiance AlFurqan is AlQuran
  163. Look at the True way for uncovering the inserted narrations which its not from Allah nor His Messenger
  164. O Huzaifa neither from these nor from those!
  165. Did the messenger Mohammad peace be upon him mention the name of the Awaited Mahdi
  166. The Imam Mahdi Nasser Mohammad AlYemeni warns who violate Allah’s command and His messenger from Allah’s wrath His abhor and His chastisement
  167. Reminder from the decisive Reminder to the decision makers of the Muslims
  168. Imam Mahdi announces the legitimate forebeginning of fasting for this year of yours 1439 based on the legal determination of Ramadan’s crescent
  169. Urgent Caution and warning to the entire humans
  170. Sign of the Awaited Mahdi is that the sun overtakes the moon — O followers of the Reminder
  171. O our Allah I beg You by the fact of Your most beautiful names and Your Exalted attributes to have mercy for Chávez President of Venezuela
  172. Imam Mahdi’s response to Weld Ali to keep his duty to Allah the Exalted the Wise so he would not speak against Allah what he does not know
  173. To all Twitter visitors from all humans to you this urgent news
  174. The Awaited Mahdi announces the complete fullmoon for month of Shawwal 1439
  175. Announcement of the explanatorystatement hashtag of the expanding moon night of month Shawwal 1439
  176. Indeed the Awaited Imam mahdi is Nasser Mohammad AlYemeni You have to uter with it at the ratification and the pledge of allegiance only and do not include it into Adhan and Iq
  177. The Awaited Yamani O community of humans the sun met with the moon
  178. From the Awaited Mahdi Nasser Mohammad AlYemeni to the entire supporters in various regions in rural areas and the urban
  179. Warning to all supporters in various regions to not say what I did not say it in regard of the crescents of the major overtaking and I call the humans to bear witness against who violat
  180. A reminder of the Imam Mahdi to his supporters by following the Truth wherever it is
  181. Hashtag of the complete fullmoon through the twitter about the complete fullmoon for month Dhul Qada for your year 1439
  182. This explanatorystatement been sent from the phone of the Awaited Imam Mahdi Nasser Mohammad AlYemeni to the phone of the supporter Alaaddin Noorddin in its date and the time of it
  183. A superb wisdom Reply to Abdul Aziz Zulat Wisdom of the believer from pharaoh’s family
  184. An exclusive and general explanatorystatement yet very important to each of whom is from Allah’s True supporters wholeheartedly inside and out and to every Truth seeker among the worl
  185. Explanatorystatement of Imam Nasser Mohammad AlYemeni to all satellite channels
  186. Purpose of the Imam Nasser Mohammad AlYemeni of his call
  187. Blessedgreeting to all supporters among the worlds and to the entire people of the dutiful Muslims and an announcement to their leaders and their scholars who turn away altogether
  188. Allah swore by the fullmoon that cleared to you its completion Truth came under the light and the fullmoon got complete on the blessed night of Friday
  189. Warning to the entire believers in Allah then they cover their belief with wrongdoing of association with Allah indeed polytheism is a grievous injustice
  190. Imam’s hashtag for the complete fullmoon for the last month Muharram for this year 1439
  191. Imam Mahdis reply to Abdullah who is searching for the Truth in a private message yet the Truth is most entitled to be followed surely we do not have secrets in manifesting the Truth
  192. Imam Mahdi response to owner of the media war Sultan Ahmed AlQudsi in AlShariyyah channel
  193. Imam’s replies to member Natadares Kitaballah Many of your scholars are only gone astray from the Truth due to the blind following
  194. The Awaited Hashimit Yemeni announces the day of victory and appearing on the day of the greater pilgrimage
  195. A reminder by a short explanatorystatement for those who possess eyes to see in various regions
  196. Important and general explanatorystatement to the Muslims and the worlds altogether and only an exhortation for whom they think with their minds so they would favor thinkingmind over
  197. Allah’s khalifa the Imam Mahdi Nasser Mohammad AlYemeni takes a decision of war against satan Donald Trump enemy of Allah
  198. Woe to Donald Trump and his allies from the evil asteroid of chastisement and woe to who turn away from the Book of the non Arabs and Arabs
  199. But no by your Lord! they would not believe until they make you a judge of what is in dispute between them then find not any straitness in their hearts as to that which you decide an
  200. Reminder to the Muslims and the supporters of them among various regions and the people altogether
  201. Awaited Mahdi Nasser Mohammad AlYemeni bears witness that AlMuhandis Maher is truthful in his private dialogue with his Imam
  202. Command of Imam Mahdi to every supporter to write date of the explanatorystatement when they copy a thing of it so they do not perish the miracle of the explanatorystatement been wr
  203. Maria you are not belying Nasser Mohammad AlYamani but you are belying Allahs signs
  204. Explanatorystatement of reassurance to the entire supporters among the worlds
  205. Very important explanatorystatement from the Awaited Mahdi to the entire Muftis in all Islamic countries equally the Arab and foreign
  206. The cursed tree in the Quran
  207. Explanatorystatement of the Imam Mahdi Nasser Mohammad AlYemeni about the first resurrection to whom Allah pleases of the disbelievers so do not let the liar messiah to seduce you O
  208. May Allah gladne you O the honored Ibn Masoud who’s steadfast on the straight path
  209. Ponder over the explanatorystatement after statement to increase you with certainty and guidance and strengthens your heart’s light and your insight Do not forsake the explanatorysta
  210. The wicked aim from behind abolishment of doctrine of nullifying seeing Allah it is only for the liar messiah to seduce you who would be speaking to you openly while you see him
  211. More of the explanatorystatement about AlNaskh copying in the Quran and about the joy of the eyes
  212. Response of Imam Mahdi to this accursedoutcast satan who hinders against the straight path
  213. O community of supporters and all Muslims May each year that you are righteous and steadfast upon the Truth
  214. Announcing what was the purpose of Imam Mahdi Nasser Mohammad AlYemeni of AlSabeen banquet at last Ramadan for the year 1440 AH
  215. To every believer in Allah who believes that he is of Allah’s supporters and Mohammad His servant and His messenger
  216. Proclamation of an announcement by Allah’s command
  217. Imam’s answer to Omar Farooq’s questions
  218. Do you want what we began with it to repeat it again while we have wrote is since a long time ago And I announce to you a severe punishment from Allah and reminde with the Quran he w
  219. Reply of Imam Mahdi to my honorable brother Ahmed AlSudani
  220. Warning to every Muslim to not follow fatwa of the atheists by naming Allah’s chastisement with natural disasters and I announce successive signs of chastisement to Muslims and disbeli
  221. This is the call march of Imam Mahdi Nasser Mohammad — O community of decision makers and Muftis of the hometowns in all regions who are fighting enter into peace fully in obedience to
  222. Further explanatorystatement for cautiousness from flood misfortunes from signs of deluge chastisement in the decisive Quran Every day He is in a task
  223. Important and general announcement about the solution to stop the abnormal climate disasters
  224. Identifying positions of the major stars in space
  225. A clarification from the clear verses of the Quran that the aims of Satan and the Imam Mahdi are entirely contradictory
  226. Imam Nasser Mohammad AlYemeni demands in his name and the name of every Yemeni Muslim
  227. Imam Mahdi welcomes Mr Shams AlDeen Sharaf AlDeen and he invites him to knock the argument with the authority of knowledge from the decisive grand Quran and the True prophetic sunn
  228. Whoever loves Allah let him follow Allah’s prophets and competes with them for Allah’s love and His nearness
  229. You could never make me back down after taking my decision — O mediaannouncer Sultan Ahmed AlQudsi who wants fame indeed notorious fame is your fame
  230. Final reminder by Allah’s command the One the Supreme to entire decision makers leaders of Muslim countries
  231. Corona virus explanatorystatements series and its hidden secret
  232. Advice of the Imam Mahdi to whomever seeks the truth
  233. Further Ruling Fatwa About the Complete Ablution
  234. Fatwa from Allah forbidding the fast of month of Ramadan until you witness the sighting of crescent of month of Ramadan
  235. Important and general to all supporters in various regions of humans’ countries
  236. Really! Is it became a fashion to have the crescent of Ramadan photographed with daytime CCD camera!
  237. A Final Reminder to All Humans that the Sun has Caught up With the Moon so that those who perish would perish upon evidence and those who live would live upon evidence
  238. PART 2 Hollow earth More Details About The Hollow Earth And Its Worlds
  239. The Truth came under light surely there is no escape to make he who would perish might perish by clear argument and he who would remain alive might live by clear argument
  240. He caused you to inherit their land and their homes and their riches and a land on which you have never set foot before
  241. The Approaching Star ALNEJM IZA HAWA
  242. A Brief Statement About The Insolent False Messiah The Antichrist
  243. Important general answer to all inquisitors and grand admonishes for the worlds
  244. An important explanatorystatement to those who understand among the worlds
  245. O our Allah I have delivered the message that the sun overtook the moon so the crescent is born before the eclipse and the sun met with it while it’s a newly crescent
  246. Flee from Allah to Him if you indeed believe that Allah is truly the Most Merciful more so than all the merciful ones
  247. Judgement for committing indecency of homosexuality among males and judgement about lesbianism between females
  248. O community of non Arabs and the Arabs distress will intensify because of the Lord’s wrath against those who turn away from the Book
  249. The lingual explanatorystatement for the word Rijz in the manifested Arabic Quran
  250. Hoping that each year you are well and steadfast upon the Truth till judgement day