المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : There is no prayer duty for the menstruating and those who just gave birth for the absence of one basic reason for purity which is the impurity of menstruation blood

24-03-2014, 10:51 PM
- 43 -

Imam Nasser Mohammad Al-Yemeni

15 - 05 - 1435 AH
16 - 03 - 2014 AD
05:22 am

There is no prayer duty for the menstruating and those who just gave birth for the absence of one basic reason .for purity which is the impurity of menstruation blood.

And fasting is postponed because of waving the prayer (duty)..

In the name of Allah the All Merciful, the Most Merciful, forgiveness and peace be upon all prophets and messengers from the first one to the seal of them Mohammad messenger of Allah, and upon their families and those who followed them with righteousness in every
time and place till the day they are resurrected.

I surely do not find in the Book of Allah that the menstruating does prayer, for she is not purified from blood. And purification is one of the bases for ablution. For this her obligatory prayers are dropped, also the voluntary prayers, as well is the one who gave birth. However Allah commanded them to mention Allah numerously so the tongue of the menstruating and the one just gave birth stay moist with Allah's remembrance during the menstruation. Indeed Allah did not prevent the menstruating and who just gave birth from His remembrance during the days of menstruation; in fact a frequent mentioning of Allah.

For example Mary forgiveness and peace be upon her, surely on the day when she gave birth she was speechless with people and exchanged that with glorification to her Lord, so her tongue stayed moist with the mentioning of Allah.

Also she can read the Quran but the prayers are lifted for the reason she can not be purified from the impurity of blood, and purification is one of the bases for ablution. Therefor Allah did not command her to fast for the fact that her body needs nutrition due to the loss of the menstruation blood, as well there no fasting when no prayers, except she makes up fasting but not the prayers, because the prayers are not required to be redone on other days like fasting. And if Allah permitted the days of prayers to be made up on other days, then the Mosques would be vacant from worshipers and people would have easiness over their prayers, then the individual would be inclined to promise his lord of making up his prayers until death overtake him.

Anyway we are here affirming the validity of the fatwa of the scholars that there is no prayers and fasting for the the menstruating and the one who just gave birth and that she can make up fasting but not prayers.

And I do not find that a violation to the decisive-law of Allah's Book, for the fact the blood is of the impurities and they can not be purified due to the absence of one basic of the essential bases of ablution which is purification. Therefore, for them, it was lifted the obligatory prayers in exchange of the numerous mentioning of Allah during the days of menstruation as much as they can as did Mary forgiveness and peace be upon her when she gave birth of the messenger of Allah (Essa) Jesus son of Mary forgiveness and peace be upon them:
{Surely I have vowed a fast to the All Merciful, so I will not speak to any man today.}26 Mariam Allah the Great is Most truthful

And we device from this that never abandon the mentioning of Allah and reading the Quran during the menstruation period and birth (time).

And peace be upon the messengers, and praise be to Allah Lord of the worlds.
Your brother Imam Mahdi Nasser Mohammad Al-Yemeni


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