مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : The True fatwa from the possessor the knowledge of the Book about the praying what to say when raising from the bowing in prayer
28-05-2014, 01:24 PM
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Imam Nasser Mohammad Al-Yemeni
29 - 07 - 1435 AH
28 - 05 - 2014 AD
04:00 am
..The True fatwa from the possessor the knowledge of the Book about the praying what to say when raising from the bowing in prayer
In the name of Allah the All Merciful, the Most Merciful, Forgiveness and peace be upon all the prophets of Allah and His messengers from the first one of them to the last end of them Mohammad the messenger of Allah, Oh you how believe ask forgiveness for them and salute a goodly salutation, after this..
O you who is asking about the praying what to say when raising from the bowing; he should say: Allah is Great, then erecting himself standing then say what Allah have command us to say: {{{{{{{{And say: Praise be to Allah! Who has not taken to Himself a son, and Who do not have a partner in the kingship, and Who do not have a helper because of weakness; and proclaim His greatness, magnifying (Him).(111)}}}}}}}}}
Then magnifying saying (Allah is Great) and fall kneeling to prostrate, And peace be upon the messengers, and praise be to the Lord of the worlds..
And you derive the praising from the saying of Allah the Most High: {Say: Call on Allah or call on the All Merciful. By whatever (name) you call on Him, He has the best names. And not utter your prayer loudly nor be silent in it, and seek a way between these.(110) And say: Praise be to Allah! Who has not taken to Himself a son, and Who do not have a partner in the kingship, and Who do not have a helper because of weakness; and proclaim His greatness, magnifying (Him).(111)} Truthful Allah the Great [Al-Isra]
Your brother Imam Mahdi Nasser Mohammad Al-Yemeni
اقتباس المشاركة: : https://mahdialumma.xyz/showthread.php?p=144936
31-05-2014, 06:14 AM
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Imam Nasser Mohammad Al-Yemeni
01 - 08 - 1435 AH
30 - 05 - 2014 AD
04:17 am
Notice with extreme importance:
So never had made the cancellation of (Allah listen to who praise Him) for it is specifically said by the Imam of the worshipers; he would say at rising after the bowing: Allah listen to who praise Him, and only the worshipers behind the Imam then they say: {..Praise be to Allah! Who has not taken to Himself a son, and Who do not have a partner in the kingship, and Who do not have a helper because of weakness; and proclaim His greatness, magnifying (Him).}, and they say that right after the rising's (Takbeer) proclaim His greatness at being upright. And as that the Imam say at being upright: {..Praise be to Allah! Who has not taken to Himself a son, and Who do not have a partner in the kingship, and Who do not have a helper because of weakness; and proclaim His greatness, magnifying (Him)} and then he would proclaim His greatness as he fall to kneel for the prostration.
And what is being said in the congregation behind the Imam must be in between uttering loud or silent except the Imam's voice must be aloud to alert the worshipers at the kneeling and rising and at the prostration. and I mean loudly in order the worshipers behind him can hear him as in (Takabeerat) magnifying Allah and as in reading the Quran except (Al-Fatiha) The Opening of the Book so the Imam recites it in between uttering loud and silent, and that is to facilitate for the worshipers behind him to read the Opening of the Book in between uttering loud and silent, in confirming with the say of Mohammad the messenger of Allah forgiveness and peace be upon him and his family: [No prayer to whom did not recite the Opening of the Book] Truthful, forgiveness and peace be upon him.
But the one who joined with the worshipers at the kneeling and prostration then missed the Opening of the Book so kneel with the kneeling as a voluntary one to his Lord, and that kneeling and prostration should not be accounted for as in the obligatory prayer; only to complete his prayer after the salutation of the Imam then he stands to finish what he missed; which is to complete the unite (rukaah) the one that he missed in it the Opening of the Book.
And O my beloved in the way of Allah did we not say that it is a must to postpone the details of the prayers statement so the supportive helpers of the Imam Mahdi Nasser Mohammad Al-Yemeni would not be obliged to build to them selves a mosque so then they become a new group? Did we not say pray as the folks of the Sunna and Jamaah pray? Except when you pray solely there is no blame upon you if you comply what we have taught you. But I bear witness that the reward is much greater when you pray with the congregation as they pray to preserve the unity of the Muslims and devoid the appearance of new group among the Muslims so you will not be from those who split up their religion and become sects, and each party happy of what they have got. So remember the saying of Allah the Most High: {As for those who split up their religion and became sects, you are not of them in any thing} Truthful Allah the Great [Al-Anam:159] so surely as a must to keep the unity of the Muslim's group.
Don't you know that the Imam Mahdi puts his hands to his chest like those who put their hands to their chest in their prayers and puts his arms down by his side like those who put their arms down by their side in their prayers? And I add to the number of (rakaat) the obligatory units, and Allah record for me, my exceeding units as voluntary, with Him, And increase me a greater reward than if I prayed alone as I explained it, because the guarding over the unity of the Muslim's group is the most important with Allah if you were to know. Therefore to be divided leads the Muslims to failure and their strength depart then the religion of Islam disappears down to the bone, so pray with the congregation as they pray whenever you pray in congregation. The most important thing that the prayer to have absolutely absence of Housain's soil and the association with Allah so Allah would accept you prayer, so for sure it should be without the association with Allah and from doing good to be seen and from pressing on the forehead purposely to make appear (amda) the dark spot with the purpose to be said (from the frequent prostration)! So he would associating with Allah.
I issue a fatwa by the Truth and the Truth that I say with Allah’s permission: Indeed who pressure on his forehead deliberately for the purpose to show (Amda) the dark discoloration on the forehead surely he enters in the range of the hidden polytheism while does not know the he entered in polytheism of hypocrisy, except whom the (Amda) the dark discoloration on the forehead appeared on their forehead without deliberation from them surely their Lord is All Knowing in them and Allah accepts their prayers, O our Allah I just delivered the message, O our Allah bear witness.
And peace be upon the messengers, and praise be to Allah Lord of the worlds.
Your brother Imam Mahdi Nasser Mohammad Al-Yemeni
اقتباس المشاركة: : https://mahdialumma.xyz/showthread.php?p=145173
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