المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : The sun overtook the moon in the forebeginning of DhulQaada 1435 and we left the judgement for the onlooker for may they are assure

29-09-2014, 10:37 PM
Imam Nasser Mohammad Al-Yemeni

17 - 11 - 1435 AH
12 - 09 - 2014 AD
04:26 am

The sun overtook the moon in the fore-beginning of Dhul-Qaada 1435, and we left the judgement for the onlooker for may they are assure..

In the name of Allah the All Merciful, the Most Merciful, forgiveness and peace be upon all the prophets of Allah and His messengers and their righteous families and all the believers, from the first one of them to the end seal of them Mohammad the messenger of Allah, O you who believed ask forgiveness upon them ans salute them the best salutation, we do not differentiate among any of His messengers and to him we are (submitter) Muslims, after this..

O Society of human and jinn, I swear by Allah the One, the All Mighty Who created the human-being from dry clay like earthen pottery and He created the jinn of a flame of fire, indeed the sun overtook the moon in ratification to one major sign of the Hour and a sign of ratification for the Awaited Mahdi, and got near for the night to precede the daylight by rising the sun from its setting and you are turned away for the call of the True Awaited Mahdi from your Lord except those on whom Allah has mercy of those who possess minds the ratifiers by the True statement for the Book, and none mind but those of understanding minds of who understood that the Imam Mahdi Nasser Mohammad Al-Yemeni does not speak except by the Truth, so what is there after the Truth but error.

O worshipers of Allah, till when we raise against you the argument in Truth by the the bridling authority of knowledge and you are turning away off the Truth except those on whom my Lord has mercy? O assembly of Muslims keep your duty to Allah the Lord of the Great Throne I fear for you chastisement of a destructive day, surly the sign of overtaking the sun for the moon is a cosmic event a warning for humans before the night to precede the daylight, and already the Imam Mahdi Nasser Mohammad Al-Yemeni announced for you a statement in Shaaban bout the start of Ramadan and Shawal, and we announced for you the appointment of standing on Aarafa day and the sacrificial day, and we announced for you that the signs of overtaking will be for several months consecutively one after the other.

Anyway, O assembly of the astronomers how often we taught you and explained to you how do you know that the sun overtook the moon, and the answer with all simplicity is that you find the crescent just been born according to your certain knowledge of the lunar astronomical science and in-spite that you find that the crescent setts before the setting of the sun, so that is the overtaking. For the fact the sun gets ahead of the crescent and the moon followed it (sun) from the west direction, and for that, the opposite happens exactly so the crescent setts and the sun setts while it is getting ahead of it (moon) easterly and it (moon) follows it (sun) from the west side, but when the sun does not overtake the moon you find the month crescent get ahead of the sun and it (sun) follows it (moon) from the west direction and the crescent gets ahead of it (sun) to the east of it (sun). but when the sun overtakes the moon the opposite happens exactly.

Although that the crescent of Dhul-Qaada for the year 1435 its birth happened on Monday noon (time) though I say that the crescent of Dhul-Qaada set before the setting of the sun of Monday and it is in overtaking condition, although the Imam Mahdi Nasser Mohammad Al-Yemeni knew that indeed the sun will overtake the moon at the crescent of Dhul-Qaada for your year 1435 but I settled in statement of announcing the start of Ramadan and Shawal and the day of Aarafa and the sacrificial day and I turned away off stating the crescent of Dhul-Qaada but we teach the supporters a wise lesson in the sign of overtaking, so that the supportive helpers of the awaited Mahdi discover by themselves that the sun overtook the moon in the crescent of Dhul-Qaada undoubtedly, for the fact they will know that through what we taught them about the appointed time of setting first the full moon the night of the half of the month that it setts at the appointed time of Fajr prayer Call when the black thread clears to them from the white thread (light) of dawn, also they find the second full moon the night of the sixteenth of the month that the moon setts through the daylight starting from the appointed time of the shade till the rise of the sun.

And praise be to Allah the Lord of the worlds that it cleared to me that the supporters now just caught-up how the sun overtakes the moon, why not and here they are just discovered that the sun overtook the moon also in the crescent of Dhul-Qaada despite that the Imam Mahdi Nasser Mohammad Al-Yemeni did not foretell his supporters by that, but they are the only ones in the world who will notice that by themselves that the sun overtook the moon in the crescent of Dhul-Qaada, and there they are just announced to their Imam and the world that the sun overtook the moon also in the crescent of Dhul-Qaada of this year 1435 of yours.

Upon it the Imam Mahdi Nasser Mohammad Al-Yemeni emphasizes to the pilgrims of the sacred house of Allah a statement of staring Dhul-Hijja of this year 1435 AH of yours that the beginning of Dhul-Hijja will be Thursday date 1 of Dhul-Hijja for your year 1435, and that the day of standing on Aarafa is definitely on the blessed Friday, and that the day of sacrificial is certainly on Saturday no doubt nor suspicion, for the fact the Imam Mahdi Nasser Mohammad Al-Yemeni knows a certain knowledge no doubt nor suspicion that the beginning of Dhul-Qaada the first is truly just began on the night of Tuesday (after Monday sunset) then Tuesday became really the beginning of the month Dhul-Qaada and the humans did not see the beginning of the Dhul-Qaada the first and what they saw is the crescent of the second night so they started the month of Dhul-Qaada by Wednesday date two of Dhul-Qaada, and others started Dhul-Qaada on Thursday. Upon any case since I am the Imam Mahdi I know a certain knowledge that the sun overtook the moon in the crescent of the Dhul-Qaada in its beginning the first and upon it definitely will see the crescent of Dhul-Hijja in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia after the sun's setting of Wednesday, then the superior court will announce by Allah's will that it proved the sighting of Dhul-Hijja crescent after the sun's setting of Wednesday and that Thursday is the first day of the month Dhul-Hijja for the year 1435 and that the day of standing on Aarafa is on the blessed Friday and the day of sacrificial is on Saturday, the Truth manifested for him who has a heart or he gives a listening-ear and is a witness by the Truth.

O assembly of the senior scholars council in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, by Allah Who there is no god but Him I did not announce the humans that the sun overtook the moon by conjuncture out of my own self; in fact I received that from my Lord by a True vision that I should announce to humans that they entered in the era of the major signs of the Hour and that the sun overtook the moon in ratification to one of the major signs of the Hour and a sign of ratification for the Awaited Mahdi, so they should follow the Reminder before that the night precedes the daylight.

Perhaps one of the astronomers would say: " O Nasser Mohammad, we do not hide from you that you astonished us in the matter! That how we find sometime that the crescent of the month is born through the daylight by many hours and in spite that we find the born crescent of the month setts before the setting of the sun and it goes forward easterly of the crescent and it (moon) follows it (sun) westerly! And some of the astronomy scientists who explained the cause by unconvincing reasons, and some of the astronomers who his certainty was shaking in the astronomical info despite that he was 100% certain in it like (Lot Bonatitro) the Algerian. Anyway, what we request from you O Nasser Mohammad Al-Yemeni is to explain to us how the sun overtake the moon in beneficial brief words". Then replies the Awaited Imam Mahdi Nasser Mohammad to the questioners and we say: O assembly of astronomers, Allah just explained to you in His decisive Book the Great Quran about the movement of the sun and the moon and that the month's crescent meets with the sun in the last stage of the moon (Al-Orjoon Al-Qadeem)it is what you name it (Al-Muhaq or Al-Eqtiran) the darkened moon or pairing it (moon) is then separates from it (sun) so it (moon) leaves the sun moves behinds it (moon) west of the crescent, and thus the movement of the sun and the moon since that Allah created the heavens and the earth neither is it for the sun to overtake the moon so it passes ahead of the moon in its first beginning, nor can the night outstrip the day by the rising the sun out of its setting, and all float in an orbit until the age inters the era of the major signs of the Hour then Allah sends the Awaited Mahdi and the sun overtakes the moon a sign of ratification for the Awaited Mahdi. So keep your duty to Allah before night passes ahead of the daylight by rising the sun from its setting, so remember the word of Allah the Most High: {And a sign to them is the night: We draw forth from it the day, then lo! they are in darkness;(37) And the sun moves on to its destination. That is the ordinance of the Mighty, the Knower.(38)And the moon, We have ordained for it stages till it becomes again as (Al-Orjoon) old the dark phase (again).(39) Neither is it for the sun to overtake the moon, nor can the night outstrip the day. And all float on in an orbit.(40)}Truthful Allah the Great [Ya-Seen] 36:37-40

Perhaps the astronomer would like to say: "O Nasser Mohammad, we requested from you a beneficial shortened words that you clarify to us how the sun over takes the moon". Then the Awaited Mahdi replies to the questioners and say: It is that the crescent to be born before the eclipse or pair-joining so the sun meets with it (moon) while it is a crescent,surly the reason of setting of the crescent before the sun despite your previous knowledge about the moment of its birth (moon), but you think that it met with the sun. Then the Imam Mahdi raise the argument against you by the Truth and I say: how the crescent meets the sun then separates from it (sun) westerly don't you understand? In fact this is impossible given the fact that you know that crescent meets the sun in the pair-joining is then separated to the east and not west, but you will find the opposite happens with you what you have known! Despite that you know the moment of birth of the crescent then you find it in your calculations setting before the setting of the sun in spite its previous birth before the setting.

Then we say to you that is the overtaking: That you find the crescent of the new month the sun gets ahead of it (moon) to the east from it (moon) and it follows it (sun) both facing easterly meaning the sun and the moon, then (moon) catch-up with it (sun) so it (moon) meets with it (sun) while it is a crescent, then it (moon) passes it (sun) easterly, then you see the crescent of the new month swollen.

O people, fear Allah and confess by the Truth that really the sun just overtook the moon is better for you before that the night passes before the day light because of the plant of chastisement passage, that is the planet of hell-fire, that what you name it by (planet X) the tenth planet Nibiru, that is planet Saqar waving for the human beings from time to time, which is the way to save you from from Allah's chastisement?

Perhaps one of the questioners would say: " O Nasser Mohammad Al-Yemeni, you are not a prophet nor a messenger so that Allah chastise us if we rejected you". Then the Imam Mahdi replies to the questioners and I say: Do you think that Allah's chastisement happened for the reason of rejecting the prophets? In fact Allah's chastisement happened for the reason of the utmost rejection to Allah's signs in His decisive Book. And Allah the Most High said: {We know indeed that what they say grieves you, for surely they give not you the lie, but the wrongdoers give the lie to Allah’s messages.(33) And messengers indeed were rejected before you, but they were patient when rejected and persecuted, until Our help came to them. And there is none to change the words of Allah. And there has already come to thee some information about the messengers.(34)}Truthful Allah the Great [Al-Anaam] 6:33-34

As that the Imam Mahdi Nasser Mohammad is arguing with you by the clear signs of the Book so you reject its facts despite that we raise against you in every time, and over the span of ten years the Imam Mahdi Nasser Mohammad Al-Yemeni still the one surpassing over the scholars of astronomy and the religious scholars, and we strive against them by the True statements for the Great Quran a mighty strive.

By Allah then by Allah if the whole scholars in the world gathered to come-up with scientific reason how the pair-joining happens for the sun and the moon at noon of Monday then they find the crescent of Dhul-Qaada setts before the setting the sun of Monday; how this happened and they know that the moon originally is faster than the sun and they know that it (moon) is pair-joining by the sun then (moon) separates form it (sun) easterly and does not separate from it westerly; all the scholars would never be able to come-up with the scientific reason for this great cosmic event unless that they read and they confess by the Truth from their Lord that it is and since the moon had set before the setting of the sun in spite its advanced birth so there must be the the crescent truly borne before the pair-joining so the son overtook the moon while it is a crescent and the sun gets ahead of it from the east direction from it (moon) so the sun met with it while it is a crescent. I challenge the astronomers in all to come-up with the scientific explanation other than that.

Perhaps one of the common Muslims would like to interrupts me and say: "Wait O Nasser Mohammad I am from the common Muslims and I have no knowledge of astronomy science for the sun and the moon so how is it for me to know that the sun overtook the moon?". Then the Imam Mahdi responds to the questioners and I say: if you saw the moon became full and you got-up to the call of Fajr prayer then you saw the moon sets at the westerly horizon when it is clearing for you the wight-light thread from the black thread at dawn then know that night is the night of the half month undoubtedly, and if you found that non has seen the crescent of the (new) month despite that the first full-moon became full and the month did not pass from it except thirteen days then know that the sun overtook the moon in the beginning of the month so it obscured the first crescent of the beginning of the month off all the people, therefor it became full moon and the month did not pass from it except thirteen days.

Here we just place an experiment for the supportive helpers whose following-up to the crescent of the months and we did not announce that the sun will overtake the moon in the crescent of Dhul-Qaada to see will they discover the sign of overtaking from their own self thought the Imam Mahdi did not inform them in that? And there are the ones who are following-up the moon just discovered it, and that through their watching to the setting of the full-moon nights, an excellent supporters are who possess eyes to see, and excellent best foremost supportive helpers who have eyes to see altogether, so now educate how they know that the sun overtook the moon and raise the argument against the humans, and praise be to Allah the Lord of the worlds.

Your brother Imam Mahdi Nasser Mohammad Al-Yemeni


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