01-10-2014, 03:29 AM
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Imam Nasser Mohammad Al-Yemeni
14 - 12 - 1430 AH
2 - 12 - 2009 AD
01:04 am
Shaving, shortening and the kissing of the black stone
In the name of Allah the All Merciful, the Most Merciful, and forgiveness and peace be upon the seal of the prophets and the messengers and his family the repenting pure ones and the followers for the Truth till the day of judgement, and peace be upon the messengers, and praise be to the Lord of the worlds..
O assembly of the nation's scholars previously the Imam Mahdi had gave a declaration by the Truth that he is able by the will of Allah to clarify all the pillars of the Islamic upright religion from the decisive Great Quran and explain it in details and we just started with the first pillar by the statement for the word monotheism so we purify the Muslims from association an utter purification.
Indeed the sincere devotion is for Allah and whoever ascribed partners to Allah, his work indeed is vain and Allah would never accept from his deeds a thing nor Allah forgives that a partner should be set up with Him, the call of the Awaited Mahdi continued to achieve the first pillar and it is the most important pillar of Islam and the basic then we started by the second pillar and it is the pillar of the prayer and we wrote in that a statement and we had sent it to the Mufties of the Islamic hometowns and still continuously being sent that statement by the supportive helpers and waiting for the Mufties of the Islamic hometowns to come to the table of dialogue so all the Muslims know that the Awaited Mahdi surpassed onto them by the Authority of knowledge from the decisive Great Quran and unfortunately the did not come yet not even one Mufti from the popular Mufties of the Islamic hometowns, and that till we finish the statement of the charity pillar then the statement of fasting pillar then statement of the (Hajj) pilgrimage obligation for whoever can find a way to it a one obligation in the life time so he does it once in a life time then leaves the chance for his Muslim brethren who did not have (Hajj) pilgrimage yet and the voluntary pilgrimage is as seven hundred pilgrimage that one make one of his Muslim brothers to do pilgrimage on his expanse who are eager to visit their Lord's house and definitely the Muslims will find in the statement of pilgrimage obligation from the Book difference in some what you are on it and there is not between me and them except the word of Allah so I come to them by the proof from the decisive Quran, for example I see the men shortening their heads' hair in the pilgrimage and that is for woman that she shortens her hair but for the men I don't find in Allah's Book that they should shorten in fact Allah commanded them by shaving so they shave the hair of their heads by the razor-blade and the shortening is for the woman only and they were suppose to device that through the word of Allah the Most High: {And accomplish the pilgrimage and the visit for Allah. But if you are prevented, (send) whatever offering is easy to obtain; and shave not your heads until the offering reaches its destination. Then whoever among you is sick or has an ailment of his head,(196)}Truthful Allah the Great [Al-Baqara] 2:196
So do you see that who has ailment on the scalp he can not shorten from his hair even if there was ailment in him then you know that the shaving is the head's hair shaving by the razor-blade because who has ailment in his scalp definitely can not shave his head with the razor-blade but he can shorten, but Allah did not order him to by shortening in the pilgrimage so we do not find that Allah commanded him by shortening; in fact the shortening is the woman from the ends of her hair but for the man it is a must for him to shave his head hair by the razor-blade and if there was ailment onto his head a compensation by fasting or alms or sacrificing, in confirming to the word of Allah the Most High: {Then whoever among you is sick or has an ailment of the head, he (may effect) a compensation by fasting or alms or sacrificing. And when you are secure, whoever profits by combining the visit with the pilgrimage (should take) whatever offering is easy to obtain. But he who cannot find (an offering) should fast for three days during the pilgrimage and for seven days when you return. These are ten (days) complete. This is for him whose family is not present in the Sacred Mosque. And keep your duty to Allah, and know that Allah is Severe in requiting (evil).(196)}Truthful Allah the Great [Al-Baqara] 2:196
And this proof of shaving for men, as for the women I find it in Allah's Book the shortening only so she shortens her hair from the edges, and Allah the Most High said: {Allah indeed fulfilled the vision for His messenger with truth. You shall certainly enter the Sacred Mosque, if Allah please, in security, your heads shaved and hair shortening,(27)}Truthful Allah the Great [Al-fat-h] 48:27
In fact the shaving is for a part of the believers whom are the men and the shortening for the women part, as for the men I find that they shave their heads' hair and to no avail. In confirming to the word of Allah the Most High: {Allah indeed fulfilled the vision for His messenger with truth. You shall certainly enter the Sacred Mosque, if Allah please, in security, your heads shaved and hair shortening,(27)}Truthful Allah the Great
Then we come to you by the statement from the Quran itself that the shortening is for the woman through the statement of the shaving for the men and you find that in the word of Allah the Most High: {Then whoever among you is sick or has an ailment of the head, he (may effect) a compensation by fasting or alms or sacrificing.}Truthful Allah the Great
So it cleared to you that the shaving is other than shortening therefor Allah the Most High said: {your heads shaved and (hair) shortening,} some of them the shavers and of some of them the shortening ones so if you return that to the mind and logic it will say it must be the shaving of the head's hair is not for woman but the conjuncture does not avail the Truth a thing then you search in Allah's Book to find the true declaration that the shaving is for men in the word of Allah the Most High: {Then whoever among you is sick or has an ailment of the head, he (may effect) a compensation by fasting or alms or sacrificing}Truthful Allah the Great
So it cleared to you that the shaving is other than shortening for that Allah the Most High said: {your heads shaved and (hair) shortening,} and it cleared to you that the shaving is for men and for Allah is the magnified wisdom and from it is breaking the charm if the pilgrim was handsome for the onlookers so the bold head reduces from the charm of beauty so the believing women would not be charmed by the repetition of looking at him, and some of it: so the pilgrim's head would not have the beginning of dandruff for the hardship of showering because of the rowdiness of pilgrims and the dandruff is an enemy for the hair of the head it makes it fall so the man becomes bold-head out of hair which Allah made it an adornment for the head also the dandruff is leading cause for premature graying and the reason for it is the delaying of taking showers.
Also from the innovations of the pilgrimage that they made the kissing of the black stone. And the Sunna of kissing Allah's house in any place without differentiation with falsehood sunna of the kissing the black stone, surely that is an innovation; Allah has not sent down an authority for it and rejects it the mind and logic if you were to mind. So you did pilgrimage Allah's honorable house Qibla of the nations Allah's magnified house but you did the pilgrimage for the black stone and you magnified in one stone with no right and you did not magnified Allah's house because of the altering in the true Sunna which is kissing Allah's house to the false Sunna which is kissing the black stone in Allah's house, and with this false Sunna you lost magnifying Allah's house and magnified the black stone with the excuse that Mohammad the messenger of Allah kissed it before Allah's house to teach you that kissing Allah's house is of the Sunna of pilgrimage and the Sunna of kissing Allah's magnified house is from the magnitude of their Love to the Lord of this house Who they are worshiping Him. In confirming to the word of Allah the Most High: {So let them serve the Lord of this House,(3)}Truthful Allah the Great [Qurysh] 106:3
Then it became the Sunna of kissing Allah's magnified house is from the strong love of the believers to the Lord of this house and that because the believers' love to their Lord who they are worshiping His pleasure and His nearness is greater than the love of the female worshiper of those who said one of them:
I pass by the houses, houses of Laila *** kissing these walls and these walls
And not the love of the houses that made my heart passionate *** But the love to who occupied the houses
Those whom Allah the Most High said about them: {Yet there are some people who take for themselves (to worship) others besides Allah, whom they love them as they should love Allah. And those who believe are stronger in (their) love for Allah.(165)}Truthful Allah the Great [Al-Baqara] 2:165
That is the greatest love in the heart of the human being Allah made if for a nation from slaves of Allah, Allah has a better right of His greatest love over loving something more than Allah, his lost became his deity you find him worshiping the pleasure who he loved and leaves behind the worshiping to Allah's pleasure, perhaps one of passionate ones saying: "But my heart is not in my hand (to control)." Then replies the Awaited Mahdi the servant of the Greatest Bliss and I say: Yes that Allah comes between the person and his heart so you should get closer to your Lord then say: "O our Allah you have a better right of the greatest love in the heart of your servant, O our Allah make it for You Alone not partners for you in my Love so I worship my Lord's pleasure bliss and your love and your nearness and for that you created me so answer the call of you servant by your mercy O the Most Merciful of the merciful ones.".
So Allah responds to you as He responded to the Awaited Mahdi and ratify Allah He would ratify you .. But you magnified the black stone and you had it sent form paradise and sufficient is Allah for me and He is an excellent Guardian, in fact kissing Allah's house is from your intense love to the Lord of this house so He loves you as you loved His house from the extreme love in your hearts for the Lord of this house but you stampede each other so you kill one another by stamping and kicking and you are crowding over kissing the black stone pacifically, O worshipers of the stone if you were loving Allah you would have kissed His house on any place you put your lips then you kiss the house of your Lord from your intense love to the Lord of this house as long as you specified the kissing on the black stone then you are worshipers of the stone the hypocrites succeeded in this evil cunning plan then you became ridiculed by who refused and was arrogant so they would ridicule you how you kick each other then you kill each other by kicking so you can kiss a stone so you made an argument for them against you then they do not follow your religion so they mock you and if they watch you crowding upon Allah's love the Lord of the magnified house they would not have the argument against you so how much the hypocrites who show belief and discrete disbelief created innovations in your religion, O scholars of the nation of Islam has been sent a question to the Awaited Mahdi from one of the envoys to the dialogue table for the Awaited Mahdi and said:
Peace and mercy of Allah be upon you and His blessings; The question: What is the meaning of the word of Allah the Most High
"The months of the pilgrimage are well known; so whoever determines to perform pilgrimage therein there shall be no immodest speech, nor abusing, nor arguing about the pilgrimage. "
And why was it stated "known months" with the fact the pilgrimage is done in 5 days according what we know and I ask Allah to reward you well.
End of his question
By Allah I know by the True answer then I explain it from the Allah's Book and in details despite that would be strange except for the clear proof from Allah's decisive Book which by it the Awaited Mahdi surpass upon all the Muslim scholars and the Christians and Jews so what do you want me to say for this questioner so should we explain to him the pillar of (Hajj) pilgrimage and it is the last pillar of Islam so do you want righteousness, it is not righteousness that you enter the houses by their backs, in fact the is righteous is to enter the houses by their doors so you get guided to the straight path, aren't you saying Allah's Book and His messenger's Sunna so the start is to be with Allah's Book so if you do not find in it your quest (what your searching for) then go to the Sunna but you forsaken Allah's Book behind you backs and you started by the second without that you look is it violating to the Book of Allah in a thing, so what would you know is it a true Sunna or false being put, or that Allah promised you by protecting the prophet's Sunna from altering, say bring your proof if but the Sunna of the prophet has in it Truth and most of it false Allah has not sent an authority in it, and Allah the Most High said: {They ask you of the new moons. Say: They are times appointed for the people, and (for) the pilgrimage. And it is not righteousness that you enter the houses by their backs, but he is righteous who keeps his duty. And go into the houses by their doors; and keep your duty to Allah, that you may be successful.(189)}Truthful Allah the Great [Al-Baqara] 2:189
So how Muamar and the people of Libya sacrifice in other day of the Muslims' sacrificial (day), don't you know that the blessed (Eid Al-Fitr) breaking fast holiday differs off the sacrificial holiday (Eid Al-Adha) and that is because the breaking fast holiday is according the sighting of Shawal's crescent and it should not be for all the Muslims to see Shawal's crescent in one night and should not be for them to watch the crescent of Ramadan in one night, therefor Allah the Most High said: {So whoever of you witnessed the month, he shall fast therein,(185)}Truthful Allah the Great [Al-Baqara] 2:185
As that (Eid Al-Fitr) breaking fast holiday who had seen Shawal's crescent should break the fast, and as for the sacrificial holiday (Eid Al-Adha) its appointed time Allah made it differs that the appointed time of the blessed breaking fast holiday in fact Allah made it according the crescent's measurements of the Dhul Hijja so the Muslims Look at the crescent of Dhul Hijja night after the other till if the Muslims saw on the surface of the earth that the first quarter crescent for the month of Dhul Hijja just has completed and became half of the moon glowing and the other half darken at that they know that it completed the first quarter and that the seven night of Dhul Hijja has ended undoubtedly then the announce the going forth to pilgrimage on the eighth day of Dhul Hijja then standing on Aarafa on the ninth day and the tenth day all the Muslims sacrifice on their holiday in one unified day and it is (Eid Al-Akber) the greater holiday because the whole Muslims in the worlds celebrate in it, so the appointed time of going forth for pilgrimage became known for the people in all which is after the first quarter completion for the month of Dhul Hijja and that is the statement of the word of Allah the Most High: {They ask you of the new moons. Say: They are times appointed for people, and (for) the pilgrimage. And it is not righteousness that you enter the houses by their backs, but he is righteous who keeps his duty. And go into the houses by their doors; and keep your duty to Allah, that you may be successful.(189)}Truthful Allah the Great [Al-Baqara] 2:189
The Muslims altogether witness the completion of the first quarter for the month of Dhul Hijja undoubtedly then they know the counted days in the pilgrimage through the completion of the first quarter crescent for the month Dhul Hijja so all the Muslims look at it and that for Allah to make the day of sacrificial for them a one unified day so they proclaim His greatness, magnifying (Him). You just made a mistake O Muamar Al-Qadafi a great error and remember the word of Allah the Most High: {They ask you of the new moons. Say: They are times appointed for men, and (for) the pilgrimage. And it is not righteousness that you enter the houses by their backs, but he is righteous who keeps his duty. And go into the houses by their doors; and keep your duty to Allah, that you may be successful.(189)}Truthful Allah the Great [Al-Baqara] 2:189
Till when you would keep turning away from the caller for the arbitration to the Allah's Book so we explain to you the five pillars of Islam so we return you to the first method of the prophet-hood and I can not explain the answer to the question of the questioner it is a must that I explain before it the pillar of the prayer then the pillar of charity then the pillar of fasting then we come after that to the pillar of pilgrimage so we complete for you statement of your religion from the Book of your Lord and a promise upon us not to belied that we explain all the pillars of Islam specifically from Allah's Book with clear decisive verses for your knowledgeable and the ignorant of you but respond to the Allah's caller to follow His Book the exalted it is not the Awaited Mahdi that he commands you of his own self into following Allah's Book and by disbelieving to what violated Allah decisive Book, but Allah Who has commanded you into following His reminder the Great Quran if you were believing in it. In confirming to the word of Allah the Most High: {Indeed you can warn him only who follows the Reminder and fears the Beneficent in secret; so give him good news of forgiveness and a generous reward.}Truthful Allah the Great [Y.S.] 36:11
Surly the Awaited Imam Mahdi sends him Allah to clarify for you Allah's Book which is between your hands and never come to you by a new one letter other than what Allah has descended upon Mohammad the messenger of Allah forgiveness and peace be upon him and his family, so follow what Allah has sent what make you know that what you found your fathers upon it is the Truth from your Lord or that the misleading ones just lead them astray off the straight path, and Allah the Most High said: {A Book revealed to you — so let there be no narrowness in your chest concerning it — that you may warn thereby, and a Reminder to the believers.(2) Follow what has been revealed to you from your Lord and follow not besides Him any guardians; little do you mind!(3)}Truthful Allah the Great [Al-Araf] 7:2-3
And Allah the Most High said: {And those who disbelieve and reject Our messages, they are the companions of the Fire, abiding therein; and evil is the resort.}Truthful Allah the Great [Al-Taghabon] 64:10
Allah the Most High said: {O Children of Israel, call to mind My favor which I bestowed on you and be faithful to (your) covenant with Me, I shall fulfill (My) covenant with you; and Me, Me alone, should you fear.(40) And believe in that which I have revealed, verifying that which is with you, and be not the first to deny it; neither take a mean price for My messages; and keep your duty to Me, Me alone.(41)}Truthful Allah the Great [Al-Baqara] 2:40-41
But unfortunately the Awaited Mahdi just found that the Muslims are the first disbelievers into the True statement for the Great Quran in the era of the interpretation as the Jews disbelieved in the Great Quran in the era of the descending (revelations) and they know that it is the Truth from their Lord, and as that the Muslims today they know it is the Truth from their Lord but no matter what the Awaited Mahdi called them to follow Allah's Book the Great Quran they never follow him except the true Muslims, in confirming to the word of Allah the Most High: {Nor can you lead the blind out of their error. You can make none to hear except those who believe in Our messages, so they submit.}Truthful Allah the Great [Al-Naml] 27:81
As for the disbelievers, Allah the Most High said: {And surely this is a revelation from the Lord of the worlds.(192) The Faithful Spirit has brought it,(193) Onto your heart that you be of the warning ones,(194) In clear Arabic tongue.(195) And surely the same is in the Scriptures of the ancients.(196) Is it not a sign to them that the religious scholars of the Children of Israel know it?(197) And if We had revealed it to any of the foreigners,(198) And he had read it to them, they would not have believed in it.(199) Thus do We cause it to enter into the hearts of the guilty.(200) They will not believe in it till they see the painful chastisement;(201) So it will come to them suddenly, while they perceive not;(202) Then they will say: Shall we be respited?(203)}Truthful Allah the Great [Al-Shuara] 26:192-203
{These are the verses of the Book that makes manifest,(2) Perhaps you wilt kill yourself with grief because they believe not.(3) If We please, We could send down on them a sign from heaven, so that their necks would bend before it.(4)}Truthful Allah the Great [Al-Shuara] 26:2-4
{We revealed it on a blessed night— truly We are ever warning.(3) Therein is made clear every affair full of wisdom,(4) A command from Us — truly We were sending messengers,(5) A mercy from thy Lord — truly He is the Hearing, the Knowing,(6) The Lord of the heavens and the earth and what is between them, if you would be sure.(7) There is no God but He; He gives life and causes death — your Lord and the Lord of your fathers of yore.(8) In fact they are in doubt sporting.(9) So wait for the day when the heaven brings an obvious smoke,(10) Enveloping the people. This is a painful chastisement.(11) Our Lord, remove from us the chastisement — surely we are believers.(12) When will they be reminded? And a Messenger has indeed come, making clear;(13) Yet they turned away from him and said: One taught (by others), a madman!(14) We shall remove the chastisement a little, (but) you will surely return (to evil).(15) On the day when We seize (them) with the most violent seizing; surely We shall exact retribution.(16)}Truthful Allah the Great [Al-Dukhan] 44:3-16
Brother of the Muslims the believers of the Great Quran Imam Mahdi Nasser Mohammad Al-Yemeni
اقتباس المشاركة: :
Imam Nasser Mohammad Al-Yemeni
14 - 12 - 1430 AH
2 - 12 - 2009 AD
01:04 am
Shaving, shortening and the kissing of the black stone
In the name of Allah the All Merciful, the Most Merciful, and forgiveness and peace be upon the seal of the prophets and the messengers and his family the repenting pure ones and the followers for the Truth till the day of judgement, and peace be upon the messengers, and praise be to the Lord of the worlds..
O assembly of the nation's scholars previously the Imam Mahdi had gave a declaration by the Truth that he is able by the will of Allah to clarify all the pillars of the Islamic upright religion from the decisive Great Quran and explain it in details and we just started with the first pillar by the statement for the word monotheism so we purify the Muslims from association an utter purification.
Indeed the sincere devotion is for Allah and whoever ascribed partners to Allah, his work indeed is vain and Allah would never accept from his deeds a thing nor Allah forgives that a partner should be set up with Him, the call of the Awaited Mahdi continued to achieve the first pillar and it is the most important pillar of Islam and the basic then we started by the second pillar and it is the pillar of the prayer and we wrote in that a statement and we had sent it to the Mufties of the Islamic hometowns and still continuously being sent that statement by the supportive helpers and waiting for the Mufties of the Islamic hometowns to come to the table of dialogue so all the Muslims know that the Awaited Mahdi surpassed onto them by the Authority of knowledge from the decisive Great Quran and unfortunately the did not come yet not even one Mufti from the popular Mufties of the Islamic hometowns, and that till we finish the statement of the charity pillar then the statement of fasting pillar then statement of the (Hajj) pilgrimage obligation for whoever can find a way to it a one obligation in the life time so he does it once in a life time then leaves the chance for his Muslim brethren who did not have (Hajj) pilgrimage yet and the voluntary pilgrimage is as seven hundred pilgrimage that one make one of his Muslim brothers to do pilgrimage on his expanse who are eager to visit their Lord's house and definitely the Muslims will find in the statement of pilgrimage obligation from the Book difference in some what you are on it and there is not between me and them except the word of Allah so I come to them by the proof from the decisive Quran, for example I see the men shortening their heads' hair in the pilgrimage and that is for woman that she shortens her hair but for the men I don't find in Allah's Book that they should shorten in fact Allah commanded them by shaving so they shave the hair of their heads by the razor-blade and the shortening is for the woman only and they were suppose to device that through the word of Allah the Most High: {And accomplish the pilgrimage and the visit for Allah. But if you are prevented, (send) whatever offering is easy to obtain; and shave not your heads until the offering reaches its destination. Then whoever among you is sick or has an ailment of his head,(196)}Truthful Allah the Great [Al-Baqara] 2:196
So do you see that who has ailment on the scalp he can not shorten from his hair even if there was ailment in him then you know that the shaving is the head's hair shaving by the razor-blade because who has ailment in his scalp definitely can not shave his head with the razor-blade but he can shorten, but Allah did not order him to by shortening in the pilgrimage so we do not find that Allah commanded him by shortening; in fact the shortening is the woman from the ends of her hair but for the man it is a must for him to shave his head hair by the razor-blade and if there was ailment onto his head a compensation by fasting or alms or sacrificing, in confirming to the word of Allah the Most High: {Then whoever among you is sick or has an ailment of the head, he (may effect) a compensation by fasting or alms or sacrificing. And when you are secure, whoever profits by combining the visit with the pilgrimage (should take) whatever offering is easy to obtain. But he who cannot find (an offering) should fast for three days during the pilgrimage and for seven days when you return. These are ten (days) complete. This is for him whose family is not present in the Sacred Mosque. And keep your duty to Allah, and know that Allah is Severe in requiting (evil).(196)}Truthful Allah the Great [Al-Baqara] 2:196
And this proof of shaving for men, as for the women I find it in Allah's Book the shortening only so she shortens her hair from the edges, and Allah the Most High said: {Allah indeed fulfilled the vision for His messenger with truth. You shall certainly enter the Sacred Mosque, if Allah please, in security, your heads shaved and hair shortening,(27)}Truthful Allah the Great [Al-fat-h] 48:27
In fact the shaving is for a part of the believers whom are the men and the shortening for the women part, as for the men I find that they shave their heads' hair and to no avail. In confirming to the word of Allah the Most High: {Allah indeed fulfilled the vision for His messenger with truth. You shall certainly enter the Sacred Mosque, if Allah please, in security, your heads shaved and hair shortening,(27)}Truthful Allah the Great
Then we come to you by the statement from the Quran itself that the shortening is for the woman through the statement of the shaving for the men and you find that in the word of Allah the Most High: {Then whoever among you is sick or has an ailment of the head, he (may effect) a compensation by fasting or alms or sacrificing.}Truthful Allah the Great
So it cleared to you that the shaving is other than shortening therefor Allah the Most High said: {your heads shaved and (hair) shortening,} some of them the shavers and of some of them the shortening ones so if you return that to the mind and logic it will say it must be the shaving of the head's hair is not for woman but the conjuncture does not avail the Truth a thing then you search in Allah's Book to find the true declaration that the shaving is for men in the word of Allah the Most High: {Then whoever among you is sick or has an ailment of the head, he (may effect) a compensation by fasting or alms or sacrificing}Truthful Allah the Great
So it cleared to you that the shaving is other than shortening for that Allah the Most High said: {your heads shaved and (hair) shortening,} and it cleared to you that the shaving is for men and for Allah is the magnified wisdom and from it is breaking the charm if the pilgrim was handsome for the onlookers so the bold head reduces from the charm of beauty so the believing women would not be charmed by the repetition of looking at him, and some of it: so the pilgrim's head would not have the beginning of dandruff for the hardship of showering because of the rowdiness of pilgrims and the dandruff is an enemy for the hair of the head it makes it fall so the man becomes bold-head out of hair which Allah made it an adornment for the head also the dandruff is leading cause for premature graying and the reason for it is the delaying of taking showers.
Also from the innovations of the pilgrimage that they made the kissing of the black stone. And the Sunna of kissing Allah's house in any place without differentiation with falsehood sunna of the kissing the black stone, surely that is an innovation; Allah has not sent down an authority for it and rejects it the mind and logic if you were to mind. So you did pilgrimage Allah's honorable house Qibla of the nations Allah's magnified house but you did the pilgrimage for the black stone and you magnified in one stone with no right and you did not magnified Allah's house because of the altering in the true Sunna which is kissing Allah's house to the false Sunna which is kissing the black stone in Allah's house, and with this false Sunna you lost magnifying Allah's house and magnified the black stone with the excuse that Mohammad the messenger of Allah kissed it before Allah's house to teach you that kissing Allah's house is of the Sunna of pilgrimage and the Sunna of kissing Allah's magnified house is from the magnitude of their Love to the Lord of this house Who they are worshiping Him. In confirming to the word of Allah the Most High: {So let them serve the Lord of this House,(3)}Truthful Allah the Great [Qurysh] 106:3
Then it became the Sunna of kissing Allah's magnified house is from the strong love of the believers to the Lord of this house and that because the believers' love to their Lord who they are worshiping His pleasure and His nearness is greater than the love of the female worshiper of those who said one of them:
I pass by the houses, houses of Laila *** kissing these walls and these walls
And not the love of the houses that made my heart passionate *** But the love to who occupied the houses
Those whom Allah the Most High said about them: {Yet there are some people who take for themselves (to worship) others besides Allah, whom they love them as they should love Allah. And those who believe are stronger in (their) love for Allah.(165)}Truthful Allah the Great [Al-Baqara] 2:165
That is the greatest love in the heart of the human being Allah made if for a nation from slaves of Allah, Allah has a better right of His greatest love over loving something more than Allah, his lost became his deity you find him worshiping the pleasure who he loved and leaves behind the worshiping to Allah's pleasure, perhaps one of passionate ones saying: "But my heart is not in my hand (to control)." Then replies the Awaited Mahdi the servant of the Greatest Bliss and I say: Yes that Allah comes between the person and his heart so you should get closer to your Lord then say: "O our Allah you have a better right of the greatest love in the heart of your servant, O our Allah make it for You Alone not partners for you in my Love so I worship my Lord's pleasure bliss and your love and your nearness and for that you created me so answer the call of you servant by your mercy O the Most Merciful of the merciful ones.".
So Allah responds to you as He responded to the Awaited Mahdi and ratify Allah He would ratify you .. But you magnified the black stone and you had it sent form paradise and sufficient is Allah for me and He is an excellent Guardian, in fact kissing Allah's house is from your intense love to the Lord of this house so He loves you as you loved His house from the extreme love in your hearts for the Lord of this house but you stampede each other so you kill one another by stamping and kicking and you are crowding over kissing the black stone pacifically, O worshipers of the stone if you were loving Allah you would have kissed His house on any place you put your lips then you kiss the house of your Lord from your intense love to the Lord of this house as long as you specified the kissing on the black stone then you are worshipers of the stone the hypocrites succeeded in this evil cunning plan then you became ridiculed by who refused and was arrogant so they would ridicule you how you kick each other then you kill each other by kicking so you can kiss a stone so you made an argument for them against you then they do not follow your religion so they mock you and if they watch you crowding upon Allah's love the Lord of the magnified house they would not have the argument against you so how much the hypocrites who show belief and discrete disbelief created innovations in your religion, O scholars of the nation of Islam has been sent a question to the Awaited Mahdi from one of the envoys to the dialogue table for the Awaited Mahdi and said:
Peace and mercy of Allah be upon you and His blessings; The question: What is the meaning of the word of Allah the Most High
"The months of the pilgrimage are well known; so whoever determines to perform pilgrimage therein there shall be no immodest speech, nor abusing, nor arguing about the pilgrimage. "
And why was it stated "known months" with the fact the pilgrimage is done in 5 days according what we know and I ask Allah to reward you well.
End of his question
By Allah I know by the True answer then I explain it from the Allah's Book and in details despite that would be strange except for the clear proof from Allah's decisive Book which by it the Awaited Mahdi surpass upon all the Muslim scholars and the Christians and Jews so what do you want me to say for this questioner so should we explain to him the pillar of (Hajj) pilgrimage and it is the last pillar of Islam so do you want righteousness, it is not righteousness that you enter the houses by their backs, in fact the is righteous is to enter the houses by their doors so you get guided to the straight path, aren't you saying Allah's Book and His messenger's Sunna so the start is to be with Allah's Book so if you do not find in it your quest (what your searching for) then go to the Sunna but you forsaken Allah's Book behind you backs and you started by the second without that you look is it violating to the Book of Allah in a thing, so what would you know is it a true Sunna or false being put, or that Allah promised you by protecting the prophet's Sunna from altering, say bring your proof if but the Sunna of the prophet has in it Truth and most of it false Allah has not sent an authority in it, and Allah the Most High said: {They ask you of the new moons. Say: They are times appointed for the people, and (for) the pilgrimage. And it is not righteousness that you enter the houses by their backs, but he is righteous who keeps his duty. And go into the houses by their doors; and keep your duty to Allah, that you may be successful.(189)}Truthful Allah the Great [Al-Baqara] 2:189
So how Muamar and the people of Libya sacrifice in other day of the Muslims' sacrificial (day), don't you know that the blessed (Eid Al-Fitr) breaking fast holiday differs off the sacrificial holiday (Eid Al-Adha) and that is because the breaking fast holiday is according the sighting of Shawal's crescent and it should not be for all the Muslims to see Shawal's crescent in one night and should not be for them to watch the crescent of Ramadan in one night, therefor Allah the Most High said: {So whoever of you witnessed the month, he shall fast therein,(185)}Truthful Allah the Great [Al-Baqara] 2:185
As that (Eid Al-Fitr) breaking fast holiday who had seen Shawal's crescent should break the fast, and as for the sacrificial holiday (Eid Al-Adha) its appointed time Allah made it differs that the appointed time of the blessed breaking fast holiday in fact Allah made it according the crescent's measurements of the Dhul Hijja so the Muslims Look at the crescent of Dhul Hijja night after the other till if the Muslims saw on the surface of the earth that the first quarter crescent for the month of Dhul Hijja just has completed and became half of the moon glowing and the other half darken at that they know that it completed the first quarter and that the seven night of Dhul Hijja has ended undoubtedly then the announce the going forth to pilgrimage on the eighth day of Dhul Hijja then standing on Aarafa on the ninth day and the tenth day all the Muslims sacrifice on their holiday in one unified day and it is (Eid Al-Akber) the greater holiday because the whole Muslims in the worlds celebrate in it, so the appointed time of going forth for pilgrimage became known for the people in all which is after the first quarter completion for the month of Dhul Hijja and that is the statement of the word of Allah the Most High: {They ask you of the new moons. Say: They are times appointed for people, and (for) the pilgrimage. And it is not righteousness that you enter the houses by their backs, but he is righteous who keeps his duty. And go into the houses by their doors; and keep your duty to Allah, that you may be successful.(189)}Truthful Allah the Great [Al-Baqara] 2:189
The Muslims altogether witness the completion of the first quarter for the month of Dhul Hijja undoubtedly then they know the counted days in the pilgrimage through the completion of the first quarter crescent for the month Dhul Hijja so all the Muslims look at it and that for Allah to make the day of sacrificial for them a one unified day so they proclaim His greatness, magnifying (Him). You just made a mistake O Muamar Al-Qadafi a great error and remember the word of Allah the Most High: {They ask you of the new moons. Say: They are times appointed for men, and (for) the pilgrimage. And it is not righteousness that you enter the houses by their backs, but he is righteous who keeps his duty. And go into the houses by their doors; and keep your duty to Allah, that you may be successful.(189)}Truthful Allah the Great [Al-Baqara] 2:189
Till when you would keep turning away from the caller for the arbitration to the Allah's Book so we explain to you the five pillars of Islam so we return you to the first method of the prophet-hood and I can not explain the answer to the question of the questioner it is a must that I explain before it the pillar of the prayer then the pillar of charity then the pillar of fasting then we come after that to the pillar of pilgrimage so we complete for you statement of your religion from the Book of your Lord and a promise upon us not to belied that we explain all the pillars of Islam specifically from Allah's Book with clear decisive verses for your knowledgeable and the ignorant of you but respond to the Allah's caller to follow His Book the exalted it is not the Awaited Mahdi that he commands you of his own self into following Allah's Book and by disbelieving to what violated Allah decisive Book, but Allah Who has commanded you into following His reminder the Great Quran if you were believing in it. In confirming to the word of Allah the Most High: {Indeed you can warn him only who follows the Reminder and fears the Beneficent in secret; so give him good news of forgiveness and a generous reward.}Truthful Allah the Great [Y.S.] 36:11
Surly the Awaited Imam Mahdi sends him Allah to clarify for you Allah's Book which is between your hands and never come to you by a new one letter other than what Allah has descended upon Mohammad the messenger of Allah forgiveness and peace be upon him and his family, so follow what Allah has sent what make you know that what you found your fathers upon it is the Truth from your Lord or that the misleading ones just lead them astray off the straight path, and Allah the Most High said: {A Book revealed to you — so let there be no narrowness in your chest concerning it — that you may warn thereby, and a Reminder to the believers.(2) Follow what has been revealed to you from your Lord and follow not besides Him any guardians; little do you mind!(3)}Truthful Allah the Great [Al-Araf] 7:2-3
And Allah the Most High said: {And those who disbelieve and reject Our messages, they are the companions of the Fire, abiding therein; and evil is the resort.}Truthful Allah the Great [Al-Taghabon] 64:10
Allah the Most High said: {O Children of Israel, call to mind My favor which I bestowed on you and be faithful to (your) covenant with Me, I shall fulfill (My) covenant with you; and Me, Me alone, should you fear.(40) And believe in that which I have revealed, verifying that which is with you, and be not the first to deny it; neither take a mean price for My messages; and keep your duty to Me, Me alone.(41)}Truthful Allah the Great [Al-Baqara] 2:40-41
But unfortunately the Awaited Mahdi just found that the Muslims are the first disbelievers into the True statement for the Great Quran in the era of the interpretation as the Jews disbelieved in the Great Quran in the era of the descending (revelations) and they know that it is the Truth from their Lord, and as that the Muslims today they know it is the Truth from their Lord but no matter what the Awaited Mahdi called them to follow Allah's Book the Great Quran they never follow him except the true Muslims, in confirming to the word of Allah the Most High: {Nor can you lead the blind out of their error. You can make none to hear except those who believe in Our messages, so they submit.}Truthful Allah the Great [Al-Naml] 27:81
As for the disbelievers, Allah the Most High said: {And surely this is a revelation from the Lord of the worlds.(192) The Faithful Spirit has brought it,(193) Onto your heart that you be of the warning ones,(194) In clear Arabic tongue.(195) And surely the same is in the Scriptures of the ancients.(196) Is it not a sign to them that the religious scholars of the Children of Israel know it?(197) And if We had revealed it to any of the foreigners,(198) And he had read it to them, they would not have believed in it.(199) Thus do We cause it to enter into the hearts of the guilty.(200) They will not believe in it till they see the painful chastisement;(201) So it will come to them suddenly, while they perceive not;(202) Then they will say: Shall we be respited?(203)}Truthful Allah the Great [Al-Shuara] 26:192-203
{These are the verses of the Book that makes manifest,(2) Perhaps you wilt kill yourself with grief because they believe not.(3) If We please, We could send down on them a sign from heaven, so that their necks would bend before it.(4)}Truthful Allah the Great [Al-Shuara] 26:2-4
{We revealed it on a blessed night— truly We are ever warning.(3) Therein is made clear every affair full of wisdom,(4) A command from Us — truly We were sending messengers,(5) A mercy from thy Lord — truly He is the Hearing, the Knowing,(6) The Lord of the heavens and the earth and what is between them, if you would be sure.(7) There is no God but He; He gives life and causes death — your Lord and the Lord of your fathers of yore.(8) In fact they are in doubt sporting.(9) So wait for the day when the heaven brings an obvious smoke,(10) Enveloping the people. This is a painful chastisement.(11) Our Lord, remove from us the chastisement — surely we are believers.(12) When will they be reminded? And a Messenger has indeed come, making clear;(13) Yet they turned away from him and said: One taught (by others), a madman!(14) We shall remove the chastisement a little, (but) you will surely return (to evil).(15) On the day when We seize (them) with the most violent seizing; surely We shall exact retribution.(16)}Truthful Allah the Great [Al-Dukhan] 44:3-16
Brother of the Muslims the believers of the Great Quran Imam Mahdi Nasser Mohammad Al-Yemeni
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