13-01-2015, 06:10 PM
Imam Nasser Mohammad Al-Yemeni
16 - 11 - 1433 AH
02 - 10 - 2012 AD
03:41 AM
Now the Awaited Imam Mahdi announces condemnation against a film of satan from the human satans, so do not say: Now O Omar?..
In the name of Allah the All Merciful, the Most Merciful, and forgiveness and peace be upon my grandfather the messengers of Allah and his family, and all the supporters of Allah the One, the All Mighty, after this..
Perhaps some of the best foremost supporters wonder from the Nasser Mohammad, why he did not announce the condemnation against distortion in the seal of the prophets and messengers by the the criminal human satans whom they hate the Truth? Then we reply to the questioners and say: When I saw the Arab people moving as a rippling waves for denouncing and declared the attacks in many countries against the American Embassies and they killed innocent people have no guilt in that film, so I feared that the best and foremost supporters to join them for the participation with the Arabian people in attacking the American Embassies and killing the innocents in the Embassies because of that movie, therefore I delayed the disapproval to what one of the human satans did for a while until the protests of the Arabian people calm-down, then we say indeed Allah's curse upon the owner of that movie a great curse, and I testify that he is surely from the human satans, no matter how much he apologizes there is no acceptance for his apology, and Allah knows of his secret and open (deeds), but if the Arab peoples announced the demonstrations without the attack on the American Embassies and killing innocent people in it from other people who has not fault in what did that outcast satan, O folks keep your duty to Allah and follow Allah's commandment in His word the Most High: {Nor does a bearer of burden bear another’s burden}Truthful Allah the Great [Al-Ma'eda] 6:164
Allah did not make lawful to you of killing one because of other man's fault, injustice is not in the religion of Islam, and Allah forbidden the injustice among His servants, nor did Allah command you to fight the infidels so you kill them because of the fault of other infidels, far from, very far.. Indeed that is forbidden to you in Allah's decisive Book the great Quran so you find in its decisive law that Allah forbidden you to do aggression against the infidels because of other infidels' fault. In confirming to the word of Allah the Most High: {And fight in the way of Allah against those who fight against you, and do not transgress. Surely Allah does not love the aggressors.}Truthful Allah the Great [Al-Baqara] 2:190
O community of the Muslims, indeed you know that oppression is forbidden the Allah's religion, so if He did not command you in killing the son of the killer then how He commands you to kill a soul because of a crime of another soul! What is the matter with you? How do you judge? What is their fault whom were killed in the American Embassy in some of the Arabian counties? And yes, the Imam Mahdi dislikes the politics of America but I do not allow for a supporter to transgress against any of the American Embassies and its employees there is no fault for the employees of the foreign embassies into the politics of their country and they are guests in your country.
O servants of Allah surely it is a great opportunity the Muslims have the presence of all foreign embassies in their countries, O community of Muslims if you treated the employees of the foreign embassies in the treatment of the religion in kindness and high morals and honoring so they walk secure among the Muslims so when they return to countries they will talk about the Muslims and the forgiveness of the Islamic religion so they tell their people that the religion of Islam they just found it a mercy to the worlds, but when you terrorize, kidnap, scare them and kill who you had power over them from the employees of the foreign embassies with the excuse of their disbelief, or you kidnap them because of requests for you from their governments then here they would never dare to come near you to mingle with you so they see your treatment to them or to see the treatment in what is between you, it would never be any background about the morals of the Muslims because they did not get near the Muslims fearing that you kill them or to kidnap them.
Unfortunately they think that the religion of Islam is who commanded you in killing the infidels wherever you find them, then they hated the religion of Islam because they see it a bloody religion because of actions of the astray Muslims whom they made the religion of Islam a bloody religion in the sight of the worlds, but by the Lord of the worlds it is the opposite, indeed the religion of Islam is only a mercy for the worlds and did not command in shedding blood of the disbelievers because of their disbelieve, neither commands in killing any individual from the people that you have because of politics of their governments, nor commands you in compelling people till they be believers, in fact Allah commanded in the religion of Islam in removing the oppression of man off his fellow man, and not compelling the people into the belief in the All Merciful, so you are compelling the people until they become believers, there is no compulsion in the religion, don't you then guard against evil?
Indeed by Allah Who there is no God but Him, surely if you obey the Imam Mahdi Nasser Mohammad Al-Yemeni and applied the treatment of the True religion among you and the disbelievers then the people would have entered in the religion of Allah in crowds totally convinced because religion is the treatment and following to the wisdom and goodly exhortation in the call to Allah, but most people do not know. we belong to Allah and to Him we return..
O community of (Mujahideen) those who strive in the way of Allah you just harmed your religion more than your benefit to it until you made the people to hate the religion of Islam which Allah sent it a mercy to the worlds, so keep your duty to Allah and obey me that you may obtain mercy, the striving in the way of Allah only upon basics and fatwas in the decisive Book for submitting to applying the laws of Allah and to remove the oppression of man off his fellow man, therefore Allah's prophet Solomon forgiveness and peace be upon him said: {Do not exalt yourselves against me and come to me in submission.}Truthful Allah the Great [Al-Naml] 27:31
He does not want compelling them upon the faith but the submission to apply the laws of Allah to remove the oppression of man off his fellow man, so when they apply the punishment-law of the killer wrongfully so the murderer would be killed in application to Allah's law of punishment then man would never kill his fellow man, and when they apply the punishment-law of theft so man would never rob his fellow man, and when they apply the punishment-law of adultery/rape then man would never transgress against the honor of his fellow man, and when the apply the punishment-laws (against) the mischief makers in the land as those who intercept (people) on the roads and the robbers to peoples wealth then the mischief makers would never dare to intercept the path to loot the innocents and shedding their blood or raping their relatives, therefore Allah commanded you to struggle in the way of Allah for applying Allah's laws of punishments to remove the oppression of man off his fellow man, nor the struggling in the way of Allah to compel people upon faith. What is the matter with you? How do you judge?
Indeed by Allah if you compelled whoever on earth altogether upon the belief in the All Merciful so they kept-up their prayers and gave the poor-rate (Zakat) and fasted Ramadan and went for pilgrimage to the sacred mosque it would not a thing would be accepted from them until their worship to be for their Lord purely for Allah and not fearing from the Muslims. In confirming to the word of Allah the Most High: {Only he can maintain the mosques of Allah who believes in Allah and the Last Day, and keeps up prayer and pays the poor-rate (Zakat) and fears none but Allah. So these it is who may be of the guided ones.}Truthful Allah the Great [Al-Tawba] 9:18
Therefore Allah did not command you to compel the people until they are believers for the fact Allah would never accepted their worship unless it is sincerely-pure for Allah from their hearts and not apparently fearing from you. O community of who are striving in the way of Allah, I testify for Allah the True certain testimony that those who strive in the way of Allah they are the companions of the call to Allah's religion by the wisdom and the goodly exhortation upon certain knowledge from their Lord, so keep your duty to Allah O worshipers of Allah and respond to the caller to the mercy for worlds and to the judgement-law of Allah's Book the great Quran if you were believing in it.
Peace be upon the messengers, and praise be to Allah the Lord of the worlds..
Your brother the Imam Mahdi Nasser Mohammad Al-Yemeni.
اقتباس المشاركة: :
16 - 11 - 1433 AH
02 - 10 - 2012 AD
03:41 AM
Now the Awaited Imam Mahdi announces condemnation against a film of satan from the human satans, so do not say: Now O Omar?..
In the name of Allah the All Merciful, the Most Merciful, and forgiveness and peace be upon my grandfather the messengers of Allah and his family, and all the supporters of Allah the One, the All Mighty, after this..
Perhaps some of the best foremost supporters wonder from the Nasser Mohammad, why he did not announce the condemnation against distortion in the seal of the prophets and messengers by the the criminal human satans whom they hate the Truth? Then we reply to the questioners and say: When I saw the Arab people moving as a rippling waves for denouncing and declared the attacks in many countries against the American Embassies and they killed innocent people have no guilt in that film, so I feared that the best and foremost supporters to join them for the participation with the Arabian people in attacking the American Embassies and killing the innocents in the Embassies because of that movie, therefore I delayed the disapproval to what one of the human satans did for a while until the protests of the Arabian people calm-down, then we say indeed Allah's curse upon the owner of that movie a great curse, and I testify that he is surely from the human satans, no matter how much he apologizes there is no acceptance for his apology, and Allah knows of his secret and open (deeds), but if the Arab peoples announced the demonstrations without the attack on the American Embassies and killing innocent people in it from other people who has not fault in what did that outcast satan, O folks keep your duty to Allah and follow Allah's commandment in His word the Most High: {Nor does a bearer of burden bear another’s burden}Truthful Allah the Great [Al-Ma'eda] 6:164
Allah did not make lawful to you of killing one because of other man's fault, injustice is not in the religion of Islam, and Allah forbidden the injustice among His servants, nor did Allah command you to fight the infidels so you kill them because of the fault of other infidels, far from, very far.. Indeed that is forbidden to you in Allah's decisive Book the great Quran so you find in its decisive law that Allah forbidden you to do aggression against the infidels because of other infidels' fault. In confirming to the word of Allah the Most High: {And fight in the way of Allah against those who fight against you, and do not transgress. Surely Allah does not love the aggressors.}Truthful Allah the Great [Al-Baqara] 2:190
O community of the Muslims, indeed you know that oppression is forbidden the Allah's religion, so if He did not command you in killing the son of the killer then how He commands you to kill a soul because of a crime of another soul! What is the matter with you? How do you judge? What is their fault whom were killed in the American Embassy in some of the Arabian counties? And yes, the Imam Mahdi dislikes the politics of America but I do not allow for a supporter to transgress against any of the American Embassies and its employees there is no fault for the employees of the foreign embassies into the politics of their country and they are guests in your country.
O servants of Allah surely it is a great opportunity the Muslims have the presence of all foreign embassies in their countries, O community of Muslims if you treated the employees of the foreign embassies in the treatment of the religion in kindness and high morals and honoring so they walk secure among the Muslims so when they return to countries they will talk about the Muslims and the forgiveness of the Islamic religion so they tell their people that the religion of Islam they just found it a mercy to the worlds, but when you terrorize, kidnap, scare them and kill who you had power over them from the employees of the foreign embassies with the excuse of their disbelief, or you kidnap them because of requests for you from their governments then here they would never dare to come near you to mingle with you so they see your treatment to them or to see the treatment in what is between you, it would never be any background about the morals of the Muslims because they did not get near the Muslims fearing that you kill them or to kidnap them.
Unfortunately they think that the religion of Islam is who commanded you in killing the infidels wherever you find them, then they hated the religion of Islam because they see it a bloody religion because of actions of the astray Muslims whom they made the religion of Islam a bloody religion in the sight of the worlds, but by the Lord of the worlds it is the opposite, indeed the religion of Islam is only a mercy for the worlds and did not command in shedding blood of the disbelievers because of their disbelieve, neither commands in killing any individual from the people that you have because of politics of their governments, nor commands you in compelling people till they be believers, in fact Allah commanded in the religion of Islam in removing the oppression of man off his fellow man, and not compelling the people into the belief in the All Merciful, so you are compelling the people until they become believers, there is no compulsion in the religion, don't you then guard against evil?
Indeed by Allah Who there is no God but Him, surely if you obey the Imam Mahdi Nasser Mohammad Al-Yemeni and applied the treatment of the True religion among you and the disbelievers then the people would have entered in the religion of Allah in crowds totally convinced because religion is the treatment and following to the wisdom and goodly exhortation in the call to Allah, but most people do not know. we belong to Allah and to Him we return..
O community of (Mujahideen) those who strive in the way of Allah you just harmed your religion more than your benefit to it until you made the people to hate the religion of Islam which Allah sent it a mercy to the worlds, so keep your duty to Allah and obey me that you may obtain mercy, the striving in the way of Allah only upon basics and fatwas in the decisive Book for submitting to applying the laws of Allah and to remove the oppression of man off his fellow man, therefore Allah's prophet Solomon forgiveness and peace be upon him said: {Do not exalt yourselves against me and come to me in submission.}Truthful Allah the Great [Al-Naml] 27:31
He does not want compelling them upon the faith but the submission to apply the laws of Allah to remove the oppression of man off his fellow man, so when they apply the punishment-law of the killer wrongfully so the murderer would be killed in application to Allah's law of punishment then man would never kill his fellow man, and when they apply the punishment-law of theft so man would never rob his fellow man, and when they apply the punishment-law of adultery/rape then man would never transgress against the honor of his fellow man, and when the apply the punishment-laws (against) the mischief makers in the land as those who intercept (people) on the roads and the robbers to peoples wealth then the mischief makers would never dare to intercept the path to loot the innocents and shedding their blood or raping their relatives, therefore Allah commanded you to struggle in the way of Allah for applying Allah's laws of punishments to remove the oppression of man off his fellow man, nor the struggling in the way of Allah to compel people upon faith. What is the matter with you? How do you judge?
Indeed by Allah if you compelled whoever on earth altogether upon the belief in the All Merciful so they kept-up their prayers and gave the poor-rate (Zakat) and fasted Ramadan and went for pilgrimage to the sacred mosque it would not a thing would be accepted from them until their worship to be for their Lord purely for Allah and not fearing from the Muslims. In confirming to the word of Allah the Most High: {Only he can maintain the mosques of Allah who believes in Allah and the Last Day, and keeps up prayer and pays the poor-rate (Zakat) and fears none but Allah. So these it is who may be of the guided ones.}Truthful Allah the Great [Al-Tawba] 9:18
Therefore Allah did not command you to compel the people until they are believers for the fact Allah would never accepted their worship unless it is sincerely-pure for Allah from their hearts and not apparently fearing from you. O community of who are striving in the way of Allah, I testify for Allah the True certain testimony that those who strive in the way of Allah they are the companions of the call to Allah's religion by the wisdom and the goodly exhortation upon certain knowledge from their Lord, so keep your duty to Allah O worshipers of Allah and respond to the caller to the mercy for worlds and to the judgement-law of Allah's Book the great Quran if you were believing in it.
Peace be upon the messengers, and praise be to Allah the Lord of the worlds..
Your brother the Imam Mahdi Nasser Mohammad Al-Yemeni.
اقتباس المشاركة: :