المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : More detail about who is the liar messiah antichrist

08-02-2015, 05:05 PM
Imam Nasser Mohammad Al-Yemeni

28 - 06 - 1433 AH
19 - 05- 2012 AD
05:32 am

More details about who is the liar messiah (antichrist)..

In the name of Allah the All Merciful, the Most Merciful, and forgiveness and peace be upon my grandfather Mohammad messengers of Allah and his family the pure, and all supporters of my Lord, the beloved of my heart in ancient first comers and in the later ones and in the upper assembly till the day of judgement..

Peace be upon you my beloveds the best foremost supporters, peace be upon us and upon Allah’s righteous servants, and peace be upon the messengers, and praise be to Allah the Lord of the worlds..

Be warned then be-warned of the openly sedition of antichrist the liar messiah, indeed that is satan who will show-up to you appearing (acting as) a human, and he would address you openly by the speech and by the voice, and he collects against you his horses, as if it has fast wings, and his men, and he brings upon you his wealth and his daughters to share with you in the children, and he promises you with a garden underneath the soil. Perhaps my beloved in Allah’s love Om Khalid would like to say: “O my Imam, who is that man who will appear as a human to be able to speak to us openly so he would talk to us by his voice and he collects against us his horses and his men and his daughters to share mankind in the wealth and children? Will you give us fatwa in his matter, who would be by a condition to be fatwa directly from the decisive Book and not from stories and narrations to the fact it has the possibility of correct and the possibility of error and the forged lies against Allah and His messenger, we only want a manifest clear fatwa mentions who possess the openly sedition, who is he exactly so if he appeared the humans beware of his sedition whom they follow the True statement for the Reminder”. Then the Awaited Mahdi replies upon the question of the respectable Om Khalid and I say: Surely we will leave the fatwa to you from Allah directly in His decisive Book telling you that there is an openly sedition of satan for all the people while they are seeing him by the sound and image upon the actual reality so he collects against them his horses, his men, and his daughters, and you find the fatwa in the word of Allah the Most High: {And incite whom you can of them with your voice, and collect against them your horsemen (troops) and your infantry, and share with them in wealth and children, and promise them. And satan promises them only to deceive.}Truthful Allah the Great [Al-Esra] 17:64

And not a prophet but he warned his people and his followers from the sedition of the liar messiah antichrist to the fact that the liar messiah antichrist is the outcast satan himself. Perhaps Om Khalid would like to say: “O my Imam would you increase us with knowledge why the prophets called him the liar messiah antichrist? Then the Awaited Mahdi Imam Nasser Mohammad Al-Yemeni replies upon her and I say: O servant of Allah is it by the intellect and logic that the liar messiah antichrist would come and say to the people I am the liar messiah antichrist? In fact he will say to the people I am the Messiah Jesus son of Mary and I am Allah Lord of the worlds, and for that the prophets named him the liar messiah antichrist for the fact he is not the True Messiah Jesus son of Mary -forgiveness and peace of Allah be upon him and his mother- and I salute them the best salutation — in fact he is a liar, there he is named the liar messiah antichrist for the fact he is not the True Messiah Jesus son of Mary, and it was not for the son of Maryam to say what he has no right in it but he will speak to people in a mature age so he speaks to them in what he spoke in the True fatwa while he was a child in the cradle so he said : {He said: I am indeed a servant of Allah. He has given me the Book and made me a prophet.(30) And He has made me blessed wherever I may be, and He has enjoined on me prayer and poor-rate so long as I live(31) And to be kind to my mother; and He has not made me insolent, unblessed.(32)}Truthful Allah the Great [Maryam] 30:30-32

And since the Knower of the unseen indeed knows that satan wants to impersonate the identity of the Messiah Jesus son of Mary therefore the wisdom is cleared to you by the Truth from returning of the Messiah Jesus son of Mary and that is because the outcast satan desires to impersonate his identity and to claim divinity unjustly, for that Allah decreed the return of the Messiah Jesus son of Mary to the humans in order to fight with the Awaited Mahdi the liar messiah antichrist, then he (True Jesus) would of the righteous and the followers of the Imam Mahdi forgiveness and peace be upon the Messiah Jesus son of Mary and his mother and I salute them the best salutation.

Satan had prepared the jinn and mankind for coming out of the liar messiah that made the Christians to exaggerate in the Messiah Jesus son of Mary until they said that Allah is the Messiah Jesus son of Mary. Allah the Most High said: {Certainly they disbelieve who say: Allah, He is the Messiah, son of Mary.}Truthful Allah the Great [Al-Ma’eda] 5:72

Till when the liar messiah has appeared saying that he is the Messiah Jesus son of Mary and says that he is Allah then the people and the Christians say: “ Don’t you see that the Muslims’ belief regarding the Messiah Jesus son of Mary is a false doctrine to the fact the Muslims believe that the Messiah Jesus son of Mary is a servant from the servants of Allah, but the Christians believe that Allah is the Messiah Jesus son of Mary? And here he is just returned the Messiah Jesus son of Mary to rule among the Muslims and the Christians by the Truth, and here he is just said that he is Allah as the Christians believed from before, and he did not say that he is a servant from the servants of Allah as the Muslims believed, so the doctrine of the Muslims became false and the Christians who they believe in the divinity of son Mary is the Truth.”. Then the Truth becomes false and the false is true, then the people follow the false doctrine and many of the Muslims except a few, and were not for Allah’s grace and His mercy upon you you would surely followed satan O community of Muslims except a few. Allah the Most High said: {And were it not for the grace of Allah upon you and His mercy, you would certainly have followed satan except a few.}Truthful Allah the Great [Al-Nisa] 4:83

As for jinn, it just cleared to them that the liar messiah because satan in the land of two Easts claiming divinity and was naming himself that he is the Messiah Jesus in the land of the two Easts, and he says that he is Allah and he takes a companion-mate and a son, but Allah saved them by hearing the great Quran which is nullifying the call of divinity for the kingdom to other than Allah glory be to Him, but the jinn knows that their foolish outcast satan is claiming divinity and takes a consort and a son, but the jinn called him the foolish of us which is the foolish of the jinn and they knew that he claims the divinity and takes a companion-mate and a son but Allah does not take a consort and a son. Allah the Most High said: {Say: It has been revealed to me that a party of the jinn listened, so they said: Surely we have heard a wonderful Quran,(1) Guiding to the right way — so we believe in it. And we shall not set up anyone with our Lord;(2) And He — exalted be the majesty of our Lord! — has not taken a consort, nor a son;(3) And the foolish among us used to forge extravagant lies against Allah;(4) And we thought that men and jinn did not utter a lie against Allah;(5) And persons from among men used to seek refuge with persons from among the jinn, so they increased them in evil doing;(6) And they thought, as you think, that Allah would not raise anyone;(7) And we sought to reach heaven, but we found it filled with strong guards and flames;(8) And we used to sit in some of the sitting-places thereof to steal a hearing. But he who tries to listen now finds a flame lying in wait for him;(9) And we know not whether evil is meant for those on earth or whether their Lord means to direct them aright;(10) And some of us are good and others of us are below that — we are sects following different ways;(11) And we know that we cannot escape Allah in the earth, nor can we escape Him by flight;(12) And when we heard the guidance, we believed in it. So whoever believes in his Lord, he fears neither loss nor injustice;(13) And some of us are those who submit, and some of us are deviators. So whoever submits, these aim at the right way.(14) And as to deviators, they are fuel of hell;(15)}Truthful Allah the Great [Al-Jinn] 72:1-15

And we devise of this that satan is claiming the divinity of the kingdom and he takes a consort and a son but Allah really did take a consort nor a son. So keep your duty to Allah O who possess an understanding mind and follow the True explanatory-statement for the Book, and non mind except who possess an understanding mind.

And perhaps one of my beloveds of the best foremost supporters would like to say: “How for us the supporters to distinguish between those of understanding mind and the most evil walking-creatures the deaf, dumb whom do not understand?”. Then replying to the questioners and we say: As for those who do not understand as soon as you tell them about a person names himself Imam Nasser Mohammad Al-Yemeni in the world-wide internet saying that he is the Awaited Mahdi disputing with people by the great Quran, so as for those who do not understand you will find them judge in regarding the call of Nasser Mohammad Al-Yemeni before they hear his word and the logic of his knowledge, those lead themselves astray and lead their nation astray. As for those of understanding of them you would not find them judge in regarding the call of Nasser Mohammad Al-Yemeni they will say to the questioners: “Wait for us until we ponder the call of Nasser Mohammad Al-Yemeni to see had he brought the Truth or he was of the players, they you here our judgement in him”. Those Allah gives them the good news of guidance to the fact they are of whom do not judge before hearing the argument of the caller and the authority of his knowledge, but they listen to the word first then they follow its best if the Truth was clear for them from their Lord, those do not judge before listening to the authority of knowledge of the Book by the manifest proof.

And peace be upon the messengers, and praise be to Allah the Lord of the worlds.
Your brother Imam Mahdi Nasser Mohammad Al-Yemeni


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