28-03-2015, 11:16 PM
Imam Nasser Mohammad Al-Yemeni
10 - 02 - 1429 AH
18 - 02 - 2008 AD
10:32 pm
A fiery planet and its stones are compacted (layer upon layer) namely equipped for penetrating the earth’s atmospheric shield..
In the name of Allah the All Merciful, the Most Merciful, and peace be upon the messengers, and praise be to Allah the Lord of the worlds, after this..
I ask Allah to reward you good my brother Abd Al-Aziz (the needy to the mercy of his Lord), you were truthful and the searchers were truthful about the Truth confirming the ratification for the True statement for the great Quran as we told you that it is a fiery planet, and its stones are compacted (layer upon layer) namely equipped for penetrating the earth’s atmospheric shield due to its tolerance for the extreme heat in the friction with atmospheric shield, and that until it reaches to its goal in earth so it does not crumble before arriving as a result of the friction in the atmospheric shield, as well there is in it a mixture of other metal heavy in weight, and the planet of chastisement is fiery, as that there is in it a heavy weight glass metal, it is the heaviest types of glass metals.
O Muslims, I surely by Allah do not forge a lie against Allah unjustly nor I speak to you except in the real Truth you find it upon the actual reality in the knowledge of science and logic, consequently this planet leaves many stones rotates around your earth in each rotation, but it was passing a little farther than its passage now, and that is because it did not affect on the earth’s rotation except this time due to its much closeness to it, O community of Muslims, why you are not certain in coming of the planet of painful chastisement which is in lower of your earth then Allah makes it above it, so it rains stones from Sijeel on whom He pleases. In confirming to the word of Allah the Most High: {and rained on them stones from Sijeel, compacted (layer upon layer),}Truthful Allah the Great [Houd] 11:82
And its natural configurations is clay but of the fiery kind, and as for the name of the planet in the great Quran it is (Sijeel), as for the stones it is soil-clay and not solid but it is compacted (layer upon layer) to withstand the heat of friction in the atmospheric shield due to its sustaining for the high extreme heat despite that it is clay. In confirming to the word of Allah the Most High: {That we may send upon them stones of clay,(33) Marked from your Lord for the prodigal.(34)}Truthful Allah the Great [Al-Dhariyat] 51:33
Therefore the name Sijeel is the name of the planet, and as for the stones it is from clay omitting heat from planet Sijeel. In confirming to the word of Allah the Most High: {That we may send upon them stones of clay,(33) Marked from your Lord for the prodigal.(34)}Truthful Allah the Great [Al-Zariyat] 51:33
As for the name of the planet: {and rained on them stones from Sijeel, compacted (layer upon layer),}Truthful Allah the Great [Houd] 11:82, so it is an equipped plant with the painful chastisement so flee from Allah to Him surely I am a clear warner to you from Him.
And here he is Abd Al-Aziz had come to you with another ratification for the True statement by the knowledge of science and logic upon the actual reality, and Allah did not cut the land which in it Lot's town nor did Gabriel raise it til the dwellers of the heaven heard the rosters, and there is no chickens with the angels! So let go of the nonsense-superstitions from the interpretations of those who they say against Allah what they do not know, and surely what they said due to their misunderstanding to the word of Allah the Most High: {So when Our decree came to pass, We turned over it (what was) below it, and rained on them stones from Sijeel, compacted in consistency}Truthful Allah the Great [Houd] 11:82
So they thought that Gabriel lifted the town and made what's above it (into) below it! But the Imam Mahdi Nasser Mohammad Al-Yemeni came to you by the true statement if you were to understand, then we clarified to you that He made above their land a planet was below it so it rained onto them from it rocks of clay marked (for punishment) with your Lord, and it is not far off from the unjust people, and it did not only rain on the town of Lot's people; in fact also on the whole towns of Abraham's people which Allah sent him to whom Allah had gave him the kingship and he thought that he is the undefeated power and claimed the divinity and said that he gives life and cause death so he kills whoever he wills and let go in life whom he wills! And Abraham said to him: {Surely Allah causes the sun to rise from the East, so do you make it rise from the West. Thus he who disbelieved was confounded. And Allah guides not the unjust people.}Truthful Allah the Great [Al-Baqara] 2:258
And follow him many towns on the face of the earth And Allah destroyed them with the people of Lot an utter destruction, and Allah the Most High said: {Has not the story reached them of those before them — of the people of Noah and ‘Ad and Thamud, and the people of Abraham}Truthful Allah the Great [Al-Tawba] 9:70
The town of Lot's people is not but one of the chastised towns Of Abraham's people, and of these people had not believe Abraham except Lot forgiveness of Allah and peace be upon him and his family. In confirming to the word of Allah the Most High: {So Lot believed in him. And he said: I am migrating to my Lord. Surely He is the Mighty, the Wise.(26) And We granted him Isaac and Jacob,}Truthful Allah the Great [Al-Ankaboot] 29:26-27
Allah made his prophet Lot a caller to the Truth and made him a minister for Abraham, and the forbearing Abraham the friend of Allah refused to curse (pray against) his people and said: {And when Abraham said: My Lord, make this city peaceful, and save me and my sons from worshiping idols.(35) My Lord, surely they have led many men astray. So whoever follows me, he is surely of me; and whoever disobeys me, surely You are Forgiving, Merciful.(36)}Truthful Allah the Great [Ibraheem] 14:35-36
But Allah responded to the prayer of His prophet Lot so He destroyed his people and the people of Abraham on the face of the earth altogether, therefore Allah the Most High said: {So when Our decree came to pass, We turned over it (what was) below it, and We made it to rain on it rocks from Sijeel that is compacted layer upon layer}Truthful Allah the Great [Houd] 11:82
And Allah the Most High said: {Thus We turned over it (what was) below it, and We made it to rain upon them rocks from Sijeel}Truthful Allah the Great [Al-Hijr] 15:74
And it is clearing to you the difference between {and We made to rain upon them} also { and We made it to rain on it} that is to say: It rained over all of the earth, and the town of Lot is among them, and Allah made that of the Quran's secrets so it did not clear for you that it rained on all the earth so it does not show the planet of chastisement for the people except in the determined decree in the ascribed Book in era of dialogue before the appearing, and you did not question; by what Allah had chastised the people of Abraham? In fact they composed stories the relaters of stories which Allah had not authorized, and because the chastisement of Abraham's people was unknown so said whoever said: He chastised them by mosquitoes and a mosquito entered into the nose of Nimroud the son Kanaan who claimed divinity then Nimroud was hit by the shoe for forty years then his head exploded and the wing of the mosquito broke, and Allah gave the mosquito a choice by the world's kingship rather than her wing so she refused except that Allah returns her wing to her and for that said: If the world at Allah were to equal a mosquito's wing He would not watered from it to an unbeliever a sip of water. And these stories are not Jewish made but a composition came to instill fear in people, but by this, they violated the True statement for the Great Quran because Allah annihilated the folks of Abraham by the planet of the painful chastisement which it rained over the earth and Allah saved Abraham and Lot (Who directed them) to the land which is the honored Mecca that Allah had blessed for the nations, and Allah the Most High said: {And We delivered him and Lot (directing them) to the land which We had blessed for the nations.}Truthful Allah the Great [Al-Anbya] 21:71
But in reality He did not destroy the people of Lot only; but as well the people of Abraham and (Allah) saved Lot and his family except his wife — she was of those who remained behind (with the doomed), and as well He saved Abraham and his pregnant wife of a boy, possessing knowledge -forgiveness and peace of Allah be upon him and his family- and that is because the good news came during sending the angels to Abraham and Lot for exiting, and they told them that the chastisement is descending on all the towns, even this town which Lot belongs to it, and Allah’s loyal-friend Abraham -forgiveness and peace of Allah be upon him and his family- said surely in it a righteous people, they said we know well who is in it, we did not find in it other than one home of the Muslims; the family of Lot and we surely saving them altogether except his wife — she was of those who remained behind (with the doomed); the important that Allah saved Abraham and his wife, and Lot and his family except his wife — she was of those who remained behind (with the doomed). And Allah the Most High said: {So We delivered him and his followers, except his wife — she was of those who remained behind (with the doomed).}Truthful Allah the Great [Al-Aaraf] 7:83
And the reader thinks it is not found that Abraham was with Lot; they met when the walking in a part of the night and with Abraham was his pregnant wife of a boy, possessing knowledge, in his first days while he is in his mother’s belly, and Allah saved her with her husband Abraham as well Lot with his family except his wife to the land which Allah have blessed for the nations, and Allah the Most High said: {And We saved him and Lot (directing them) to the land which We had blessed for the nations.}Truthful Allah the Great [Al-Anbya] 21:71
And Allah the Most High said: {They said: Burn him, and help your gods, if you are going to do (anything).(68) We said: O fire, be coolness and peace for Abraham;(69) And they intended a plan against him, but We made them the greater losers.(70) And We saved him and Lot (directing them) to the land which We had blessed for the nations.(71)}Truthful Allah the Great [Al-Anbya] 21:68:71
Therefore the chastisement was comprehensive to all towns of who he claimed divinity that Allah gave him the earth’s kingship; that is who disputed Abraham in his Lord so Allah made him perish with his soldiers and the towns which followed him and disbelieved in Allah’s prophet Abraham.
And Allah the Most High said: {And certainly We gave Abraham his rectitude before, and We knew him well.(51) When he said to his sire and his people: What are these images to whose worship you cleave?(52) They said: We found our fathers worshiping them.(53) He said: Certainly you have been, you and your fathers, in manifest error.(54) They said: Have you brought us the truth, or are you of the jesters?(55) He said: Nay, your Lord is the Lord of the heavens and the earth, Who created them; and I am of those who bear witness to this.(56) And, by Allah! I will certainly plan against your idols after you go away, turning your backs.(57) So he broke them into pieces, except the chief of them, that haply they might return to it.(58) They said: Who has done this to our gods? Surely he is one of the unjust.(59) They said: We heard a youth, who is called Abraham, speak of them.(60) They said: Then bring him before the people’s eyes, perhaps they may bear witness.(61) They said: Have you done this to our gods, O Abraham?(62) He said: Surely (someone) has done it. The chief of them is this; so ask them, if they can speak.(63) Then they turned to themselves and said: Surely you yourselves are wrongdoers;(64) Then they were made to hang down their heads: You know indeed that they speak not.(65) He said: Serve you then besides Allah what does you no good, nor harms you?(66) Fie on you and on what you serve besides Allah! Have you no sense?(67) They said: Burn him, and help your gods, if you are going to do (anything).(68) We said: O fire, be coolness and peace for Abraham;(69) And they intended a plan against him, but We made them the greater losers.(70) And We saved him and Lot (directing them) to the land which We had blessed for the nations.(71)}Truthful Allah the Great [Al-Anbya] 21:51-71
O community of Muslims; I swear to you by the Lord of the worlds that I am the Imam Mahdi, Allah sent me with the True statement for the great Quran, and not, nor and never a scholar argues with me from the Quran but I overpower him by a more guiding knowledge than his knowledge and his nonsense superstitions and more upright-effective in speech, and I do not say of Allah by conjecture as like you which does not avail a thing of the Truth and will be clearing to you through the True statement for the great Quran that there is in the humans’ books stories Allah have not sent down an authority in it; in fact it is truly myths of the ancients and who is more truthful in word than Allah?! So follow me I guide you a straight path surely my Lord is upon a straight path.
Be aware that you follow me the blind following; In fact I do admonish you only to one thing that you think and ponder the Truth then your minds accept it; until when Allah enlighten your hearts it realizes that it is the Truth and that Nasser Mohammad Al-Yemeni really does not say of Allah in the True explanatory-statement for the Quran other than the Truth, then you follow the Truth and you leave the knowledge which Allah forbidden you from following it without pondering nor thinking, and Allah the Most High said: {And follow not that of which you have no knowledge. Surely the hearing and the sight and the heart, of all of these it will be asked.}Truthful Allah the Great [Al-Esra] 17:36
In the meaning of that Allah will ask you how do you follow words of the scholars in the word of conjecture and Allah did not give you fatwa that they are prophets they do not speak except by the Truth so you dispute with about Ibn Taymya or about Ibn Katheer or about Allah’s great sign Al-Khumaini! O people I am calling you to Allah’s Book and His messenger’s True sunn and I do not know of a prophet after Mohammad messenger of Allah -forgiveness and peace be upon him and his family- he does not speak out of desire in order that you argue with me with quotes of your scholars and your ancestors and between you and I is Allah’s Book and the True sunna of His messenger, so who held firmly by the Truth is saved, and whoever deviated from both of them it is as if he had fallen from on the sky, then the birds had snatched him away, or the wind had carried him off to a far-distant place.
O community of the whole best supporters, I surely repeat, warn, and give fatwa and say: Beware then beware and then beware for if you saw Nasser Mohammad Al-Yemeni had just overpowered him one scholar of the Muslims by knowledge that is more guiding than my knowledge and more upright-effective in speech that you follow in a thing, so you continue on your fanaticism with me a blind fanaticism unless I silence the tongues of all the scholars of the nation in all of it by the True explanatory-statement for the great Quran so Allah makes me surpassing over them by the True and convincing authority of knowledge from the decisive great Quran which is your scholars and the ignorant of you see it that it is the Truth from the Lord of the worlds and not nonsense Mahdis before the True Imam Mahdi of whom had been touched by satans positions so satan revels in the heart of each one of them that he is the Imam Mahdi, so they alter Allah’s words from its places with words in which the mind does not accept it nor logic, and that till when the True Imam Mahdi came to the Muslims and who carry in his name the news of him and his banner and the title of his mission (Nasser Mohammad) the supporter for the Truth which was sent down on the seal of the prophets and messengers then they lie in the Truth from their Lord so they turn away from him then Allah destroys the Muslims with the disbelievers or chastises them an exemplary chastisement.
And I know that not an ignorant and a scholar read my statement but he saw it speaks by the Truth except the blind (at heart) who does not keep his duty to Allah in a thing, and for that He did not make for him a discriminant (mind) and then he does not take the True (right) decision towards himself so he saves himself; in fact he says I will wait until I see what the scholars of the nation say about Nasser Mohammad Al-Yemeni then I follow him, but I reply to him and I say: If Nasser Mohammad Al-Yemeni raised the nullifying argument against the scholars of the Muslims so I silence their tongues, surely Allah had made for me an authority against you for if He chastised that if you turned away from the Truth so do not have fanaticism with scholars of your belief a blind fanaticism
Do you not see that I admonish my supporters and my followers in my statements and I say to them an effective words: You be ware then be war not to follow me if you if you found a one scholar of the scholars of the Muslims just overpowered the Imam Nasser Mohammad Al-Yemeni, so do not have fanaticism with me a blind fanaticism so pride would carry you off to sin. And of the much that what I repeat to them maybe some of them would think unjustly and say: “What is the matter of Nasser Mohammad Al-Yemeni repeats to us these words as if he expects the scholars of the nation to overpower him so he is feeling fear within himself”, but I ease his heart and I say: I surely swear by Who made Thamoud and Aad to perish and drowned the mighty pharaohs; Allah Who raised the heavens without posts and made the earth fixed with pegs (the mountains) if all the scholars of the nations from the ancient servants (of Allah) of them and the later ones they met at one dialogue table to dispute with the Imam Nasser Mohammad Al-Yemeni from the great Quran, but Allah would make me surpassing over them all by the True statement for the great Quran, so I silence their tongues by the Truth until they do not find straitness in their chests of what I ruled among them by the Truth so they submit with full submission, that is because Who teaches me is not from the angels who are created of light, nor of the humans who are created from soil like clay and not the jinn who are created from a flame of fire; in fact my Teacher is the Creator to all things, Allah the One the All Mighty, that is Allah teacher of the Awaited Mahdi the human being who Allah taught him the explanatory-statement for the great Quran, and He did not make me a an arrogant servant but I am confident of my Teacher, most excellent the Guardian and most excellent the Helper, so are you more knowledgeable or Allah Who taught me? And He did not teach me through sending Gabriel, nor He teaches me by revelation of speaking from behind a veil; in fact by revelation to make understand directly to the heart and not whispers of an outcast satan, and the proof that it is a revelation from the All Merciful and not a whisper of satan is that I bring to you the authority of knowledge from the decisive great Quran.
Peace on who followed the guidance, and peace upon the messengers, and praise be to Allah Lord of the worlds..
The Imam Mahdi the supporter to what came with it Mohammad messenger of Allah -forgiveness and peace of Allah be upon him and his family- the Imam Nasser Mohammad Al-Yemeni.
اقتباس المشاركة: :
10 - 02 - 1429 AH
18 - 02 - 2008 AD
10:32 pm
A fiery planet and its stones are compacted (layer upon layer) namely equipped for penetrating the earth’s atmospheric shield..
In the name of Allah the All Merciful, the Most Merciful, and peace be upon the messengers, and praise be to Allah the Lord of the worlds, after this..
I ask Allah to reward you good my brother Abd Al-Aziz (the needy to the mercy of his Lord), you were truthful and the searchers were truthful about the Truth confirming the ratification for the True statement for the great Quran as we told you that it is a fiery planet, and its stones are compacted (layer upon layer) namely equipped for penetrating the earth’s atmospheric shield due to its tolerance for the extreme heat in the friction with atmospheric shield, and that until it reaches to its goal in earth so it does not crumble before arriving as a result of the friction in the atmospheric shield, as well there is in it a mixture of other metal heavy in weight, and the planet of chastisement is fiery, as that there is in it a heavy weight glass metal, it is the heaviest types of glass metals.
O Muslims, I surely by Allah do not forge a lie against Allah unjustly nor I speak to you except in the real Truth you find it upon the actual reality in the knowledge of science and logic, consequently this planet leaves many stones rotates around your earth in each rotation, but it was passing a little farther than its passage now, and that is because it did not affect on the earth’s rotation except this time due to its much closeness to it, O community of Muslims, why you are not certain in coming of the planet of painful chastisement which is in lower of your earth then Allah makes it above it, so it rains stones from Sijeel on whom He pleases. In confirming to the word of Allah the Most High: {and rained on them stones from Sijeel, compacted (layer upon layer),}Truthful Allah the Great [Houd] 11:82
And its natural configurations is clay but of the fiery kind, and as for the name of the planet in the great Quran it is (Sijeel), as for the stones it is soil-clay and not solid but it is compacted (layer upon layer) to withstand the heat of friction in the atmospheric shield due to its sustaining for the high extreme heat despite that it is clay. In confirming to the word of Allah the Most High: {That we may send upon them stones of clay,(33) Marked from your Lord for the prodigal.(34)}Truthful Allah the Great [Al-Dhariyat] 51:33
Therefore the name Sijeel is the name of the planet, and as for the stones it is from clay omitting heat from planet Sijeel. In confirming to the word of Allah the Most High: {That we may send upon them stones of clay,(33) Marked from your Lord for the prodigal.(34)}Truthful Allah the Great [Al-Zariyat] 51:33
As for the name of the planet: {and rained on them stones from Sijeel, compacted (layer upon layer),}Truthful Allah the Great [Houd] 11:82, so it is an equipped plant with the painful chastisement so flee from Allah to Him surely I am a clear warner to you from Him.
And here he is Abd Al-Aziz had come to you with another ratification for the True statement by the knowledge of science and logic upon the actual reality, and Allah did not cut the land which in it Lot's town nor did Gabriel raise it til the dwellers of the heaven heard the rosters, and there is no chickens with the angels! So let go of the nonsense-superstitions from the interpretations of those who they say against Allah what they do not know, and surely what they said due to their misunderstanding to the word of Allah the Most High: {So when Our decree came to pass, We turned over it (what was) below it, and rained on them stones from Sijeel, compacted in consistency}Truthful Allah the Great [Houd] 11:82
So they thought that Gabriel lifted the town and made what's above it (into) below it! But the Imam Mahdi Nasser Mohammad Al-Yemeni came to you by the true statement if you were to understand, then we clarified to you that He made above their land a planet was below it so it rained onto them from it rocks of clay marked (for punishment) with your Lord, and it is not far off from the unjust people, and it did not only rain on the town of Lot's people; in fact also on the whole towns of Abraham's people which Allah sent him to whom Allah had gave him the kingship and he thought that he is the undefeated power and claimed the divinity and said that he gives life and cause death so he kills whoever he wills and let go in life whom he wills! And Abraham said to him: {Surely Allah causes the sun to rise from the East, so do you make it rise from the West. Thus he who disbelieved was confounded. And Allah guides not the unjust people.}Truthful Allah the Great [Al-Baqara] 2:258
And follow him many towns on the face of the earth And Allah destroyed them with the people of Lot an utter destruction, and Allah the Most High said: {Has not the story reached them of those before them — of the people of Noah and ‘Ad and Thamud, and the people of Abraham}Truthful Allah the Great [Al-Tawba] 9:70
The town of Lot's people is not but one of the chastised towns Of Abraham's people, and of these people had not believe Abraham except Lot forgiveness of Allah and peace be upon him and his family. In confirming to the word of Allah the Most High: {So Lot believed in him. And he said: I am migrating to my Lord. Surely He is the Mighty, the Wise.(26) And We granted him Isaac and Jacob,}Truthful Allah the Great [Al-Ankaboot] 29:26-27
Allah made his prophet Lot a caller to the Truth and made him a minister for Abraham, and the forbearing Abraham the friend of Allah refused to curse (pray against) his people and said: {And when Abraham said: My Lord, make this city peaceful, and save me and my sons from worshiping idols.(35) My Lord, surely they have led many men astray. So whoever follows me, he is surely of me; and whoever disobeys me, surely You are Forgiving, Merciful.(36)}Truthful Allah the Great [Ibraheem] 14:35-36
But Allah responded to the prayer of His prophet Lot so He destroyed his people and the people of Abraham on the face of the earth altogether, therefore Allah the Most High said: {So when Our decree came to pass, We turned over it (what was) below it, and We made it to rain on it rocks from Sijeel that is compacted layer upon layer}Truthful Allah the Great [Houd] 11:82
And Allah the Most High said: {Thus We turned over it (what was) below it, and We made it to rain upon them rocks from Sijeel}Truthful Allah the Great [Al-Hijr] 15:74
And it is clearing to you the difference between {and We made to rain upon them} also { and We made it to rain on it} that is to say: It rained over all of the earth, and the town of Lot is among them, and Allah made that of the Quran's secrets so it did not clear for you that it rained on all the earth so it does not show the planet of chastisement for the people except in the determined decree in the ascribed Book in era of dialogue before the appearing, and you did not question; by what Allah had chastised the people of Abraham? In fact they composed stories the relaters of stories which Allah had not authorized, and because the chastisement of Abraham's people was unknown so said whoever said: He chastised them by mosquitoes and a mosquito entered into the nose of Nimroud the son Kanaan who claimed divinity then Nimroud was hit by the shoe for forty years then his head exploded and the wing of the mosquito broke, and Allah gave the mosquito a choice by the world's kingship rather than her wing so she refused except that Allah returns her wing to her and for that said: If the world at Allah were to equal a mosquito's wing He would not watered from it to an unbeliever a sip of water. And these stories are not Jewish made but a composition came to instill fear in people, but by this, they violated the True statement for the Great Quran because Allah annihilated the folks of Abraham by the planet of the painful chastisement which it rained over the earth and Allah saved Abraham and Lot (Who directed them) to the land which is the honored Mecca that Allah had blessed for the nations, and Allah the Most High said: {And We delivered him and Lot (directing them) to the land which We had blessed for the nations.}Truthful Allah the Great [Al-Anbya] 21:71
But in reality He did not destroy the people of Lot only; but as well the people of Abraham and (Allah) saved Lot and his family except his wife — she was of those who remained behind (with the doomed), and as well He saved Abraham and his pregnant wife of a boy, possessing knowledge -forgiveness and peace of Allah be upon him and his family- and that is because the good news came during sending the angels to Abraham and Lot for exiting, and they told them that the chastisement is descending on all the towns, even this town which Lot belongs to it, and Allah’s loyal-friend Abraham -forgiveness and peace of Allah be upon him and his family- said surely in it a righteous people, they said we know well who is in it, we did not find in it other than one home of the Muslims; the family of Lot and we surely saving them altogether except his wife — she was of those who remained behind (with the doomed); the important that Allah saved Abraham and his wife, and Lot and his family except his wife — she was of those who remained behind (with the doomed). And Allah the Most High said: {So We delivered him and his followers, except his wife — she was of those who remained behind (with the doomed).}Truthful Allah the Great [Al-Aaraf] 7:83
And the reader thinks it is not found that Abraham was with Lot; they met when the walking in a part of the night and with Abraham was his pregnant wife of a boy, possessing knowledge, in his first days while he is in his mother’s belly, and Allah saved her with her husband Abraham as well Lot with his family except his wife to the land which Allah have blessed for the nations, and Allah the Most High said: {And We saved him and Lot (directing them) to the land which We had blessed for the nations.}Truthful Allah the Great [Al-Anbya] 21:71
And Allah the Most High said: {They said: Burn him, and help your gods, if you are going to do (anything).(68) We said: O fire, be coolness and peace for Abraham;(69) And they intended a plan against him, but We made them the greater losers.(70) And We saved him and Lot (directing them) to the land which We had blessed for the nations.(71)}Truthful Allah the Great [Al-Anbya] 21:68:71
Therefore the chastisement was comprehensive to all towns of who he claimed divinity that Allah gave him the earth’s kingship; that is who disputed Abraham in his Lord so Allah made him perish with his soldiers and the towns which followed him and disbelieved in Allah’s prophet Abraham.
And Allah the Most High said: {And certainly We gave Abraham his rectitude before, and We knew him well.(51) When he said to his sire and his people: What are these images to whose worship you cleave?(52) They said: We found our fathers worshiping them.(53) He said: Certainly you have been, you and your fathers, in manifest error.(54) They said: Have you brought us the truth, or are you of the jesters?(55) He said: Nay, your Lord is the Lord of the heavens and the earth, Who created them; and I am of those who bear witness to this.(56) And, by Allah! I will certainly plan against your idols after you go away, turning your backs.(57) So he broke them into pieces, except the chief of them, that haply they might return to it.(58) They said: Who has done this to our gods? Surely he is one of the unjust.(59) They said: We heard a youth, who is called Abraham, speak of them.(60) They said: Then bring him before the people’s eyes, perhaps they may bear witness.(61) They said: Have you done this to our gods, O Abraham?(62) He said: Surely (someone) has done it. The chief of them is this; so ask them, if they can speak.(63) Then they turned to themselves and said: Surely you yourselves are wrongdoers;(64) Then they were made to hang down their heads: You know indeed that they speak not.(65) He said: Serve you then besides Allah what does you no good, nor harms you?(66) Fie on you and on what you serve besides Allah! Have you no sense?(67) They said: Burn him, and help your gods, if you are going to do (anything).(68) We said: O fire, be coolness and peace for Abraham;(69) And they intended a plan against him, but We made them the greater losers.(70) And We saved him and Lot (directing them) to the land which We had blessed for the nations.(71)}Truthful Allah the Great [Al-Anbya] 21:51-71
O community of Muslims; I swear to you by the Lord of the worlds that I am the Imam Mahdi, Allah sent me with the True statement for the great Quran, and not, nor and never a scholar argues with me from the Quran but I overpower him by a more guiding knowledge than his knowledge and his nonsense superstitions and more upright-effective in speech, and I do not say of Allah by conjecture as like you which does not avail a thing of the Truth and will be clearing to you through the True statement for the great Quran that there is in the humans’ books stories Allah have not sent down an authority in it; in fact it is truly myths of the ancients and who is more truthful in word than Allah?! So follow me I guide you a straight path surely my Lord is upon a straight path.
Be aware that you follow me the blind following; In fact I do admonish you only to one thing that you think and ponder the Truth then your minds accept it; until when Allah enlighten your hearts it realizes that it is the Truth and that Nasser Mohammad Al-Yemeni really does not say of Allah in the True explanatory-statement for the Quran other than the Truth, then you follow the Truth and you leave the knowledge which Allah forbidden you from following it without pondering nor thinking, and Allah the Most High said: {And follow not that of which you have no knowledge. Surely the hearing and the sight and the heart, of all of these it will be asked.}Truthful Allah the Great [Al-Esra] 17:36
In the meaning of that Allah will ask you how do you follow words of the scholars in the word of conjecture and Allah did not give you fatwa that they are prophets they do not speak except by the Truth so you dispute with about Ibn Taymya or about Ibn Katheer or about Allah’s great sign Al-Khumaini! O people I am calling you to Allah’s Book and His messenger’s True sunn and I do not know of a prophet after Mohammad messenger of Allah -forgiveness and peace be upon him and his family- he does not speak out of desire in order that you argue with me with quotes of your scholars and your ancestors and between you and I is Allah’s Book and the True sunna of His messenger, so who held firmly by the Truth is saved, and whoever deviated from both of them it is as if he had fallen from on the sky, then the birds had snatched him away, or the wind had carried him off to a far-distant place.
O community of the whole best supporters, I surely repeat, warn, and give fatwa and say: Beware then beware and then beware for if you saw Nasser Mohammad Al-Yemeni had just overpowered him one scholar of the Muslims by knowledge that is more guiding than my knowledge and more upright-effective in speech that you follow in a thing, so you continue on your fanaticism with me a blind fanaticism unless I silence the tongues of all the scholars of the nation in all of it by the True explanatory-statement for the great Quran so Allah makes me surpassing over them by the True and convincing authority of knowledge from the decisive great Quran which is your scholars and the ignorant of you see it that it is the Truth from the Lord of the worlds and not nonsense Mahdis before the True Imam Mahdi of whom had been touched by satans positions so satan revels in the heart of each one of them that he is the Imam Mahdi, so they alter Allah’s words from its places with words in which the mind does not accept it nor logic, and that till when the True Imam Mahdi came to the Muslims and who carry in his name the news of him and his banner and the title of his mission (Nasser Mohammad) the supporter for the Truth which was sent down on the seal of the prophets and messengers then they lie in the Truth from their Lord so they turn away from him then Allah destroys the Muslims with the disbelievers or chastises them an exemplary chastisement.
And I know that not an ignorant and a scholar read my statement but he saw it speaks by the Truth except the blind (at heart) who does not keep his duty to Allah in a thing, and for that He did not make for him a discriminant (mind) and then he does not take the True (right) decision towards himself so he saves himself; in fact he says I will wait until I see what the scholars of the nation say about Nasser Mohammad Al-Yemeni then I follow him, but I reply to him and I say: If Nasser Mohammad Al-Yemeni raised the nullifying argument against the scholars of the Muslims so I silence their tongues, surely Allah had made for me an authority against you for if He chastised that if you turned away from the Truth so do not have fanaticism with scholars of your belief a blind fanaticism
Do you not see that I admonish my supporters and my followers in my statements and I say to them an effective words: You be ware then be war not to follow me if you if you found a one scholar of the scholars of the Muslims just overpowered the Imam Nasser Mohammad Al-Yemeni, so do not have fanaticism with me a blind fanaticism so pride would carry you off to sin. And of the much that what I repeat to them maybe some of them would think unjustly and say: “What is the matter of Nasser Mohammad Al-Yemeni repeats to us these words as if he expects the scholars of the nation to overpower him so he is feeling fear within himself”, but I ease his heart and I say: I surely swear by Who made Thamoud and Aad to perish and drowned the mighty pharaohs; Allah Who raised the heavens without posts and made the earth fixed with pegs (the mountains) if all the scholars of the nations from the ancient servants (of Allah) of them and the later ones they met at one dialogue table to dispute with the Imam Nasser Mohammad Al-Yemeni from the great Quran, but Allah would make me surpassing over them all by the True statement for the great Quran, so I silence their tongues by the Truth until they do not find straitness in their chests of what I ruled among them by the Truth so they submit with full submission, that is because Who teaches me is not from the angels who are created of light, nor of the humans who are created from soil like clay and not the jinn who are created from a flame of fire; in fact my Teacher is the Creator to all things, Allah the One the All Mighty, that is Allah teacher of the Awaited Mahdi the human being who Allah taught him the explanatory-statement for the great Quran, and He did not make me a an arrogant servant but I am confident of my Teacher, most excellent the Guardian and most excellent the Helper, so are you more knowledgeable or Allah Who taught me? And He did not teach me through sending Gabriel, nor He teaches me by revelation of speaking from behind a veil; in fact by revelation to make understand directly to the heart and not whispers of an outcast satan, and the proof that it is a revelation from the All Merciful and not a whisper of satan is that I bring to you the authority of knowledge from the decisive great Quran.
Peace on who followed the guidance, and peace upon the messengers, and praise be to Allah Lord of the worlds..
The Imam Mahdi the supporter to what came with it Mohammad messenger of Allah -forgiveness and peace of Allah be upon him and his family- the Imam Nasser Mohammad Al-Yemeni.
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