22-07-2015, 11:04 PM
Imam Nasser Mohammad Al-Yemeni
29 - 04 - 1432 AH
04 - 04 - 2011 AD
06:27 am
The Imam's reply to Abu Abd Al-Malik
Indeed the Imam Mahdi does not command you in getting out of obedience to those in charge with authority over you..
In the name of Allah the All Merciful, the Most Merciful, and forgiveness and peace be upon my grandfather Mohammad messenger of Allah -forgiveness of Allah be upon him and his pure family- and all supporters of Allah the One, the All Mighty in the ancient and the later ones and in the upper assembly till the day of judgement..
Allah's peace be upon you my beloved in Allah's sake (Abu Abd Al-Malik) and may Allah bless you and forgive you my beloved in Allah's love, did the Imam Mahdi request from you to denounce your alliance to the king Abd Allah son of Abd Alaziz my Allah protect him and guard him? If you pledged allegiance to the Imam Mahdi surely we have condition to you in particular O Abu Abd Al-Malik that from within items of your alliance is to be fulfilling-truly in your alliance to his royal highness king Abd Allah son of Abd Alaziz my Allah protect him and guard him. O man, indeed the Imam Mahdi does not command you in getting out of obedience to those charged with authority over you, surely obey him as he obeyed Allah in you, and do good to him as he did good to you, is there any reward for good other than the good? And we did not command you in doing mischief in the land nor we command you in killing anyone of the disbelievers or the Muslims; in fact the Awaited Imam Mahdi is a mercy from Allah to all humans, and we call to achieve the global peace among the human population and to the peaceful living between the Muslim and the disbeliever.
Indeed by Allah, nothing comes from the Imam Mahdi but good to the Muslims and the disbelievers, and we did not command you in rebellious and disobedience against those in charge with authority over you, in fact we command you in obeying them and the faithfulness in your jobs and your careers in honestly being watchful of Allah and not watchful of the people, surely Allah is with you and knows what you hide and what you reveal, and the officials in charge with authority over you have to keep their duty to Allah in you and to know that they responsible about you between the hands of Allah, Lord of the worlds, and each shepherd is responsible for his flock between the hands of his Lord.
O glory be to Allah, my beloveds in Allah's love, how much the Imam Mahdi in extreme wonder from this nation! How much they love the height and power of authority in this world and they did not ask themselves; Why they are named with the responsible ones in the governments? That's because they are responsible between the hands of their Lord about their flock whom Allah made them make an oath over them. Therefore my dear brothers, isn't it better for you to be responsible about yourselves and your wives and your children only is easier for you than that (Allah) asks you about a whole nation? So why you hope longing in the power of authority and the presidency and the governing against the people and you forgot that you are responsible between the hands of Allah?
I swear by Allah the Great that Allah will grant His servant the kingship of the worlds altogether, so do you think that I am happy and proud in that? No, by Allah, the fact the stress of that is indeed from now seeps in my heart and the veins of my blood and I am about to wish that Allah dose not hasten to me in the leadership (khilafat) of the global kingdom for the severity of stress of the responsibility that is on my shoulders between the hands of Allah for the fact I remember that I am responsible about the world entirely on the day of judgement the when people rise to the Lord of the worlds, so is it better that I be responsible between the hands of Allah about my self and my wives only? Surely this is easier for me than I be responsible between the hands of Allah about the entire world. But my purpose forces me on accepting the leadership (khilafat) while I am hateful for it and I am not found of it. Surely what a great calamity if were it not for my Lord's direction of my affair in doing justice in order I lift the injustice of a human being against his fellow human being. So what do you want in the kingship and the power of authority if you do not have a purpose solely-absolute for the pleasure of the All Merciful in this world?
Indeed, by Allah Who there is no God other than Him, if I know that Allah would never achieve for my my purpose in this world's life then my Lord gives me choice between that I chose to make for me kingship over the worlds so He makes me enjoy in the kingship for a hundred years till a while then causes me to die before achieving my purpose that I live for achieving it, so what is the benefit? And praise be to Allah, surely Allah did not make me of whom this world’s life has deceived them, in fact my life and my death is for Allah Lord of the worlds, and with that I am commanded and I am of the submitter-Muslims.
And peace be upon the messengers, and praise be to Allah the Lord of the worlds.
Your brother the Imam Mahdi Nasser Mohammad Al-Yemeni
اقتباس المشاركة: :
29 - 04 - 1432 AH
04 - 04 - 2011 AD
06:27 am
The Imam's reply to Abu Abd Al-Malik
Indeed the Imam Mahdi does not command you in getting out of obedience to those in charge with authority over you..
In the name of Allah the All Merciful, the Most Merciful, and forgiveness and peace be upon my grandfather Mohammad messenger of Allah -forgiveness of Allah be upon him and his pure family- and all supporters of Allah the One, the All Mighty in the ancient and the later ones and in the upper assembly till the day of judgement..
Allah's peace be upon you my beloved in Allah's sake (Abu Abd Al-Malik) and may Allah bless you and forgive you my beloved in Allah's love, did the Imam Mahdi request from you to denounce your alliance to the king Abd Allah son of Abd Alaziz my Allah protect him and guard him? If you pledged allegiance to the Imam Mahdi surely we have condition to you in particular O Abu Abd Al-Malik that from within items of your alliance is to be fulfilling-truly in your alliance to his royal highness king Abd Allah son of Abd Alaziz my Allah protect him and guard him. O man, indeed the Imam Mahdi does not command you in getting out of obedience to those charged with authority over you, surely obey him as he obeyed Allah in you, and do good to him as he did good to you, is there any reward for good other than the good? And we did not command you in doing mischief in the land nor we command you in killing anyone of the disbelievers or the Muslims; in fact the Awaited Imam Mahdi is a mercy from Allah to all humans, and we call to achieve the global peace among the human population and to the peaceful living between the Muslim and the disbeliever.
Indeed by Allah, nothing comes from the Imam Mahdi but good to the Muslims and the disbelievers, and we did not command you in rebellious and disobedience against those in charge with authority over you, in fact we command you in obeying them and the faithfulness in your jobs and your careers in honestly being watchful of Allah and not watchful of the people, surely Allah is with you and knows what you hide and what you reveal, and the officials in charge with authority over you have to keep their duty to Allah in you and to know that they responsible about you between the hands of Allah, Lord of the worlds, and each shepherd is responsible for his flock between the hands of his Lord.
O glory be to Allah, my beloveds in Allah's love, how much the Imam Mahdi in extreme wonder from this nation! How much they love the height and power of authority in this world and they did not ask themselves; Why they are named with the responsible ones in the governments? That's because they are responsible between the hands of their Lord about their flock whom Allah made them make an oath over them. Therefore my dear brothers, isn't it better for you to be responsible about yourselves and your wives and your children only is easier for you than that (Allah) asks you about a whole nation? So why you hope longing in the power of authority and the presidency and the governing against the people and you forgot that you are responsible between the hands of Allah?
I swear by Allah the Great that Allah will grant His servant the kingship of the worlds altogether, so do you think that I am happy and proud in that? No, by Allah, the fact the stress of that is indeed from now seeps in my heart and the veins of my blood and I am about to wish that Allah dose not hasten to me in the leadership (khilafat) of the global kingdom for the severity of stress of the responsibility that is on my shoulders between the hands of Allah for the fact I remember that I am responsible about the world entirely on the day of judgement the when people rise to the Lord of the worlds, so is it better that I be responsible between the hands of Allah about my self and my wives only? Surely this is easier for me than I be responsible between the hands of Allah about the entire world. But my purpose forces me on accepting the leadership (khilafat) while I am hateful for it and I am not found of it. Surely what a great calamity if were it not for my Lord's direction of my affair in doing justice in order I lift the injustice of a human being against his fellow human being. So what do you want in the kingship and the power of authority if you do not have a purpose solely-absolute for the pleasure of the All Merciful in this world?
Indeed, by Allah Who there is no God other than Him, if I know that Allah would never achieve for my my purpose in this world's life then my Lord gives me choice between that I chose to make for me kingship over the worlds so He makes me enjoy in the kingship for a hundred years till a while then causes me to die before achieving my purpose that I live for achieving it, so what is the benefit? And praise be to Allah, surely Allah did not make me of whom this world’s life has deceived them, in fact my life and my death is for Allah Lord of the worlds, and with that I am commanded and I am of the submitter-Muslims.
And peace be upon the messengers, and praise be to Allah the Lord of the worlds.
Your brother the Imam Mahdi Nasser Mohammad Al-Yemeni
اقتباس المشاركة: :