08-12-2015, 12:02 AM
Imam Nasser Mohammad Al-Yemeni
19 - 09 - 1433 AH
07 - 08 - 2012 AD
06:44 am
Indeed the degree of the most loved and closest servant to the Lord has returned-back to the unknown, so be of the witnesses on that..
In the name of Allah the All Merciful, the Most Merciful, prayer of forgiveness and peace be upon all of Allah’s prophets and His messengers and their righteous families and the True followers till the day of judgement, after this..
O my beloved in Allah’ pleasure, he who got forward towards the heavenly-garden and moved away from hell-fire; if the One, the All Mighty pleases. Surely you did error in the right of your brother from the best foremost supporters, so apology to him is incumbent upon you, and he did not lie against us in the fatwa about the most loved and the closest servant to the Lord, initially at the time of sending the Awaited Mahdi because he is the first whom (Allah) encompassed him with Allah’s name the Greatest, but after the supporters knew with the reality of Allah’s name the Greatest they rolled up their sleeves to compete against the Awaited Mahdi in Allah’s Love and His closeness; for the fact Allah encompassed them with the fact of Allah’s name the Greatest, so they made a covenant with the All Merciful that they will never be pleased until Allah is pleased in Himself, so here the Imam Mahdi can not say that he is still the most loved and the closest servant to the Lord, the fact the people whom Allah loves them and they love Him just knew in what Allah taught it to the Awaited Mahdi so they rolled-up their sleeves to compete with the Imam Mahdi to make the people a one nation until the Greatest Bliss is achieved which is greater than the kingdom of the world and the hereafter.
I swear by Allah the Great; were it not I knew for certainty that there is among the supporters of the Awaited Mahdi in the era of dialogue before the appearing; a people whom Allah loves them and they love Him had knew for certainty in what is greater than the kingdom of the world and the hereafter; the Bliss of Allah’s Self pleasure of their Lord I would have continued my fatwa initially, but when I knew that Allah taught them with the fact of Allah’s name the Greatest as He taught the Imam Mahdi from before, surely here the matter changed.
And we are still in the era of dialogue before the appearing, the fact that Allah taught them what He taught me with the reality of the Lord’s name in the heart, so here the Awaited Mahdi can not assert that he is still the most loved and the closest servant, except if the matter continued and I saw that there is no one among the supporters that Allah taught him with reality of His name the Greatest, it is then the Awaited Mahdi could assert and would say that he is the most loved and the closest servant to the Lord because the Awaited Mahdi got distinguished initially among the humans with knowledge and certainty for Allah’s name the Greatest, until I learned that Allah encompassed with it whom He pleases from the supporters of the Awaited Mahdi as He taught the Awaited Mahdi from before, so here the high lofty degree in Allah’s love and His closeness returned to the unknown as Al-Wasila returned from before, and the reason is that the certainty of Allah’s name the Greatest; Allah taught it to whom He pleases from the from the supporters of the Awaited Mahdi in the era of dialogue before the appearing (even) before the see the Awaited Mahdi or he sees them actually face to face.
Indeed by Allah Who there is no God other than Him that surely there is among the supporters of the Awaited Mahdi in the era of dialogue before the appearing a people whom Allah loves them and they love Him males and females they will never be pleased with the Kingdom of Allah altogether no matter how their Lord doubled for them and increased, surely they will never be pleased until He is pleased. And their insistence upon that has boundaries until their Bliss is achieved (Greatest Bliss) the biggest than any bliss so their beloved get pleased in Himself, those are still in race with Awaited Mahdi till the day of meeting.
And the closest level in Allah’s love and His nearness returned to the unknown servant, and that man can have nothing but what he strives for. So receive good news, surely the competition is still continuing in the era of dialogue before the appearing and after the appearing till the day of resurrection, but if none comprehends the fact of Allah’s name the Greatest other than the Nasser Mohammad it is then I would have continued in the assertion in my fatwa that I am the most loved and the closest servant to the Lord because my Lord distinguished and honored me with the certainty of Allah’s name the Greatest, but I saw later on that He as well distinguished with me a people whom Allah loves them and they love Him, and I will give fatwa in their matter by the Truth and Allah’s curse is on the liars: I swear by Allah the Great Lord of the heavens and the earth and what is in between them, Lord of the great throne that indeed there is among the supporters of the Awaited Mahdi in the era of dialogue before the appearing a people whom Allah loves them and they love Him; if Allah would give one of them Allah’s kingdom altogether in the world and the hereafter, surely he will take the advantage of Allah’s promise to His servants Who He got pleased with them and He promised in pleasing them in the word of Allah the Most High: {Allah is well pleased with them and they are well pleased with Allah}Truthful Allah the Great [Al-Mã´edah] 5:119
Indeed they will never be pleased with Allah’s kingdom altogether, so He would granted it to one of them then he would say: “Far from, very far the I got pleased with that, and I ask You my Lord the steadiness so I do not get pleased until You get pleased”. And even of Allah supported one of them with B and E so he would say to a thing be and it is, surely he will not be pleased until his Lord get pleased in Himself. And even if Allah made one of them is the most loved and the closest servant to the Lord and has not achieved the Self pleasure of his Lord, surely he will say: “Far from, very far the I get pleased until my beloved get pleased and He is no longer sorrowing and sad”. Be of the witnesses upon that.
Perhaps one of the questioners would like to say: “Name for me a group of them whom they became like you O Nasser Mohammad”. Then the Awaited Mahdi replies to him and I say: What makes me know with what in themselves, in fact they are who know with what in themselves, so each one of the people whom Allah loves them and they love Him surely knows the fact of what is in himself, so if one of the supporters found that he will never be pleased with the kingdom of his Lord until the Self pleasure of his Lord is achieved so he finds insistence in himself upon achieving the Self pleasure of his Lord, an insistence has no boundaries for it, even if the price of achieving the Self pleasure of his Lord is to throw himself in hell-fire redemption for Allah’s astray servants he would launch out to it swiftly while he is not caring in what will befall him from the blaze of hell as long in that achievement of the Greatest Bliss, so his Lord get pleased in Himself then Allah says to hell: “O fire of Allah be cool and (a source of) peace upon the loved ones of the Lord”. That’s only in order for you to know the extent of greatness of their insistence in achieving Self pleasure of their beloved Allah after they knew of the great sorrow of their Lord over the regretful ones upon what they fell short of their duty to their Lord after annihilation of them, then they made a covenant with the All Merciful that surely they will never be pleased until He is pleased.
And there are servants of Allah’s pleasure a people whom Allah loves them and they love Him exist in this nation, surely they know themselves and their Lord is the Most Knowing of them, and they are witnesses on the fatwa of what is in themselves, and for that the Imam Mahdi is no longer issuing fatwa that he is the nearest and most loved servant to the Lord because it became existing in this nation whom are like the Imam Mahdi.
And I issue fatwa with the Truth: Indeed, the closest degree in Allah’s love and His closeness returned to the unknown (individual).
Perhaps they find it strange who do not know this repeated fatwa of mine about people whom Allah loves them and they love Him! Then I say to them: O Muslims, surely whoever refused to be pleased with all the kingdom of Allah in the world and and the hereafter, as if he had spent Allah’s kingdom altogether (as charity) bringing them nearer to his Lord in order (Allah) to fulfill for him the Greatest Bliss, so who is the one that spent all Allah’s kingdom other than them among His servants altogether from jinn, mankind, and angels? And surely we are truthful. Those they find themselves a copy of the Imam Mahdi as if he speaks in what they feel in themselves, and that is a sign for them from their Lord, which Allah supported the Imam Mahdi with it; the reality of Allah’s name the Greatest, their hearts being certain of it, surely they will never be pleased until their Lord’s Self pleasure is achieved, so you find them striving night and day to make the people a one nation upon the straight path, because they knew that Allah does not like ungratefulness in His servants, and if they are grateful, He likes it for them.
Indeed, by Allah that their willingful-insistence on achieving the guidance of the whole nation is not sorrow over the people; in fact because they knew of the great sorrow of Who is more Merciful with His servants than His servants; Allah the Most Merciful than all who have mercy, and they are of the witnesses upon that.
And peace be upon the messengers, and praise be to Allah Lord of the worlds..
Your brother the Imam Mahdi Nasser Mohammad Al-Yemeni.
اقتباس المشاركة: :
19 - 09 - 1433 AH
07 - 08 - 2012 AD
06:44 am
Indeed the degree of the most loved and closest servant to the Lord has returned-back to the unknown, so be of the witnesses on that..
In the name of Allah the All Merciful, the Most Merciful, prayer of forgiveness and peace be upon all of Allah’s prophets and His messengers and their righteous families and the True followers till the day of judgement, after this..
O my beloved in Allah’ pleasure, he who got forward towards the heavenly-garden and moved away from hell-fire; if the One, the All Mighty pleases. Surely you did error in the right of your brother from the best foremost supporters, so apology to him is incumbent upon you, and he did not lie against us in the fatwa about the most loved and the closest servant to the Lord, initially at the time of sending the Awaited Mahdi because he is the first whom (Allah) encompassed him with Allah’s name the Greatest, but after the supporters knew with the reality of Allah’s name the Greatest they rolled up their sleeves to compete against the Awaited Mahdi in Allah’s Love and His closeness; for the fact Allah encompassed them with the fact of Allah’s name the Greatest, so they made a covenant with the All Merciful that they will never be pleased until Allah is pleased in Himself, so here the Imam Mahdi can not say that he is still the most loved and the closest servant to the Lord, the fact the people whom Allah loves them and they love Him just knew in what Allah taught it to the Awaited Mahdi so they rolled-up their sleeves to compete with the Imam Mahdi to make the people a one nation until the Greatest Bliss is achieved which is greater than the kingdom of the world and the hereafter.
I swear by Allah the Great; were it not I knew for certainty that there is among the supporters of the Awaited Mahdi in the era of dialogue before the appearing; a people whom Allah loves them and they love Him had knew for certainty in what is greater than the kingdom of the world and the hereafter; the Bliss of Allah’s Self pleasure of their Lord I would have continued my fatwa initially, but when I knew that Allah taught them with the fact of Allah’s name the Greatest as He taught the Imam Mahdi from before, surely here the matter changed.
And we are still in the era of dialogue before the appearing, the fact that Allah taught them what He taught me with the reality of the Lord’s name in the heart, so here the Awaited Mahdi can not assert that he is still the most loved and the closest servant, except if the matter continued and I saw that there is no one among the supporters that Allah taught him with reality of His name the Greatest, it is then the Awaited Mahdi could assert and would say that he is the most loved and the closest servant to the Lord because the Awaited Mahdi got distinguished initially among the humans with knowledge and certainty for Allah’s name the Greatest, until I learned that Allah encompassed with it whom He pleases from the supporters of the Awaited Mahdi as He taught the Awaited Mahdi from before, so here the high lofty degree in Allah’s love and His closeness returned to the unknown as Al-Wasila returned from before, and the reason is that the certainty of Allah’s name the Greatest; Allah taught it to whom He pleases from the from the supporters of the Awaited Mahdi in the era of dialogue before the appearing (even) before the see the Awaited Mahdi or he sees them actually face to face.
Indeed by Allah Who there is no God other than Him that surely there is among the supporters of the Awaited Mahdi in the era of dialogue before the appearing a people whom Allah loves them and they love Him males and females they will never be pleased with the Kingdom of Allah altogether no matter how their Lord doubled for them and increased, surely they will never be pleased until He is pleased. And their insistence upon that has boundaries until their Bliss is achieved (Greatest Bliss) the biggest than any bliss so their beloved get pleased in Himself, those are still in race with Awaited Mahdi till the day of meeting.
And the closest level in Allah’s love and His nearness returned to the unknown servant, and that man can have nothing but what he strives for. So receive good news, surely the competition is still continuing in the era of dialogue before the appearing and after the appearing till the day of resurrection, but if none comprehends the fact of Allah’s name the Greatest other than the Nasser Mohammad it is then I would have continued in the assertion in my fatwa that I am the most loved and the closest servant to the Lord because my Lord distinguished and honored me with the certainty of Allah’s name the Greatest, but I saw later on that He as well distinguished with me a people whom Allah loves them and they love Him, and I will give fatwa in their matter by the Truth and Allah’s curse is on the liars: I swear by Allah the Great Lord of the heavens and the earth and what is in between them, Lord of the great throne that indeed there is among the supporters of the Awaited Mahdi in the era of dialogue before the appearing a people whom Allah loves them and they love Him; if Allah would give one of them Allah’s kingdom altogether in the world and the hereafter, surely he will take the advantage of Allah’s promise to His servants Who He got pleased with them and He promised in pleasing them in the word of Allah the Most High: {Allah is well pleased with them and they are well pleased with Allah}Truthful Allah the Great [Al-Mã´edah] 5:119
Indeed they will never be pleased with Allah’s kingdom altogether, so He would granted it to one of them then he would say: “Far from, very far the I got pleased with that, and I ask You my Lord the steadiness so I do not get pleased until You get pleased”. And even of Allah supported one of them with B and E so he would say to a thing be and it is, surely he will not be pleased until his Lord get pleased in Himself. And even if Allah made one of them is the most loved and the closest servant to the Lord and has not achieved the Self pleasure of his Lord, surely he will say: “Far from, very far the I get pleased until my beloved get pleased and He is no longer sorrowing and sad”. Be of the witnesses upon that.
Perhaps one of the questioners would like to say: “Name for me a group of them whom they became like you O Nasser Mohammad”. Then the Awaited Mahdi replies to him and I say: What makes me know with what in themselves, in fact they are who know with what in themselves, so each one of the people whom Allah loves them and they love Him surely knows the fact of what is in himself, so if one of the supporters found that he will never be pleased with the kingdom of his Lord until the Self pleasure of his Lord is achieved so he finds insistence in himself upon achieving the Self pleasure of his Lord, an insistence has no boundaries for it, even if the price of achieving the Self pleasure of his Lord is to throw himself in hell-fire redemption for Allah’s astray servants he would launch out to it swiftly while he is not caring in what will befall him from the blaze of hell as long in that achievement of the Greatest Bliss, so his Lord get pleased in Himself then Allah says to hell: “O fire of Allah be cool and (a source of) peace upon the loved ones of the Lord”. That’s only in order for you to know the extent of greatness of their insistence in achieving Self pleasure of their beloved Allah after they knew of the great sorrow of their Lord over the regretful ones upon what they fell short of their duty to their Lord after annihilation of them, then they made a covenant with the All Merciful that surely they will never be pleased until He is pleased.
And there are servants of Allah’s pleasure a people whom Allah loves them and they love Him exist in this nation, surely they know themselves and their Lord is the Most Knowing of them, and they are witnesses on the fatwa of what is in themselves, and for that the Imam Mahdi is no longer issuing fatwa that he is the nearest and most loved servant to the Lord because it became existing in this nation whom are like the Imam Mahdi.
And I issue fatwa with the Truth: Indeed, the closest degree in Allah’s love and His closeness returned to the unknown (individual).
Perhaps they find it strange who do not know this repeated fatwa of mine about people whom Allah loves them and they love Him! Then I say to them: O Muslims, surely whoever refused to be pleased with all the kingdom of Allah in the world and and the hereafter, as if he had spent Allah’s kingdom altogether (as charity) bringing them nearer to his Lord in order (Allah) to fulfill for him the Greatest Bliss, so who is the one that spent all Allah’s kingdom other than them among His servants altogether from jinn, mankind, and angels? And surely we are truthful. Those they find themselves a copy of the Imam Mahdi as if he speaks in what they feel in themselves, and that is a sign for them from their Lord, which Allah supported the Imam Mahdi with it; the reality of Allah’s name the Greatest, their hearts being certain of it, surely they will never be pleased until their Lord’s Self pleasure is achieved, so you find them striving night and day to make the people a one nation upon the straight path, because they knew that Allah does not like ungratefulness in His servants, and if they are grateful, He likes it for them.
Indeed, by Allah that their willingful-insistence on achieving the guidance of the whole nation is not sorrow over the people; in fact because they knew of the great sorrow of Who is more Merciful with His servants than His servants; Allah the Most Merciful than all who have mercy, and they are of the witnesses upon that.
And peace be upon the messengers, and praise be to Allah Lord of the worlds..
Your brother the Imam Mahdi Nasser Mohammad Al-Yemeni.
اقتباس المشاركة: :