- The questioner is Allah’s khalifa and His servant and the respondent is Allah Lord of the worlds
- What is the thing that the Jews enemies of Allah are looking for it in their unearthedholes
- Imam Mahdi calls on the physicist astronomers for the earnest prayer of cursing
- Announcement of a grand hidden surprise image of the crescent of Muharram while it is in the state of overtaking towards dawn
- How can I favor myself in the material bliss of heaven over who was patient with the disbelievers until the revelation of the Book was accomplished
- Final warning from Allah the One the Subduer to every arrogant haughty one
- AlMahdi has prerequisites that do not exist in anyone else
- The answer with truth Would the chastisement be removed by supplicationprayer when it comes to pass
- Response to the liar writer Muhammad Issa Dawud
- The Series of Clarifications about Corona Virus and its WellConcealed Secret
- Grand warning in red text to each haughty against Allah’s khalifa and His servant the Imam Mahdi
- The Response From The Book The Quran To Those Who Invent That I Am Being Taught By Others
- Announcing the appointed time for night of AlQadr which is better than a thousand months to him among you who will go forward or will remain behind
- Reply of the Imam Mahdi to the deniers against him for using means of the worldwide internet for his global call
- From the Imam Mahdi Nasser Mohammad to supporters and general Muslims
- Important announcement for those who see clearly and the truth seekers among the worlds
- Urgent from the Imam Mahdi to every Muslim submits to Allah Lord of the worlds
- Earnest prayer of cursing in regard of the crescents’ swelling indeed Allah is truthful and His messenger
- The peak of the zionist Jews’ mischief in the land of Masjid AlAqsa has come
- How can the moon appears full before the eclipse! O Allah we pray to You earnestly so we make Allah’s curse upon the liars
- The true explanatorystatement about the kind of the fire shots for striking from planet Saqar
- Reminder to those who are ready to meet Allah the devoted worshipers the beloved to Lord of the worlds
- O community of the worlds here is this great news to you
- To a community of people among the Muslims whom Allah loves them and they love Him
- Urgent news and very very important
- A cosmic sign for AlMahdi khalifa of Allah
- Important to those who witnessed the crescent on Muharram first at dawn of Saturday in overtaking position while the sun towards the east of the new crescent
- Final warning for fulfilling the final course
- Allah gave thanks to the international electronic army the international pouring flood with the authority of knowledge of the true explanatorystatement for the Quran to save humanity
- Image of the new crescent for month of Muharram 1443 in the state of overtaking
- Important to the whole world governments and people
- Very important an urgent news to all humans
- Announcement of tidings from Lord of the worlds
- Come on Deliver the true explanatorystatement for the Quran and if you did not do then you have not delivered Allah’s message the grand Quran
- Monday fullmoon seven oclock
- Warning! The Full Moon of the Month of Safar Will Be on the 20th of September
- Warning! The Global Full Moon of the Month of Safar
- Response of AlMahdi to those Wondering How to Know If They Are Among the Beloved Ones of Lord of the Worlds People Whom Allaah Loves and Who Love Him
- Significant Statement By Allahs Caliph AlMahdi
- A Response To Some Questioner
- A Statement By The Awaited Mahdi Nasser Mohammed AlYamani About The Evil Plotting Of Devils Over The Centuries
- O People Wake Up and Enough Heedlessness and Lethargy Let Go of the Legends and Superstitions For Which Allah Has Sent Down No Authority Certainly This Is The EvilPlotting of Devils
- Some Imams And Prophets Were The Upshot Of Their Fathers Prayers
- The Full Moon of Rabi AlThani for all Countries
- Signs in succession and major events drew near and Fatwa to the questioners
- Clarification of the Word of Allah the Exalted So there will not benefit them the intercession of any intercessors 48
- No blood money should be given to the family of who killed himself
- A warning from Allah Lord of the worlds to the interpreters of the Quran to not speak against Allah what they do not know
- This is your lethal weapon against satans and their cunning so take it with strength and with all confidence indeed that is what Allah taught you to say
- The story of the death of King Salman bin AbdulAziz and the clinical death of the Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman owing to Coronavirus
- Short responses to the inquirers from the decisive Quran the Reminder
- Answers to the Questioners and Mockers and a Reminder unto the Worshippers
- Answers to the Questioners and Mockers
- Prohibition Followed by the Name of Allaah is Swearing and its Atonement is the Same as that of the Oaths
- O Ibn Omran do not force me to manifest the day of Saqar’s passage from the decisive Quran
- O My Beloved Supporters Make Up for this Day of Yours Ramadan 30 and Sufficient is Allaah for us Against the Arrogant Ones
- Clarification of the Word Am̄een in the Great Quran
- O Muslims! O Muslims! The Planet of Torment has Arrived it has Verily Arrived
- No one Comprehends this Except for Those who Use their Minds
- Series of explanatorystatements about the death story of King Salman bin Abdul Aziz and the knockout of the Saudi Crown Prince Muhammed bin Salman by a clinical death
- You have entered the day of Resurrection according to Allah’s days in the Book
- Releasing the hands of the supporters by publishing freely through the various media means on the Internet
- As from now till the end of month six we command the supporters and truth seekers to publish the death story of King Salman and his Crown Prince
- Light of the clear verses burns satans and not the electricity neither suffocation nor beating O companions of legitimate ruqia spell removers fear Allah Who is Severe in punishment
- The miraculous miracles of the Virgin Mary
- Michael has a high leadership position and is in charge of Muaqqibat the daily and nightly Angels
- “Will the door of repentance be eternally closed when the sun rises from the west”
- Oh our Allah indeed You are the Truth so make the truth prevail
- What is your Thought about One Whose Teacher is Allaah
- Here is a Word that I say with the Permission of Allaah
- Someone Asked a Question and Said
- Brief Words from the Awaited Mahdi
- If the Tears in my Eyes were as much as What is within my Heart my Eyes would have Overflowed with a Tsunami because of what I have Found in my Statements following the Greeting Statement in the Encyclopedia Eight Years Ago If I have lived eigh
- A Blessed Congregational Friday Sermon
- A Brief Statement on The False messiah The Insolent Liar 1
- Let Whoever Hates Me Dig Their Own Grave
- بَلْ نَقْذِفُ بِالْحَقِّ عَلَى الْبَاطِلِ فَيَدْمَغُهُ فَإِذَا هُوَ زَاهِقٌ
- It began with a vision interpretation but it progressed and became an explanatorystatement with an absolute decree surely all matters return to Allah And answers to the questioners
- Clarifications from the Best Stories of Prophets to Strengthen Hearts Therewith
- O Muslims O Muslims! Fear Allaah Lord of the Worlds and Do not follow the Atheists who Do not Believe in the Existence of Allaah Flee from Allaah to Him Indeed I am to you from Him a Clear Warner
- Accept whom Allaah has Chosen
- فَتَوَلَّ عَنۡهُمۡ فَمَاۤ أَنتَ بِمَلُومࣲ
- May Allaah Bless for You the Month of Ramadan and all the Other Days Do not Worship Ramadan but the Most Gracious at Every Time and Place He has Enjoined Salāh and Zakāt Upon Me as long as I am Alive
- Allah’s messenger Mosa and family of Emran are from the offspring of Yousuf messenger of Allah
- Remind surely remembrance benefits the believers Allah chose me as His khalifa over the worlds so keep your duty to Allah and do not feel secure from His plot and know that Allah attains His purpose
- Story of guidance of the Queen of Sabaa and her people and their submission by reverting to Islam along Sulayman prophet of Allah due to the wisdom of the hoopoe bird
- 638 AlAn`ãm
- Humorous important explanatorystatement
- A Humourous Important Statement
- Happy Eid and Have a Long Life Indeed! It is a Chance for You to Get Closer to Allaah the Almighty the Praiseworthy
- Planet Saqar Has Approached the Perigee of the Earth in the Celestial Sphere between the Heavens and the Earth
- Seek Allaahs Guidance with a Humble Heart and Tearful Eyes
- The levels of climate temperature continue rising because of hell’s flame in addition to the sun’s heat in the decisive grand Quran
- Allah’s rope is the Quran
- Announcing the Continuation of Nibirus Summer as a Warning to Mankind
- Urgent to all Mankind and the Ruminative
- The Reason Why The Climate is Hot Nothing Can Ever Surpass the Truth
- Behests of the Caliph of Allaah alMahdi to alMujahideen in the Land of Palestine
- The Verdict of Imam Mahdi Concerning Hamas
- If Arab Leaders Were Women They Would Not Have Sat Back Watching What the Jews Are Doing to Their Brothers in Gaza
- Allaah will Increase the Temperature to 151 Degrees وَمَا ظَلَمَهُمُ اللَّهُ وَلَٰكِن كَانُوا أَنفُسَهُمْ يَظْلِمُونَ ﴿٣٣﴾
- Saturday October 07 Is Still A Day Of Incessant Misfortune Against The Devils Of Mankind With The Command Of Allaah The One The Overpowering
- Fatwa of Imam Mahdi about Hamas Movement
- Gaza the Miracle is the Graveyard of its Invaders
- You have been in the Era of the Last Corruption of the Children of Israel for 60 Years Yet Your Jihad Has Been Nothing But “ We Denounce”
- Allaah Has Supported the Army of Believers for the Liberation of Palestine with Five Thousand Equipped Angels
- The Verdict of Imam Mahdi Concerning Hamas فَتوى الإمام المَهديّ تِجاه حَركة حَماس
- The Assertion of the Increase in the Vehemence of the Blaze of the Summer of Saqar Starting from December 21 until Whenever Allaah the One the Overpowering wills to whomever of You who Wishes to Advance or Regress in following the truth Allaah
- The Summer of Saqar Has Started to Engulf the Winter of the North Pole for This Year of Yours 1445 AH As Per My Promise to you in Truth
- Confirming The Melting of The Recent Snow in Sweden During This Winter Season
- The Year of Hellfire and a Painful Torment for Every Outcast Devil From Among the Jinn Mankind and Every Other Kind
- A Question For the Yemenis In Particular
- Imam Mahdi Wishes US Airman who Set Himself on Fire the Mercy of Allaah and Paradise
- Announcing the Date of the Earths Ingress to Nibirus Climate A Decisive Statement that is not to be Taken for Amusement
- Judgment from the Quran that Allah made Tuesday as the forebeginning of Ramadan for this year of yours 1445 AH
- Planet Saqar raises the earth’s temperature and disrupts the system of the entire planets of the solar system and they suffer from its approach Wont you guard against evil!
- Planet Saqar Arrived sign of ratification for the Awaited Mahdi Nasser Mohammad AlYemeni
- The only human being who would read this explanatorystatement is who respects what his mind dictates to him
- The Crescent of Shawwal was Born Before the New Moon Syzygy¹ on Ramadan 28 while It was in a Waxing Crescent Phase
- The Brief Clarification of the Sign of the Yellow Wind which Signifies the Approach of Saqar the Planet of Torment in the Clear Verses of the Great Quran
- Clarification of the Verse Over Which My Supporters Differed We Make No Distinction Between Any of Allaahs Messengers And We Are Muslims submitting To Him
- The Testing of What is in Your Hearts is Almost Over Here Comes the Promise of Allaah about Victory and Empowerment by a Command from Allaah and the command of Allaah is a Decree Determined
- The Cause of the Consecutive Major Historic Solar Explosions and Global Auroras is a warning to Mankind of Im minent Danger before the Planet of Torment Appears in the Sky of the Earth Causing the Awaited Great Heavenly Eclipse Will any of You be
- A Mere Comment Turned into a Brief Statement on Why will Allaah Torment all People Despite the Fact that Most of them are Unaware of the Sending of Imam Mahdi Nasser Mohammed alYamani
- The Truth is Out by the Admission of a Group of Research Climatologists It has been Made Clear to them this Week that the Cause of Climate Disasters is the Solar Explosions not the Carbon Dioxide of the Factories of Mankind The Truth has Come to Ligh
- The Imam Mahdis Response to the Saudi National Center for Meteorology who Claim They Will Manipulate Clouds I Give them Tidings of a Scourging Torment Indeed their Lord is Ever Watchful Over Them
- The Warning of the Awaited Mahdi Against a Meteorite Bomb of Tar by which Allaah will Strike the United States of America
- I Argue with you Using Knowledge and Logic Indeed the Capabilities of Allaah are Boundless
- The Imam Mahdi Clarifies for Us More About the Meaning of the Sha’aer¹ of alHajj² and the Manasik³ of alHajj
- Here is the Challenge from Allaah and His Caliph Imam Mahdi to the Researchers of the Lie of Artificial Womb Studies to Produce Human Offspring and Carry Fetuses Instead of Women They Want to Misguide You While Knowing They Are Incapable of Creating
- A Woman May Pray in any Clean Clothes that Cover her Private Parts Except for Pants
- Response of Imam Mahdi Nasser Mohammad AlYemeni to a request for dialogue with the denier of the grand Quran professor Ali AlBukhaiti
- A chat for my loved ones for Allah’s pleasure the best foremost supporters the entire believers and truth seekers among the worlds also a great warning from Allah the Exalted Most High the All Mighty
- Explanatorystatement of a great warning and caution of a widespread evil to all humans in rural and urban areas Has been relieved of blame who warned so flee to Allah the One and Subduer with repentance and turning to Allah and reconcile with Allah b
- The Recording of Monitoring the Major Security Event on Planet Earth in the Antarctic Region
- It is Forbidden for a man to Combine a Niece with her Paternal Aunt in Marriage as the Wife is her Fathers Sister nor a Niece with her Maternal Aunt in Marriage as the Wife is her Mothers Sister This is Forbidden Similar to the Prohibition of Combini
- Urgent Command to the Islamic Republic of Iran
- A Chat with my Beloved Ones in Allah The Righteous Former Supporters and the Believers and Seekers of Truth all over the World accompanied by a Grand Warning from Allah the Most High and Most Capable
- What agrees of my Sayings with the Quran is from Me