الموضوع: Urgent to the entire Arab and foreign leaders and the entire human population We announce to you when is the night of the middle of Shaban for this year of yours and we do not know is


:Urgent to the entire Arab and foreign leaders and the entire human population: We announce to you when is the night of the middle of Shaban for this year of yours and we do not know is

Imam Nasser Mohammad Al-Yemeni

07 – Shaban - 1438 AH
03 – 05 – 2017 AD
08:55 am
(According to the official time of [Mecca] mother of towns)

:Urgent to the entire Arab and foreign leaders and the entire human populations
We announce to you when is the night of the middle of Shaban for this year of yours and we do not know is it still a warning or a grievous evil against who turn away from the Reminder the grand Quran..

In the name of Allah and with Allah, no power except with Allah and Allah is sufficient to us against the criminal nations, Allah cursed them for their disbelief then made them deaf and made their hearts blind (unable) to see the Truth from their Lord. O community of the Arab and foreign populations and their leaders and scholars of astronomy and religion among the Arabs and the foreigners whom the pride carried them off to sin until Allah took away the authority of their precise knowledge of astrophysics for the movement of the sun and the moon, so the (new) crescent of the month was born in other than its predetermined time before its known day to the fact the age entered in era of the major conditions of the Hour so the sun overtook the moon then it followed the sun, and has come the vow of ratification from Lord of the worlds in the word of Allah the Most High: {By the sun and his brightness!(1) And the moon when it follows it!(2) And the day when it exposes it to view!(3) And the night when it draws a veil over it!(4)}Truthful Allah the Great [Al-Shams] 91:1-4, so the sun overtook the moon then the crescent was born before the eclipse and pairing and meeting, so the sun met with it while it’s just a crescent, and Allah shook the scientific certainty in the hearts of the astronomers a great shaking, until they became in confusion about the matter of the birth of crescents of the months and they are no longer know when the crescent of the month would be born in spite they used to know the time of birth of crescents of the months by the day, hour, minute and second!
{وَالشَّمْسِ وَضُحَاهَا ﴿١﴾ وَالْقَمَرِ إِذَا تَلَاهَا ﴿٢﴾ وَالنَّهَارِ إِذَا جَلَّاهَا ﴿٣﴾ وَاللَّيْلِ إِذَا يَغْشَاهَا ﴿٤﴾} صدق الله العظيم [الشمس]،

But I am the Imam Mahdi, I swear by Allah the Great that the appointed time of birth of the crescents of the months in era of dialogue before the appearing have changed a big changing to the fact they did not desire to announce the entering of age in era of the major conditions of the Hour, and they did not know that the sun overtook the moon so the crescent is born before the eclipse then the sun met with it while it’s just a crescent. O community scientists of astrophysics, are you still relying on astronomical programs for birthing of the crescents of the months that you programmed it before entering the time-age in era of of the major conditions of the Hour and before sending the Awaited Imam Mahdi Nasser Mohammad Al-Yemeni? Are you still do not cease keep on your astronomical programs and you do not raise your heads to look into the swelling of the crescents of the months so it would be said two night or three as foretold you about it Allah’s messenger Mohammad -prayer of Allah’s forgiveness and peace be upon him and his family- and he said: [Indeed from the major conditions of the Hour is the swelling of the crescents so the crescent would be seen then it would be said two nights of three] spoke the Truth -prayer of forgiveness and peace be upon him.
[ إنّ من أشراط الساعة الكبرى انتفاخ الأهلّة فيُرى الهلال فيقال ليلتان أو ثلاث ]

The prophet did not explain fully the event in that nation to the fact it did not occur in their era; in fact in era of the Imam Mahdi Nasser Mohammad Al-Yemeni, and in fact Allah assigned the Awaited Mahdi Nasser Mohammad Al-Yemeni to fully-explain the event of swelling of crescents of the months in era of dialogue before the appearing for the fact it is a cosmic sign with which Allah aided the Awaited Mahdi Nasser Mohammad Al-Yemeni.

And far from, very far — O community scientists of astrophysics — you have thought that a day would never come in which get imbalanced your entire astronomical standard-measures in your astronomical programs, you and NASA the American agency, while you are heedless turning away! So do you think that the sun would never overtake the moon till no end? Nor the night will precede the daylight because of rising the sun from its setting-place (by the west) as a ratification of another condition from the major conditions of the Hour? Far from, very far; in fact there is an end for the world’s life, so when the Hour is near then the astronomical physics for the moon would get imbalanced and the crescent would be born before the eclipse and pairing, so the sum would meet with it while it’s just a crescent as what happened to the crescent of Shaban for this year of yours 1438.

How often I advised the astronomers the physicists to acknowledge the Truth before that Allah ratifies His servant by a bigger overtaking until they lose their scientific credibility then disappoints their thoughts in their very much precise astronomical measures and programs before the event, so what will you say to the worlds on Wednesday night? Or you do not know that the crescent of Shaban was born on the end day of Tuesday and became in state of overtaking for the fact the sun to the east of it and crescent of Shaban went down on the night of Wednesday while it is in state of overtaking?

Since I am the Awaited Mahdi, I know the most sure knowledge that I did not invent a lie against Allah about the event of overtaking and I call Allah to witness and the entire Humans that the night of the complete full-moon on Asr (late-afternoon by early eaving) of Tuesday the night of Wednesday whether you will or reject, surely judgement is Allah’s and He is swiftest in reckoning. Indeed that the nights of full-moon are two nights and they are the night of the fifteenths while the sun by the west horizon at the end of Wednesday, thus the night of the sixteenth the night of Thursday after sunset of Wednesday. The question that arises: Where was the crescent of Shaban missing on the night of Wednesday and the night of Thursday? The answer: It was in state of overtaking, so it was born at the end of Tuesday at sunset of Tuesday the night of Wednesday while you do not know, and Allah will judge between us on the night of completion of full-moon of Shaban. And we challenge all the biggest space telescopes to photograph any shortage in the disc of the moon on the night of half of Shaban.

O community of supporters in various region, begin photographing the first full moon after it rising by the east horizon, and I rather photographing it on the night of completing the disc of the moon after Maghrib prayer (after sunset) on Wednesday which means the night length of Wednesday till Wednesday morning.

Beware (not to mention) appointed-dates of chastisement so you do not seduce yourselves and your nation, and abide by Allah’s command in His decisive Book: {Say: The knowledge is with Allah only, and I am only a plain warner.}Truthful Allah the Great [Al-Mulk] 67:26. Indeed, by Allah, if you say to the people that Allah will chastise them on the night of Wednesday they would say we will delay the ratification in your call till the night of Wednesday! And if you say: “In fact Allah will chastise you on the night of the middle of Ramadan”, those who claim that they are Muslims would say: We will postpone the ratification in the call of the Imam Mahdi Nasser Mohammad Al-Yemeni till the night of the middle of Ramadan”! Even if you say: “In fact, Allah will chastise the people because of the turning away in the upcoming eclipse in Dhul Qu`aada”, those who claim that they are Muslims would say: We will wait and see whether Allah’s chastisement comes on that day”! Even if you say: “In fact, Allah will chastise the nation on a day of month Safar of Asfar for year 1439”, then every human being deaf, dumb, blind about the Truth would say: “We will see whether Allah would chastise those who turn away from the call of resorting for judgement to the Reminder in month Safa of Al-Afar!!”
{قُلْ إِنَّمَا الْعِلْمُ عِندَ اللَّـهِ وَإِنَّمَا أَنَا نَذِيرٌ مُّبِينٌ ﴿ ٢٦﴾} صدق الله العظيم [الملك].

Perhaps on of scholars of the Muslims would like to say: “Yes, definitely, we will say that, and what do you want us to say except one word (We will wait to see whether you said the Truth or you are of the liars)? So if Allah pours from Him a lash of chastisement against us then at that we will know that you are the Awaited Imam Mahdi the khalifa of Allah on earth”. Then the Imam Mahdi Nasser Mohammad Al-Yemeni says to you: I swear to you by Allah the Great , that whoever is from those who use their mind that he is definitely will say: “O our Allah, if this is the Truth from You then make us see by (the Truth) and sustain us following it before we meet disgrace and shame by a painful chastisement”.

O community of supporters, beware of specifying (time), surely many of this nation their likeness is as like those who said: {O Allah, if this is indeed the truth from You, then rain down on us stones from heaven or inflict on us a painful chastisement.}Truthful Allah the Great [Al-Anfãl] 8:32, their hearts got alike, those are a people who do not use their mind to understand and some of them scholars of the Muslims deaf, dumb, whom they do not use their mind to understand. Everyone who wait for the chastisement of his Lord; instead that he turns to his Lord to guide his heart before the chastisement of disgrace comes; that is a chastisement of a destructive day.
{اللَّـهُمَّ إِن كَانَ هَـٰذَا هُوَ الْحَقَّ مِنْ عِندِكَ فَأَمْطِرْ عَلَيْنَا حِجَارَةً مِّنَ السَّمَاءِ أَوِ ائْتِنَا بِعَذَابٍ أَلِيمٍ ﴿ ٣٢﴾} [الأنفال]

O our Allah, I have delivered the message. O our Allah, bear witness. Allah is sufficient to me, there is no God except Him, upon Him I rely (trusting Him) and He is Lord of the enormous throne. And peace be upon the sent ones, and praise be to Allah Lord of the worlds

.Allah’s khalifa and His servant the Imam Mahdi Nasser Mohammad Al-Yemeni



اقتباس: اضغط للقراءة